vagabond Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I was just back in Atlanta for a quick business trip, and I barely had time for one quick cache, and the closest one to my home coords was quite an amazing coincidence. Here's my log entry... Thought you all might get a kick out of this... Very cool Flagman. If you have the time, (or someone else)can you give the history on Yrium and the cards. Chuy! has educated me some but would be interested in more info. Thanks again. Your best bet is to use the "Hide & Seek a Cache" tab to access and read the many, lengthy, and entertaining novella-logs for caches found by Yrium, Gromit, and Whistestick. That way you will get the flavor of what brought Yrium to the fore as a charming Geocacher. As far as the cards are concerned just read the uDesignit card description. In the beginning Yrium initiated his Yrium's Pals cards for Geocachers of his time that he was aquainted (pals) with. After Yrium passed away Team Gecko and FlagMan took steps to carry on the effort starting with the Yrium Memorial Series. I had the good fortune of being asked to prepare some, actually twelve of the YMS Photoshop layouts. One thing to know about Yrium-card layouts is that the layouts often have minor features that reveal something notable or perhaps even embarrasing about an honoree. There's even one card that offers a spoiler for a difficult puzzle cache. The hard parts of doing a decent card layout include knowing enough about an honoree, developing a concept for the card, and having access to a collection of decent photos featuring the honoree. Behind the scenes of card production there's a lot of social sleuthing and email traffic going on. Surprisingly there's a crime associated with the Yrium cards, a full set was stolen from FlagMan at the Mast Park picnic event that was held in Santee. I suppose that shows in a wrong way just how valued the collection really is. The thief is still at large but we know who it is give or take the 150 or so Geocachers that attended the event. I didn't do it by the way. The tough part is trying to collect a set of the cards. Of course there's little/no chance of collecting originals so most of us that have a lot of the cards depended on FlagMan issuing reproductions. Many a night I rushed to Max's Favorite Park to grab a new YMS release, even at midnight in one case. Twenty first-release cards seldom lasted beyond noon on the day of release. It was worse than a FTF rush, just go right away and expect to meet the other collectors at the drop point within minutes. After first-release FlagMan would drop the next batch on top of the meanest hill his pudgy old body could handle. Couple of things to add here. There IS a Yrium card: Yrium's Pals #13 Also, Gecko Dad put all the Yrium logs into a CD and left a bunch in this cache: Yrium Celebration Letterbox Cache Don't know how many of the CD's are still floating around in that cache, but I still have mine and can certainly make more. Maybe Wednesday would be a good day to release some more of those.... I too have had the pleasure of riding the magic portals back in July of 2006! I set off a door alarm on my egress and whacked a homeless guy in the head with the door because he was sleeping on the stoop. Thanks for the reminder about Yrium Pals #13 and Gecko dad's CD. Old age is a terrible thang. Also I forgot to mention the "misprint" cards. The misprints are really worth having because they portray honorees in a more up-close and personal way. You know, revealing things that only a close friend might know or at least make up. With misprints one became a victim rather than an honoree. Hey Harmon what was the first misprint card?? Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 (edited) I was just back in Atlanta for a quick business trip, and I barely had time for one quick cache, and the closest one to my home coords was quite an amazing coincidence. Here's my log entry... Thought you all might get a kick out of this... Very cool Flagman. If you have the time, (or someone else)can you give the history on Yrium and the cards. Chuy! has educated me some but would be interested in more info. Thanks again. Your best bet is to use the "Hide & Seek a Cache" tab to access and read the many, lengthy, and entertaining novella-logs for caches found by Yrium, Gromit, and Whistestick. That way you will get the flavor of what brought Yrium to the fore as a charming Geocacher. As far as the cards are concerned just read the uDesignit card description. In the beginning Yrium initiated his Yrium's Pals cards for Geocachers of his time that he was aquainted (pals) with. After Yrium passed away Team Gecko and FlagMan took steps to carry on the effort starting with the Yrium Memorial Series. I had the good fortune of being asked to prepare some, actually twelve of the YMS Photoshop layouts. One thing to know about Yrium-card layouts is that the layouts often have minor features that reveal something notable or perhaps even embarrasing about an honoree. There's even one card that offers a spoiler for a difficult puzzle cache. The hard parts of doing a decent card layout include knowing enough about an honoree, developing a concept for the card, and having access to a collection of decent photos featuring the honoree. Behind the scenes of card production there's a lot of social sleuthing and email traffic going on. Surprisingly there's a crime associated with the Yrium cards, a full set was stolen from FlagMan at the Mast Park picnic event that was held in Santee. I suppose that shows in a wrong way just how valued the collection really is. The thief is still at large but we know who it is give or take the 150 or so Geocachers that attended the event. I didn't do it by the way. The tough part is trying to collect a set of the cards. Of course there's little/no chance of collecting originals so most of us that have a lot of the cards depended on FlagMan issuing reproductions. Many a night I rushed to Max's Favorite Park to grab a new YMS release, even at midnight in one case. Twenty first-release cards seldom lasted beyond noon on the day of release. It was worse than a FTF rush, just go right away and expect to meet the other collectors at the drop point within minutes. After first-release FlagMan would drop the next batch on top of the meanest hill his pudgy old body could handle. Couple of things to add here. There IS a Yrium card: Yrium's Pals #13 Also, Gecko Dad put all the Yrium logs into a CD and left a bunch in this cache: Yrium Celebration Letterbox Cache Don't know how many of the CD's are still floating around in that cache, but I still have mine and can certainly make more. Maybe Wednesday would be a good day to release some more of those.... I too have had the pleasure of riding the magic portals back in July of 2006! I set off a door alarm on my egress and whacked a homeless guy in the head with the door because he was sleeping on the stoop. Thanks for the reminder about Yrium Pals #13 and Gecko dad's CD. Old age is a terrible thang. Also I forgot to mention the "misprint" cards. The misprints are really worth having because they portray honorees in a more up-close and personal way. You know, revealing things that only a close friend might know or at least fabricate. With misprints one became a victim rather than an honoree. Hey Harmon, What was the first misprint card?? O'm'gosh, you'll have me on this one because you're so much older than I. I'll blindly stab at it and say Flagman's son Andrew but I really have no idea. Were there misprints before the YMS series? Fill us in on some missing links to this story grampa. By the way, that Pals 3/20 card of yours was a piece of work. Do you still have that handlebar on your face? ... if not then why not? This discussion has been great because it caused me to spread out my Yrium card collection and look through them once again. One thing for sure, the cards are our one and only grasp on our Geocaching past. Too bad that there's not a card for each and every memorable San Diego Geocacher. Truth is a few were missed that would compliment the set. Here's an old photo of a satisfied Yrium-card collector. By the way, for the sake of completeness, there were several Photoshop layouts prepared that had to be rejected due to the fact that they were a bit too spicy for general tastes. The truth is that these rejected layouts were some of the best. Of course these controversial layouts still exist in the form of Photoshop gallery proofs. Only one of them has ever slipped through the control-system and actually appeared as a minor detail within a photo posted on a Geocache web page and when it did it was noticed and commented on by a Geocacher that had a close personal connection to the layout. Name that person for the grand prize. (There's a clue in the above photo.) Hmm, might as well tell all ... in one instance the design collaborators went way too far with a layout and caused hurt feelings. Fortunately FlagMan had concerns and sense enough to present a layout proof to the honoree and the honoree was honest and mindful enough to ask for a change. Thank goodness we were able to reverse our course and avoid a bitter memory. Best intentions sometimes go too far afield but that's what a design and approval process is all about. Lessons learned the hard way are the best kind of lessons it seems. No good deed goes unpunished. Harmon Edited July 3, 2007 by SD Rowdies Quote
vagabond Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 LOL I guess what they say is true about the mind as you get older, I know we talked about this before. And no the handle bars have been gone for about 2 years, but may grow them back for geowoodstock Quote
+map4navigation Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 Thanks to all for your input and education on the Yrium collection cards. I have enjoyed reading all the entries. Next time we meet bring them along for me to see. Joe Quote
+Team Fatman Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 (edited) HAPPY 4TH OF JULY. SORRY NO FIREWORKS. Edited July 4, 2007 by Team Fatman Quote
+FlagMan Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 Happy Fourth, everyone. For the last three years now, this day has given me a reason to look back and remember the greatest Pal Geocaching has ever had. Here's a little present for you all... Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 HAPPY 4TH OF JULY. SORRY NO FIREWORKS. Happy 4th! Quote
+Let's Look Over Thayer Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 HAPPY 4TH OF JULY. SORRY NO FIREWORKS. Happy 4th! Fourthy Hapth! Quote
+rjbloom & co Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 Just a simple question??? When did NOMEX move to Southern California???? Just my opinion but I think things were going quite well before he started butting in and archiving caches! I see a lot of caches that have a lot of DNFs or other complaints and the owner doesn't seem to be responding to them. So I put in a lot of "Needs archiving" reports because I don't want to have the situation continue to cause frustration to everyone, and for the cache to keep turning up on my PQs. NOMEX is usually very quick to respond to these, by disabling the cache. The owner, if they are still around, can still fix them up. I asked our M Ramius and he said that Nomex gets all the "Needs archiving" requests so that's why he does most of them. I haven't seen anything he's done that's been out-of-line. I think its appropriate to bring in the administrators more often than people do, because there are a lot of owners that just aren't active on anymore. I was just geocaching in Florida and found a couple caches that were over 50' off the coords, one was 130' off the coords, and people had been complaining in every log for over a year. I wrote a "Needs archiving" log to get the admins attention with a request to update the coords, and the coords were updated within a day. I think getting missing caches disabled quickly and disabled caches archived in a reasonable time keeps up the quality of caching experience for everyone. Quote
+Jishin Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 Heya folks ... hope you all had a great Fourth. I spent it caching, a little, which led me to come here and say three things: 1) I must live in Puzzle-Cache Central. 100 puzzle caches within 7 miles of my house? Wow! I heard rumors of a Puzzle War somewhere around this site ... guess I must live smack in the middle of it. 2) Thank you all for the truly awesome number of caches in my area. My husband didn't want to go anywhere where there would be large numbers of people yesterday. I easily found several caches in the area that we hadn't done that we knew no one would be at, so we went and did Gipionysus and Pirate's Treasure and just missed Glick's Eternal View because I didn't think to check how close it was. There are SO MANY still for us to do, and so many of them are in such gorgeous locations. Thanks. 3) But on the flip side ... where the heck am I going to place a cache? You people have chewed up all the available space! I have this micro I got from the Mothership and I'm utterly failing to find a space that isn't already cached-up. Oh well! I'll keep looking. Quote
+FlagMan Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 Heya folks ... hope you all had a great Fourth. I spent it caching, a little, which led me to come here and say three things: 1) I must live in Puzzle-Cache Central. 100 puzzle caches within 7 miles of my house? Wow! I heard rumors of a Puzzle War somewhere around this site ... guess I must live smack in the middle of it. 2) Thank you all for the truly awesome number of caches in my area. My husband didn't want to go anywhere where there would be large numbers of people yesterday. I easily found several caches in the area that we hadn't done that we knew no one would be at, so we went and did Gipionysus and Pirate's Treasure and just missed Glick's Eternal View because I didn't think to check how close it was. There are SO MANY still for us to do, and so many of them are in such gorgeous locations. Thanks. 3) But on the flip side ... where the heck am I going to place a cache? You people have chewed up all the available space! I have this micro I got from the Mothership and I'm utterly failing to find a space that isn't already cached-up. Oh well! I'll keep looking. Yeah, those cache hogs who got started at the turn of the century didn't leave much but slim pickins for anyone just starting out. Actually, San Diego might seem to be quite saturated, but there are plenty of areas that are still wide open (I just drove Camino Del Sur from SR-56 to I-15 and started salivating at the possibilities...). What gets me is when a cacher will blanket an area with dozens of film cans "just because they can." Part of the "no power trails" rationale is to prevent monopolization of an area by a single or small group of cachers. Quote
+Chuy! Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 Heya folks ... hope you all had a great Fourth. I spent it caching, a little, which led me to come here and say three things: 1) I must live in Puzzle-Cache Central. 100 puzzle caches within 7 miles of my house? Wow! I heard rumors of a Puzzle War somewhere around this site ... guess I must live smack in the middle of it. 2) Thank you all for the truly awesome number of caches in my area. My husband didn't want to go anywhere where there would be large numbers of people yesterday. I easily found several caches in the area that we hadn't done that we knew no one would be at, so we went and did Gipionysus and Pirate's Treasure and just missed Glick's Eternal View because I didn't think to check how close it was. There are SO MANY still for us to do, and so many of them are in such gorgeous locations. Thanks. 3) But on the flip side ... where the heck am I going to place a cache? You people have chewed up all the available space! I have this micro I got from the Mothership and I'm utterly failing to find a space that isn't already cached-up. Oh well! I'll keep looking. I think Mission Trails can still use a few . Go East! The 15-mile PCT stretch between Lake Morena and Campo Rd only has three caches; we could use more there . Horsethief has been very active lately, but there still remains lots of unexplored areas. Quote
+Let's Look Over Thayer Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 (edited) 2) Thank you all for the truly awesome number of caches in my area. My husband didn't want to go anywhere where there would be large numbers of people yesterday. I easily found several caches in the area that we hadn't done that we knew no one would be at, so we went and did Gipionysus and Pirate's Treasure and just missed Glick's Eternal View because I didn't think to check how close it was. There are SO MANY still for us to do, and so many of them are in such gorgeous locations. Thanks. Thanks for visiting... Too bad you missed Glick's. The view from the top of the hill is phenomenal. On a clear day, you can see San Diego Bay and points south and Carlsbad to the north. The only interrupted part of the view of the ocean is Mount Soledad. (And if you'd been up there around 9pm last night, you could have met Ms. LLOT and myself...there's a nice view of several fireworks displays from there...) Oh, and about that snake skin you found...go back and read this log and this log for Pirates Treasure. And earlier that same morning, I saw this guy about a 1/4 mile yes, there are snakes... 3) But on the flip side ... where the heck am I going to place a cache? You people have chewed up all the available space! I have this micro I got from the Mothership and I'm utterly failing to find a space that isn't already cached-up. Oh well! I'll keep looking. I know of several "holes" but I'm not saying where they are. I might want to use them... Edited July 5, 2007 by Let's Look Over Thayer Quote
+Jishin Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 And earlier that same morning, I saw this guy about a 1/4 mile yes, there are snakes... Wow. Gorgeous snake. *admires* I must get the Dear Husband to give me his phone so I can post our pictures. We did go to the top of the hill and look around and take pictures. I just didn't have Glick's Eternal View in my GPS at the time, so we didn't go looking for it. Oh darn, we'll have to go back. *snaps fingers in mock-dismay* Chuy -- east sounds great, but we haven't gone that far afield yet. I'll keep it in mind for when we start venturing a bit farther from home ... there are so many caches in Mira Mesa, though, that it may be a while! Maybe I ought to take a poke at what's free in Poway ... Quote
+Let's Look Over Thayer Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 1) I must live in Puzzle-Cache Central. 100 puzzle caches within 7 miles of my house? Wow! I heard rumors of a Puzzle War somewhere around this site ... guess I must live smack in the middle of it. I was noticing just this morning, that there are quite a few puzzles in the Scripps Ranch/Poway/Rancho Penasquitos area...I blame FlagMan. But if you really like puzzles, "Puzzle-Cache Central" can be found in a place we call "Puzzle Valley". It's down near Rancho San Diego. In that area, I've downloaded 100 cache Pocket Queries and found that more than 50% were puzzles... Quote
+Team Fatman Posted July 6, 2007 Posted July 6, 2007 Ok who had a cache at the Linda Vista National Guard? A mysterious container was blowup and all it had was paper's in it. Quote
+Team Adelos Posted July 6, 2007 Posted July 6, 2007 1) I must live in Puzzle-Cache Central. 100 puzzle caches within 7 miles of my house? Wow! I heard rumors of a Puzzle War somewhere around this site ... guess I must live smack in the middle of it. I was noticing just this morning, that there are quite a few puzzles in the Scripps Ranch/Poway/Rancho Penasquitos area...I blame FlagMan. But if you really like puzzles, "Puzzle-Cache Central" can be found in a place we call "Puzzle Valley". It's down near Rancho San Diego. In that area, I've downloaded 100 cache Pocket Queries and found that more than 50% were puzzles... Hmm.. Quote
+rjbloom & co Posted July 6, 2007 Posted July 6, 2007 Ok who had a cache at the Linda Vista National Guard? A mysterious container was blowup and all it had was paper's in it. Where did you hear the news?, I'm looking for something on-line... I didn't know of any caches there. Quote
+Team Fatman Posted July 6, 2007 Posted July 6, 2007 Ok who had a cache at the Linda Vista National Guard? A mysterious container was blowup and all it had was paper's in it. Where did you hear the news?, I'm looking for something on-line... I didn't know of any caches there. It was on channel 8 scrolling across on the bottom. I made up the cache part. They did blow it up and there was only paper's in it. Fattboy called me and also said his mom show it on KUSI channel 9. Quote
+Team Gecko Posted July 6, 2007 Posted July 6, 2007 To collect and publish Yrium's log entries in book form would be a nice project for somebody. In the meantime, I could/should replenish the CD version of all of his log entries that were originally placed in Yrium Celebration Letterbox Cache. Will put on my to do list. -GD Yrium and Gromit Quote
+FlagMan Posted July 6, 2007 Posted July 6, 2007 To collect and publish Yrium's log entries in book form would be a nice project for somebody. In the meantime, I could/should replenish the CD version of all of his log entries that were originally placed in Yrium Celebration Letterbox Cache. Will put on my to do list. -GD Yrium and Gromit And there are four copies of said CD in FlagMan's 2007 Fourth of July Cache... Quote
+Team Adelos Posted July 6, 2007 Posted July 6, 2007 To collect and publish Yrium's log entries in book form would be a nice project for somebody. In the meantime, I could/should replenish the CD version of all of his log entries that were originally placed in Yrium Celebration Letterbox Cache. Will put on my to do list. -GD Yrium and Gromit And there are four copies of said CD in FlagMan's 2007 Fourth of July Cache... Catch-22 Flagman.. Quote
+FlagMan Posted July 7, 2007 Posted July 7, 2007 To collect and publish Yrium's log entries in book form would be a nice project for somebody. In the meantime, I could/should replenish the CD version of all of his log entries that were originally placed in Yrium Celebration Letterbox Cache. Will put on my to do list. -GD Yrium and Gromit -snip- And there are four copies of said CD in FlagMan's 2007 Fourth of July Cache... Catch-22 Flagman.. Bwaaaaaahhhh!! Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 7, 2007 Posted July 7, 2007 (edited) What gets me is when a cacher will blanket an area with dozens of film cans "just because they can." Part of the "no power trails" rationale is to prevent monopolization of an area by a single or small group of cachers. I think the solution is to get everybody to switch to digital cameras! Edited July 7, 2007 by TrailGators Quote
+FATTBOY Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 To collect and publish Yrium's log entries in book form would be a nice project for somebody. In the meantime, I could/should replenish the CD version of all of his log entries that were originally placed in Yrium Celebration Letterbox Cache. Will put on my to do list. -GD Yrium and Gromit And there are four copies of said CD in FlagMan's 2007 Fourth of July Cache... YRIUM was a great man !!!!!! He did the best leg's that I have ever read.... I remember the first time He went to my cache. It took him two logs to write the greats story ever told!!!!!! End of the Line! (GCH7J2) on 11/16/03 THANKS FATTBOY Quote
+LeoGeo Posted July 9, 2007 Posted July 9, 2007 3) But on the flip side ... where the heck am I going to place a cache? You people have chewed up all the available space! I have this micro I got from the Mothership and I'm utterly failing to find a space that isn't already cached-up. Oh well! I'll keep looking. I'm about to spend a few weeks in upstate New York. There are exactly TWELVE caches within a 10-mile radius of where I'm gonna be (and I already found one of 'em last year). Heck, even Brooklyn, New York, is relatively cache-free. Come on over and help these poor Wrong-Coast cachers out! Quote
+LeoGeo Posted July 9, 2007 Posted July 9, 2007 In case anybody's wondering whether to go to Geowoodstock VI near Sacramento next May -- be on the lookout for the 15-minute film about this past year's Geowoodstock. It'll convince you. I had the privilege to be at the world premiere of the movie in Chapel Hill, N.C., at event cache GC13FMF, and it was great! (I also distributed several San Diego travel bugs, from mmcgr, LLOT, et al., at the event.) Presumably the director (cacher Tool King) and producer (cacher Hypno_Hawk) will be making the movie available soon in some format to the caching community. Quote
+Jishin Posted July 9, 2007 Posted July 9, 2007 I'm about to spend a few weeks in upstate New York. There are exactly TWELVE caches within a 10-mile radius of where I'm gonna be (and I already found one of 'em last year). Heck, even Brooklyn, New York, is relatively cache-free. Come on over and help these poor Wrong-Coast cachers out! Heh. I have a geocaching friend who's attending college out near Troy, but he doesn't have a GPS yet -- he caches with me sometimes. I should mention it to him. Generally when I end up on the East Coast, I'm headed to Boston (where I went to college, and where many of my friends still live), and there are gobs of caches there. I actually have a couple of cache ideas now after having had a long poke at GoogleMaps, and I'm waiting to hear back from some park rangers about them, so I'm good for right now. Quote
+Shadowraven Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 Got any suggestions?... I'm gonna be in San Diego all next week, from Sunday to Friday. I grew up in East County so am VERY familiar with all that area (Lake Jennings, Blossom Valley, etc) but for the teacher conference I'm attending I'm gonna be near USD. I'm familiar with most places along the 8. Got any suggestions for good caches? I'm a premium member so can visit any, I prefer "regular" caches (no virtual). I also have a geocoin and jeep TB I'd like to drop off in a reliable cache after my 170 mile drive from the high desert. Muchly appreciated! Quote
+FlagMan Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 Got any suggestions?... I'm gonna be in San Diego all next week, from Sunday to Friday. I grew up in East County so am VERY familiar with all that area (Lake Jennings, Blossom Valley, etc) but for the teacher conference I'm attending I'm gonna be near USD. I'm familiar with most places along the 8. Got any suggestions for good caches? I'm a premium member so can visit any, I prefer "regular" caches (no virtual). I also have a geocoin and jeep TB I'd like to drop off in a reliable cache after my 170 mile drive from the high desert. Muchly appreciated! Best bet is the San Diego Consensus Bookmark List... Quote
+Miragee Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Calling LLOT . . . Tell us about the fire. Are you okay? Got any pictures? How are the caches . . . ? Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Calling LLOT . . . Tell us about the fire. Are you okay? Got any pictures? How are the caches . . . ? This one looks like it's north of LLOT land. I hope everyone's OK.... Quote
+Let's Look Over Thayer Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Calling LLOT . . . Tell us about the fire. Are you okay? Got any pictures? How are the caches . . . ? This one looks like it's north of LLOT land. I hope everyone's OK.... I've been head down at work all day so I only just found out about it just now. It sounds like it burned 8 acres, no houses or humans were injured. But it did burn to with fifty feet of some houses. The location is Avenida Maria which is SE flank of Black Mountain (north of LLOT land...). T.R. Violin has a cache in that area (which is ironic because one of his Star caches was in the burn area on the last Black Mountain fire...) but I don't know if it was damaged. Authorities are saying this one is suspected arson. Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Calling LLOT . . . Tell us about the fire. Are you okay? Got any pictures? How are the caches . . . ? This one looks like it's north of LLOT land. I hope everyone's OK.... I've been head down at work all day so I only just found out about it just now. It sounds like it burned 8 acres, no houses or humans were injured. But it did burn to with fifty feet of some houses. The location is Avenida Maria which is SE flank of Black Mountain (north of LLOT land...). T.R. Violin has a cache in that area (which is ironic because one of his Star caches was in the burn area on the last Black Mountain fire...) but I don't know if it was damaged. Authorities are saying this one is suspected arson. That's good to here! I think there are some Easter Egg caches in that area. The part where TRs cache is was extremely fried when we found that cache last year. Quote
+Let's Look Over Thayer Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Calling LLOT . . . Tell us about the fire. Are you okay? Got any pictures? How are the caches . . . ? This one looks like it's north of LLOT land. I hope everyone's OK.... I've been head down at work all day so I only just found out about it just now. It sounds like it burned 8 acres, no houses or humans were injured. But it did burn to with fifty feet of some houses. The location is Avenida Maria which is SE flank of Black Mountain (north of LLOT land...). T.R. Violin has a cache in that area (which is ironic because one of his Star caches was in the burn area on the last Black Mountain fire...) but I don't know if it was damaged. Authorities are saying this one is suspected arson. That's good to here! I think there are some Easter Egg caches in that area. The part where TRs cache is was extremely fried when we found that cache last year. The Easter Egg caches were in the burn area last year and did not survive. They have since been replaced. Quote
+jahoadi and john Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 I checked the area of Puzzle Valley where the brush fire was last week. 12 + acres but no caches hurt...close to a few but all is well. Quote
+FlagMan Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 (edited) Introducing the new FlagManMobile! For a while there, I was feeling Jeepless in SD... Edited July 15, 2007 by FlagMan Quote
+RocketMan Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Introducing the new FlagManMobile! For a while there, I was feeling Jeepless in SD... Welcome to the club. Now you have to break that thing in. We have some good trails out here in CO. Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Introducing the new FlagManMobile! For a while there, I was feeling Jeepless in SD... Cool Jeep FM! Quote
+Team Adelos Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Introducing the new FlagManMobile! For a while there, I was feeling Jeepless in SD... Cool Jeep FM! Good timing! The Dillon Gang and I were discussing a series of events or cache runs while off roading. Quote
+Snake & Rooster Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Introducing the new FlagManMobile! For a while there, I was feeling Jeepless in SD... Way Cool! Now, I don't see a winch. What if you get stuck? You're gonna need a winch. And hooks. Get some hooks too. I'll bet it's not armored. You're gonna want to invest in some armor! And don't forget air. How are you gonna air down? Plus fixing the suspension and a new tire rack. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW MONEY PIT! I obviously have jeep envy Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 (edited) Introducing the new FlagManMobile! For a while there, I was feeling Jeepless in SD... Way Cool! Now, I don't see a winch. What if you get stuck? You're gonna need a winch. And hooks. Get some hooks too. I'll bet it's not armored. You're gonna want to invest in some armor! And don't forget air. How are you gonna air down? Plus fixing the suspension and a new tire rack. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW MONEY PIT! I obviously have jeep envy Don't forget the roll bars and the lockers and the fatter axles and the front and rear lockers and the bikini top (is there a bikini bottom? ) and and and..... I have Jeep envy too! Someday! Edited July 16, 2007 by TrailGators Quote
+RocketMan Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 I obviously have jeep envy Does this help? Quote
+TrailGators Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 I obviously have jeep envy Does this help? It makes it worse for me. That's Poison Spider....right? Quote
+RocketMan Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 I obviously have jeep envy Does this help? It makes it worse for me. That's Poison Spider....right? Yep Quote
+Snake & Rooster Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 (edited) I obviously have jeep envy Does this help? Sigh . . . How do I convince Rooster to let me get a new (or used) Ruby? And that Harley "Deuce" that I keep thinking would make a perfect cachemobile for those urban micros . . . Sigh Sigh Sigh Edited July 16, 2007 by Snake & Rooster Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 (edited) Introducing the new FlagManMobile! For a while there, I was feeling Jeepless in SD... Way Cool! Now, I don't see a winch. What if you get stuck? You're gonna need a winch. And hooks. Get some hooks too. I'll bet it's not armored. You're gonna want to invest in some armor! And don't forget air. How are you gonna air down? Plus fixing the suspension and a new tire rack. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW MONEY PIT! I obviously have jeep envy Don't forget the roll bars and the lockers and the fatter axles and the front and rear lockers and the bikini top (is there a bikini bottom? ) and and and..... I have Jeep envy too! Someday! ... and the Halogen lighting kit and the Robyn fenders and the towbar and the RV to pull the towbar. Edited July 16, 2007 by SD Rowdies Quote
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