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Central Valley Cachers


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I'll get the feathers....  Who's buying the Tar?!  :)

And to think it was just last week that I sent a half a bucket of roofing tar to the dump. Isn't that always the way? As soon as you toss something out you find a really GOOD use for it.

WE got all the tar you need, thats my business, we install that stuff!!! :anibad::lol:


All we can say is this was the most laughs we have got out of geocaching so far, glad our new little cache is getting everyone all worked up.

I'll get the feathers....  Who's buying the Tar?!  :D

And to think it was just last week that I sent a half a bucket of roofing tar to the dump. Isn't that always the way? As soon as you toss something out you find a really GOOD use for it.

WE got all the tar you need, thats my business, we install that stuff!!! :blink:;)


All we can say is this was the most laughs we have got out of geocaching so far, glad our new little cache is getting everyone all worked up.

Worked up? In TAR?? Is this some kind of sick joke? That sicko/side jumper Camel with his feathers and now we find out GRB is in the Tar Business. At least BKS is with us men! Right?! :D

I'll get the feathers....  Who's buying the Tar?!  :D

And to think it was just last week that I sent a half a bucket of roofing tar to the dump. Isn't that always the way? As soon as you toss something out you find a really GOOD use for it.

WE got all the tar you need, thats my business, we install that stuff!!! :blink::D


All we can say is this was the most laughs we have got out of geocaching so far, glad our new little cache is getting everyone all worked up.

Worked up? In TAR?? Is this some kind of sick joke? That sicko/side jumper Camel with his feathers and now we find out GRB is in the Tar Business. At least BKS is with us men! Right?! ;)

Now I am in hot water GUYS..... Need some help over this way. GRB is ;)

Good thing I got the key to the tar.

I'll get the feathers....  Who's buying the Tar?!  ;)

And to think it was just last week that I sent a half a bucket of roofing tar to the dump. Isn't that always the way? As soon as you toss something out you find a really GOOD use for it.

WE got all the tar you need, thats my business, we install that stuff!!! :D:D


All we can say is this was the most laughs we have got out of geocaching so far, glad our new little cache is getting everyone all worked up.

Worked up? In TAR?? Is this some kind of sick joke? That sicko/side jumper Camel with his feathers and now we find out GRB is in the Tar Business. At least BKS is with us men! Right?! ;)

As someone who works with Camel and lives close-by, I believe he owns a collecton of skirts and dresses he occassionally may wear. I'm not certain of this, but he MAY be in some deep-covert, camoflauge-type mission. This may be the reason for his sudden departure for supporting the men. :D If not, then I am a little worried about him! ;)


I will leave it to Camel to reveal his TRUE identity. :D


As for the tar...well, with access to those type of materials, I would expect a REALLY creative cache hide!! :D:blink:


A big bunch of sickos you are!! :P

Posted (edited)

come on Tek!!! RyanCTek was so easy to make fun of....and don't you think its sort of a onesided Team!!! :blink:


o and i forgot...we already have 34 people coming to the event if my count is correct...a great succes it shall be!!

Edited by cachecows209

Well theres a whole story behind that........When I first got involved it was just me and my dad didn't really even want to sign up, but I signed up anyways. So I knda named it after myself cause no one cared. After I found a couple I got him more involved and it went from there.


Ahhhh yes! The first rain of the season. The point where all the non-winter caches get disabled. Will probally have to check some of my caches to see if they are water proof after the rain.


Sounds like TeamTek had a successful day of caching here in Modesto today! Congrats on your successful finds!


I have the CVC cache in my posession. I was going to place it today but the weather wasn't cooperating much. I should have it back out there sometime tomorrow or Tuesday. Looks like you may have to make another trip down to grab it again) ;)


Sure hope you stayed dry for most of the day! :unsure:


Thanks......Yeah we stayed dry right up untill we stopped, thats when it started pouring. Other then that it was a great day. My experience with the Modesto caches this time was MUCH better this time....maybe I was in a bad mood last time....Anyways thanks again for the great caches!

I'll get the feathers....  Who's buying the Tar?!  ;)

And to think it was just last week that I sent a half a bucket of roofing tar to the dump. Isn't that always the way? As soon as you toss something out you find a really GOOD use for it.

WE got all the tar you need, thats my business, we install that stuff!!! :unsure:B)


All we can say is this was the most laughs we have got out of geocaching so far, glad our new little cache is getting everyone all worked up.

Worked up? In TAR?? Is this some kind of sick joke? That sicko/side jumper Camel with his feathers and now we find out GRB is in the Tar Business. At least BKS is with us men! Right?! ;)

As someone who works with Camel and lives close-by, I believe he owns a collecton of skirts and dresses he occassionally may wear. I'm not certain of this, but he MAY be in some deep-covert, camoflauge-type mission. This may be the reason for his sudden departure for supporting the men. :D If not, then I am a little worried about him! :lol:


I will leave it to Camel to reveal his TRUE identity. :D


As for the tar...well, with access to those type of materials, I would expect a REALLY creative cache hide!! ;):unsure:


A big bunch of sickos you are!! :lol:

geez! I get away from the forums for the weekend and now I am wearing dresses???? ;):lol:;)



What abuse I take around here! :lol::D


No dresses here. I wanted to see the ladies Tarred and feathered also.... Heck.... tar and feather everyone I don't care..... like I said I jsut wanted to see it happen! :D;)


You can get those baggies at a few different places. I got some at Michael's but I have also seen them at Staples. They really suit some small caches better than regular sandwich size bags.

Theres a new BANDIT in town!!!!!!!!! :bad::laughing:

Cute name, didn't you used to be BKSGRB?


Now would everyone stop changing their names for a while so I can print the name tags for the event on October 2nd?


Also, everyone should check the Stockton caches on the morning before they come to the event, because I've heard scuttlebutt about caches magically popping up early that morning......

Theres a new BANDIT in town!!!!!!!!! :bad:  :bad:

Cute name, didn't you used to be BKSGRB?


Now would everyone stop changing their names for a while so I can print the name tags for the event on October 2nd?


Also, everyone should check the Stockton caches on the morning before they come to the event, because I've heard scuttlebutt about caches magically popping up early that morning......

wait hold on... I was gonna change my name too..... ohh nevermind! :laughing:

Posted (edited)

I'm going to try to get all my caches up to date before the event so.........On Secret Trail #2 people are saying that there is a new "Keep Out, Private Property" sign. I think that it is actually public property, but not sure....I need some suggestions on what I should do....


Oh BTW this is TeamTek again because I forgot to log out of Peter's name .....again :laughing:

Edited by cachecows209
Secret Trail #2 people are saying that there is a new "Keep Out, Private Property" sign. I think that it is actually public property, but not sure....

Ryan, property owners frequently try to make people believe private property extends beyond their fence by posting a sign ON their fence. Sure, their fence and yard ARE private property, but that trail probably isn't. I really think they are just trying to keep the unsavory characters away from their yard, and I can't blame them, but surely we cachers aren't unsavory characters? (Well, maybe some of us are......) :(

Secret Trail #2 people are saying that there is a new "Keep Out, Private Property" sign. I think that it is actually public property, but not sure....

Ryan, property owners frequently try to make people believe private property extends beyond their fence by posting a sign ON their fence. Sure, their fence and yard ARE private property, but that trail probably isn't. I really think they are just trying to keep the unsavory characters away from their yard, and I can't blame them, but surely we cachers aren't unsavory characters? (Well, maybe some of us are......) :(

Let me scrape the tar and feathers from my face to say that we are not unsavory cachers here!! :(

Let me scrape the tar and feathers from my face to say that we are not unsavory cachers here!! :(

You should have cut out when I did. Things were getting a little rioty around here so I made tracks. [Reno Air Races were a blast and pulling a 5th wheel trailer through the snow wasn't too bad either.] So, are they out of supplies yet?




OK. Everyone identify yourselves. It appears there's several changes since I've been gone. :(

Oh BTW this is TeamTek again because I forgot to log out of Peter's name .....again :(

How many times are you going to let this oppertunity slide out of your hands Ryan. My gosh! When you're handed the ball... RUN! :(

Oh BTW this is TeamTek again because I forgot to log out of Peter's name .....again :(

How many times are you going to let this oppertunity slide out of your hands Ryan. My gosh! When you're handed the ball... RUN! :(

Hush Bill! Don't encourage him! :(


OK Bill you got me started on these darned forsaken code caches. And here comes another for the line-up. And for those of you that are good in your baseball trivia this should not take too long at all. But for those of you that need to do a litle research this still shouldn't take too long. As for now I will not give a way the website I got the info from but I might give that out at a later date.


So here it is.... I present...... (drum roll please) Dreaming of the Major League


It should be approved soon.


I figured I better put something on this page before ya'all forgot who I was!! Still trying to convince the wife to blow off her meeting the morning of the 2nd to make it to the event in Tuleburg, still waitning to see whats going on the 9th for the other one at the Nuke plant. Can't believe that Rancho seco is closer ot me than the stockton Straw Hat. Crows do tend to fly pretty straight, too bad I don't!



Posted (edited)
OK Bill you got me started on these darned forsaken code caches.  And here comes another for the line-up.  And for those of you that are good in your baseball trivia this should not take too long at all.  But for those of you that need to do a litle research this still shouldn't take too long.  As for now I will not give a way the website I got the info from but I might give that out at a later date. 


So here it is....  I present......  (drum roll please)  Dreaming of the Major League


It should be approved soon.

What? Puzzles? Me? Why, don't mind if I do! I know almost nothing about baseball so if I get FTF, it will only be due to the competition. (I'm hoping right now the ladies know less and the guys are too busy - LOL). Last time I was at a ball game... well, not that long ago thanks to $ATM$ whom got tickets way closer than most real fans. [i was embarrassed.]

Edited by Green Achers
OK Bill you got me started on these darned forsaken code caches.  And here comes another for the line-up.  And for those of you that are good in your baseball trivia this should not take too long at all.  But for those of you that need to do a litle research this still shouldn't take too long.  As for now I will not give a way the website I got the info from but I might give that out at a later date. 


So here it is....  I present......  (drum roll please)  Dreaming of the Major League


It should be approved soon.

What? Puzzles? Me? Why, don't mind if I do! I know almost nothing about baseball so if I get FTF, it will only be due to the competition. (I'm hoping right now the ladies know less and the guys are too busy - LOL). Last time I was at a ball game... well, not that long ago thanks to $ATM$ whom got tickets way closer than most real fans. [i was embarrassed.]

well it is taking a little longer to get approved than I thought.... sorry for getting your hopes up. I hid it on Saturday and posted it Sunday but no go as of yet. I'm sure Hemlock deferred it to someone else so he can solve and find it which is probably why it has been delayed. As I have not gotten any notes for it.

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