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California Geocoin Order Time


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Maybe I'm missing something, but how do I find out when/where the San Jose distribution site is? Couldn't find it on the CA geocoin site.



The actual distriubtion site in San Jose (along with the all the other distribution sites) has yet to be determined.


All I did was to find people willing to do it. It will be up to each individual distributor to decide the actual location. The only criterion I gave them was that it needed to be fairly close to the city center.


Once these Geocoins are ready to distribute (whichi will likely be in early Feb., 2004), these distibutors will be contacting the people (most likely via email) as to the the exact date, time and location for the distribution site.

Posted (edited)
The actual distriubtion site in San Jose (along with the all the other distribution sites) has yet to be determined. 


All I did was to find people willing to do it.  It will be up to each individual distributor to decide the actual location.  The only criterion I gave them was that it needed to be fairly close to the city center.


Once these Geocoins are ready to distribute (whichi will likely be in early Feb., 2004), these distibutors will be contacting the people (most likely via email) as to the the exact date, time and location for the distribution site.


I don't mean to be a pain in the butt, but according to the PDF order form:


If you take the option of picking up your geocoins, then it will be your responsibility to pick them up at a specific date & time (to be determined by the local distribution volunteer).  This distributor will contact you via email on the specifics of on [sic] how to pick up your Geocoins.


So we aren't able to find out where and when, but it's our responsibility to pick them up? What if I am out of town on the distribution date?


I guess I'll need to order my coins to be shipped to me.

Edited by beckerbuns
If you take the option of picking up your geocoins, then it will be your responsibility to pick them up at a specific date & time (to be determined by the local distribution volunteer).  This distributor will contact you via email on the specifics of on [sic] how to pick up your Geocoins.


So we aren't able to find out where and when, but it's our responsibility to pick them up? What if I am out of town on the distribution date?


I guess I'll need to order my coins to be shipped to me.

Or you could just have a friend you trust pick them up (but one who isn't likely to misplace them). :(

Posted (edited)
Bob, why not list the people and the area that have volunteered to help out with distribution. That way others can get a hold of them.

Once the ordering is complete, I will be sending out info. to people about who they will be they can pick their Geocoin up from.


As for people's concerns about a specific date and time, everyone needs just to be flexible.


For the San Diego distribution site, I plan to make it a bit of a gathering by making the site the home to a new cache. If for some reason a person can't make it on that day and time, we will just arrange for them to pick up their Geocoin at my home.


I am sure every distribution site will have a similar type of an arrangement.


Kloosley will be doing the San Jose Distribution. I think she will just be doing it out her house.


Touchstone & Kealia will be doing Santa Cruz. I pretty sure they are planing some type of gathering or making a new cache site. I can't remember who is doing S.F., I will have to check through my emails about that.

Edited by Bobkat92
Posted (edited)

The order total has reached its goal. We are now at 504. So I will definitely be placing an order. I have a bunch of emails saying more is on the way. We will likely top 600, maybe even get 700.

Edited by Bobkat92

So we aren't able to find out where and when, but it's our responsibility to pick them up? What if I am out of town on the distribution date?


I guess I'll need to order my coins to be shipped to me.

Congratulations Bobkat. It's good to see things starting to shape up.


I too had some concerns about "no shows" as far as the coins are concerned. We'll have to discuss contingency plans for those individuals that can't make it to a particular distribution. Any thoughts?

:lol: Just found this discussion board. This is a great idea. Will be putting the check in the mail for 10 coins. Hope it makes it in time from Daytona Bch. Thanks for the hard work for putting this together. Will there be more pressed in the future? Yettay
:lol: Just found this discussion board.  This is a great idea.  Will be putting the check in the mail for 10 coins.  Hope it makes it in time from Daytona Bch.  Thanks for the hard work for putting this together.  Will there be more pressed in the future? Yettay

Thanks for you order. My first order from Florida.


I may do another order again in the late Spring or Summer. For that to happen, I would need a minimum of 250 Geocoins ordered. So if there is enough interest, I will do it.


I hope mine reach you in time! Sent my order today. Darn snail mail! Lets see....San ANdreas to San DIego....3 horses, 2 mules, and a goat...It should be there by Christmas of 2005! Ha ha ha!


I really think those coins look neat. I'm gonna have a hard time parting with them into geocaches.


Thanks again Bobkat!



I hope mine reach you in time! Sent my order today. Darn snail mail! Lets see....San ANdreas to San DIego....3 horses, 2 mules, and a goat...It should be there by Christmas of 2005! Ha ha ha!


Thanks for your order.


Even though the deadline is officially Dec. 15th, I won't be placing the order until January 6, 2004 (because Pressed Metal, the company that is minting these Geocoins, is closed for 2 weeks during the holidays).


So, I will accept any orders I receive up to January 5, 2004. But don't wait, I have more then required minimum to place an order. As of 12/12/03, we have a total of 566 Geocoins ordered with a bunch more orders apparently in the mail.


So get your orders into me ASAP. And send me an email notification that your order is on the way.


California Geocoin Order Form in pdf format


There is still a chance, if you have not done so already, to order your California Geocoins.

Even though the official ordering deadline was Dec. 15th, I won't be placing the order until January 6, 2004 (because Pressed Metal, the company that is minting these Geocoins, is closed for 2 weeks during the holidays).


So, I will accept any orders I receive up to January 5, 2004. But don't wait, I have more then required minimum to place an order. As of 12/20/03, we have a total of 814 Geocoins ordered with a a few more orders apparently in the mail.


So get your orders into me ASAP. And send me an email notification that your order is on the way (to: Bobkat92@AOL.Com).


California Geocoin Order Form in pdf format


Hey bobkat I sent my order for 12 coins from Texas on the 26th, I understand you probably have a ton of orders but do you e-mail us upon receiving our order? I know mine should be in by jan 5th but it always feels good to know that it got there. Thanks


success! Yes he does send "I got your order" e-mails when it gets to him. yeehaw


...and aparently I'm only the 2nd order from Texas.


I volunteerd to help distribute for the Los Angeles area. I live in the San Fernando Valley and was planning on a Saturday evening pizza event sometime/somewhere.


It looks like we won't be needing a distribution site for the L.A. and Fresno areas.


Of the 80 individual orders I received, only one person wanted to do it in Fresno and and only 2 people wanted to do it in the L.A. area. For it to be worth while and save on shipping costs, I really needed at least 5 people at a minimum for per distribution sight.


So if you (of the very few) chose to pick your Geocoins up in Fresno or L.A., I will be contacting you. More then likely I will just mail your order directly to your home address. Don't worry, I won't charge you for any additional fee for shipping.


Of all the distribution sites I offered around California. Only San Jose, Scamento, and San Diego looks like they will be happening. Virutally everyone esle requested that their orders be shipped to them in the mail.


The ordering is complete.


I have ordered 1100 Geocoins


If all goes smoothly (e.g., orders don't get lost in the mail), there maybe about 60 to 70 extra Geocoins available for sale (to the first come first serve).


Pressed Metal says that they can have the order to me by the first week in February.


In the mean time, I will ready all those bubble envelops to ship out (approx. 60 of them).

So once I receive the order, I hope to ship them out to people within a few days. I would think most people should have their Geocoins by Feb. 15th (maybe a few days earlier). Anyway, when I ship your order, I will send you an email saying its on the way. I will ask that you reply back saying you got it.


As for the distribution sites in San Diego, Sacramento, and San Jose, I will leave that date to be set up by the people who will be distributing the Geocoins. For the San Diego Distribution site, I am going to aim for Sunday, February 8th.


Note: If are are one of the very few people who wanted to pick their Geocoins up in L.A., Santa Cruz, San Bernanino, Eureka, or Fesno, those distribution sites did not get enough orders to make it worth while to set up. I will just send your order directly to your home address. Don't worry, I won't charge you any additional shipping fee.

Posted (edited)

yeah bobkat (and everyone who was involved) you are a model geocoin organizer. Thanks for making things so easy! :unsure:

Edited by pnew
Posted (edited)
I volunteerd to help distribute for the Los Angeles area. I live in the San Fernando Valley and was planning on a Saturday evening pizza event sometime/somewhere.

Guess we're the two in L.A.


You would think there'd be more of a response here, unless they are all being mailed out. We'll have to think of another excuse to get together and have pizza.


BobKat---Thanks again for all the work you put in. :)

Edited by mikeh420
Posted (edited)

Here is an update on the California Geocoin Order:


Pressed Metal just started today (1/21/04) with minting the Geocoins (all 1125 of them). There was a delay in getting the minting going because we wanted to be sure of the metal color wanted. Just be sure, I had to send Pressed Metal the sample color I wanted in the mail (hence the reason for the minting delay).


The order will take 2 1/2 weeks to mint. They will then send me the order UPS next day service. Keeping that that in mind, I would think I would receive the order to my house on Feb. 9th (UPS does not deliver on the weekends).


I figure I will need up to 10 days (maybe less) to get the orders shipped out to everyone. Processing 83 separate orders will not be easy. So people should start receiving their orders somewhere around the 20th of Feb. (maybe a little sooner).


I now hope to have the San Diego Distribution Site on Sunday, February 15th from 11 am to 2 pm. I plan to make a little event out of it. I am not exactly sure of the site location, but it will likely be in the general vicinity of Qualcomm Stadium. I know that weekend is the long President's Day weekend, and some people might have conflicts. If that is the case, those people can just pick them up from my house on another day. (I live just two miles from the Stadium).


I will have the Sacramento and San Jose people set their distribution dates soon.


Some of you have emailed me noticing that their checks have not cleared. That is because I have yet to deposit them. My Dad has been very sick and that has taken up a bunch of my time. Depositing 83 checks and money orders is fairly time consuming. I do hope to get all the checks deposited by this Saturday, Jan. 24th.


People for all over the country ordered these Geocoins. In addition to getting a bunch of orders from California, I also received orders from Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Michigan, Arizona, Washington, and Oregon. Also received an order from Slovakia.


I will update this thread when I have any addtioinal information or know more exact dates.

Edited by Bobkat92

Hi All,


I am in the Salida area and was wondering about the Geocoins. Are they trade items, souvineers (sp?), similar to travel bugs?


The look quite nice and was wondering if there are any more available when they are complete?



:P Thanks for all the fine work! I hope your dad is better.:D I'm glad we surpassed the original order. It is great to know that non-Californians wanted some also. "Ernie"

Well, in all honesty, I ordered from Texas (the first Texas order I might add) but I was born in the Balboa Navy Hospital in San Diego back in, er, well, never mind when...lol.


So, I am actually a Californian by birth, but both my parents were from Texas, and I was born on a military base, so to me, that's like being born on a military base in Germany for instance. I'd still be a U. S. Citizen even though born in a foreign land.


So, I'm actually a Texan who was born on foreign soil...heheheheheh.


Hey, works for me anyway....lol.


Mac McKinney aka Breaktrack




I have received the Geocoin order.


We plan to work deligently to over the weekend to work on gettting them shipped out. I plan to send the San Jose & Sacramento orders out on Monday, Feb 9th, along with a some individual orders. I hope to get everyone's order shipped out by no later then Feb. 20th. My Dad still needs a lot of TCL, so that is still taking up a lot of my time.


I will send an email once your order is in the mail. I will ask everyone to send me an email reply once they received it.


Marky is getting the tracking site up. Hopefully that will be up an running my the time peeple recieve their Geocoins.

My Dad still needs a lot of TCL, so that is still taking up a lot of my time.


... Hopefully that will be up an running my the time peeple recieve their Geocoins.

Sorry about your dad... I think he was calling you when you wrote this. :P I hope everything works out ok in the Bobkat family.


Thanks for all the hard work on this large project. You're a better man than myself.


I echo the same sentiments above: I can wait for my coins. Take care of Dad, and tell him that all us crazy geocachers wish him the best.


Thanks again Bobkat; you're one in a million :P

GCHNQH: Center Of California Cache


Look what's now very near the coordinates shown on the CA Geo-Coin.

Yeah, that's just 58 feet from the coords on the coin. I guess thefogheads (local cachers in our area) beat Bobkat to placing a cache there.

This is going to be a problem.


Does anyone know this guy? I just sent him off an email explaining about the Geocoin and the cache site. I even offered a few Geocoins if he could archive or move the cache.


I can't believe this happend, I just got the cache that was there "El Centro" transfered over to me.


Because I was goin to change the Name and type of cache, it was achieved, so this guy would not have known about it when he was placing his cache.


I was going to activate it this weekend.


I hope this guy is flexible.

Posted (edited)

This is going to be a problem.


Does anyone know this guy?  I just sent him off an email explaining about the Geocoin and the cache site.  I even offered a few Geocoins if he could archive or move the cache.


I can't believe this happend, I just got the cache that was there "El Centro" transfered over to me.


Because I was goin to change the Name and type of cache, it was achieved, so this guy would not have known about it when he was placing his cache. 


I was going to activate it this weekend. 


I hope this guy is flexible.

I guess I am having a hard time understanding why this is a big deal. Fogheads are nice people, and they just wanted to put a cache in an interesting place. It's not like this spot is owned by anyone (well besides the park service I suppose).

Edited by beckerbuns
Posted (edited)

Bobkat, if you had "disabled" the El Centro cache, instead of archiving it you would still have it, the approvers would know there was already a cache there. So it appears you brought this upon yourself. But, if you adopted it and it was already archived, you should have had it enabled, then immediately disabled, so you could hold the spot. I have missed out on quite a few places that cachers beat me to, because I didn't move fast enough. Stings a little, but I get over it.


(Edited to clarify)

Edited by Planet

This is going to be a problem.


Does anyone know this guy?  I just sent him off an email explaining about the Geocoin and the cache site.  I even offered a few Geocoins if he could archive or move the cache.


I can't believe this happend, I just got the cache that was there "El Centro" transfered over to me.


Because I was goin to change the Name and type of cache, it was achieved, so this guy would not have known about it when he was placing his cache. 


I was going to activate it this weekend. 


I hope this guy is flexible.

I guess I am having a hard time understanding why this is a big deal. Fogheads are nice people, and they just wanted to put a cache in an interesting place. It's not like this spot is owned by anyone (well besides the park service I suppose).

the issue here is that Bobkat was going to place a cache with a california geocaching coin official cache theme and now its violates the .1 mile rule of another cache... and its kind of hard to change the coords on every california geocoin that has already been minted. I'm sure they'll understand and for a couple california geocoins I'd move my cache no doubt... Hey bobkat, you have any spots in Texas you need me to move my caches from??? :unsure:

Posted (edited)
the issue here is that Bobkat was going to place a cache with a california geocaching coin official cache theme and now its violates the .1 mile rule of another cache... and its kind of hard to change the coords on every california geocoin that has already been minted.  I'm sure they'll understand and for a couple california geocoins I'd move my cache no doubt... Hey bobkat, you have any spots in Texas you need me to move my caches from???  :unsure:

Well... I'm probably not the only one who thinks this... Maybe he should have placed the cache already instead of depending on an archived cache he took over.


Or maybe the Fogheads would be willing to let Bobkat put some coins in their cache.


(Edited) and another thing... Whether or not there is a cache there, those coords are still the center of California. Why would he have to change the coords on the coin?

Edited by beckerbuns
GCHNQH: Center Of California Cache


Look what's now very near the coordinates shown on the CA Geo-Coin.

The coordinates on the coin point out the center of the state, which is still the center of the state. There's a cache 58 feet away? Nothing wrong with that. Just because it's not the California Geocoin Official Center of the State Cache doesn't make it bad. I don't imagine a whole lot of coin-owners were going to go to the coordinates on the coin, since they are quite far away from many of us. And if anyone does go, they'll get to see the center of the state, and also somebody's cache. No harm done to anybody, and certainly the coins are in no way devalued. They're as cool as ever, and I'm sure they'll be very popular.


Perhaps the owners of the recently-placed cache would like to be part of this. They might move their cache a little closer to the coords on the coin and retain ownership; they're local to the area and thus able to maintain the cache, and since Bobkat isn't I assume a local steward is needed anyway. Or they could leave it fifty feet away; geocachers are smart, they'll manage. I don't think it's fair to pressure them to archive their cache or hand it over. They had no reason to believe anyone had 'dibs' on that site, and without an active or disabled cache there nobody did have dibs on it.


Don't let this spoil your enjoyment of the geocoins; you may have to deviate from the master plan a little, but I think it will work out fine.

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