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Central Valley Cachers


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I like plays. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to take the bride to a show.


I was able to play today and totalled 9 finds and a couple DNF's [including CVC Tag!!!]. Not too bad concidering the tempeture peeked out at 102 degrees. Stay tuned for old Tag as it may be time to change the marker again. First I'll wait to see if it's just someone that forgot to build a signal (tee-pee). :ph34r:


Just wanted to send a warm welcome to TeAmWyAtt! They made their first find today at "The Viking Rule". (Probably not the most exciting first cache, but I think they enjoyed it anyway! ~ I can say that as I am the owner of the cache!) :lol:


I hope they get as much out of this hobby as I do! (Maybe less thorns and foxtails though!) :ph34r:


Closing in on 400 finds now...maybe by the end of the week. Hard to believe that it hasn't even been a year yet since "discovering" this hobby! I LOVE this game!! (A nice bonus is that everyone you seem to meet are fantastic people)


Any more news on any upcoming (local) events? The last one thrown by Janet and Bill was sooo much fun! (Incidentally, I saw a lot of cameras going off that day...Any pictures posted yet?) :lol:




As a matter of fact I was looking at the Latte Cache II Webpage and it does appear to have several sets of pictures posted.


Including these in Booty Buddies Log, and these in GeoShark's Log, Also in Green Acher's Log, and this Before the event log, And even Some that I posted.


Looks like a great time was had by all at that event.


I will be hosting an event at some point. I will be the local distributor for the next batch of California GeoCoins that are up for sale now. and can be Ordered Here. So as soon as I know when they will be distributed I will be planning an event at that time. (of course all will be invited not just those that order GeoCoins!!! :rolleyes: )


I think the order deadline is coming soon though! So act quick!

As a matter of fact I was looking at the Latte Cache II Webpage and it does appear to have several sets of pictures posted. 


Including these in Booty Buddies Log, and these in GeoShark's Log, Also in Green Acher's Log, and this Before the event log,  And even Some that I posted.


Looks like a great time was had by all at that event.

When looking at an event cache (or other cache that might have a lot of images posted, like a webcam cache), it's easier to just use the Visit the Gallery link that is just before the user logs area on the page.



As a matter of fact I was looking at the Latte Cache II Webpage and it does appear to have several sets of pictures posted. 


Including these in Booty Buddies Log, and these in GeoShark's Log, Also in Green Acher's Log, and this Before the event log,  And even Some that I posted.


Looks like a great time was had by all at that event.

When looking at an event cache (or other cache that might have a lot of images posted, like a webcam cache), it's easier to just use the Visit the Gallery link that is just before the user logs area on the page.



I never knew there was a gallery link! :rolleyes::rolleyes: Thanks for the tip Marky!


That does make it a whole bunches easier. (and my post would have taken me far less time to type! :) )

As a matter of fact I was looking at the Latte Cache II Webpage and it does appear to have several sets of pictures posted.


Including these in Booty Buddies Log, and these in GeoShark's Log, Also in Green Acher's Log, and this Before the event log, And even Some that I posted.

LOL! I suppose it would help if I actually LOOKED at the cache page for photos...I must have been more tired than I thought last night!

Closing in on 400 finds now...maybe by the end of the week. Hard to believe that it hasn't even been a year yet since "discovering" this hobby!

[Whistle blows] [Flags thrown] Off-sides! No fair passing me up New-Bee! I can't even race you to the mile stone! [/whimper][/tears]


I'm looking forward to the next gathering. Maybe we can get one in before the coinage drop. I really thought Tim would plot and scheme up a gathering for CVC as he had some great ideas. Besides, he and Kenny have been doing a great job! :rolleyes:


Went out tonight to check on CVC Tag!!! It's still there waiting to be discovered!!!! I didn't realize I had thrown down the challenge so hard.


I can't wait for the next event, seeing how I missed the last one. We had 3 other things lined up on that date, not including the event. I had a real hard time (unsuccessfully of course) trying to convince the wife to blow them all off to go, but I guess Bug really needed to see the doctor (health fair). Boy kids can really interfere with your addictions... B):o


SOrry you didn't find CVC Tag Bill.



Posted (edited)

PITA: v. Uncomfortable around the tail. n. WildLifeGuy


Good old fashioned fun. That's the magic of CVC Tag!!!


Hey, you think ''Boy kids can really interfere with your addictions.'' Girl kids master that interference. LOL.


Congratulations to D.M.C.C. on reaching 100 finds!

Edited by Green Achers

Oh, sure. There was a day my girls liked caching as well. That time is gone and now they freely spend my free time without regard to the fact that it impacts my caching time. LOL. We have new kids on the way that would enjoy getting out more. Goat-kids that is. Maybe after they arrive, I'll ask if anyone's interested in the Green Achers petting zoo? :o

I've noticed that not very many people cache in Stockton. LoL. Anyways.......this is a public challenge for Green Achers.......Come to Stockton to find some of our caches, some are hard some are easy. Cachecows209 and I came to Manteca and Ripon yesterday and found some caches in the area. Since that area is kinda where you cache why don't you come up to Stockton and find some of my more difficult caches. So when you log those DNFs I'll be sure to get on your case as did you when I came to your area. 



I accept the challenge!


For the record, I thought I sent you helpful hints so you could have success. Is that getting on your case? No way but I will be more carefull so I won't regret things more that I already am going to regret them. ;)

I was raised in Hanford and Clovis, now I live in Washington State. I was just wondering if any of my old friends are into geocaching now. So if any of you are from the area and know me (Kevin Henshaw), shoot me a E mail via my profile.
For the record, I thought I sent you helpful hints so you could have success. Is that getting on your case? No way but I will be more carefull so I won't regret things more that I already am going to regret them. :o

Hehe all I want is some traffic going through Stockton and I took that oportunity! :lol:

Hehe all I want is some traffic going through Stockton and I took that oportunity! :D

Very tricky. The old - throw down the challenge, get the commitment, then show your hand. Just for that, I'm not going to have any DNF's while completing my hunts. :unsure: Failure is no longer an option. :rolleyes::D Prepare to be hunted - as I get liberty. :ph34r:


GeoGatherings... It looks like there's going to be a few in the next couple months.


RCGDS Hot August Night (8/14/04)

BADGES Dinner #4 (8/15/04)

Carson Creek Rendezvous (8/21/04) Is that the New Melones on Aug 21 (Maybe my boat should be taken - with a full tank)?

F.A.M.E. Event (8/22/04)

A Fresh Friday Night Event (8/27/04)

Team Alamo's 5k Run (8/28/04)

Mt. Diablo (9/6/04) (I'm checking details)

Wedding of Beckerbuns & Nurse Dave (9/11/04)

The Reno On-Road Rally is slated for October (details still pending)


I need to get even.....hes found all of my "Stump Tek" series and I need to find all of his bored as heck days cache....can you tell hes been bored?! Ne way my mom is getting tired of driving me around and the only other person that goes with me is Ryan and their his caches!!!. I could probably bike all of them....BTW do you guys bike?


The Outrageous Fortunes bike to lots of caches in Stockton. Sometimes you can get way closer with a bike and parking is a breeze! And in the case of Oh Thank Heaven, the bikes were a great camouflage. And with Stumpy, Secret Trail #2, I Forgot the Combination, Stump Tek #2, Stroll in the Park, The Big Hill, Whose Mouth, Aussie, Under the Sea, Higher Learning, Atypical, Quercus lobata, and Lizard's Hideout.....they're SO close to home, it's the only way to go for us. But of course for Cambio we just walk. LOL LOL Anyway, sometimes it's easier, sometimes it's just way too far. It all depends on from where you start. :unsure:


On another subject....What has happened to CVCTag!!!? Why hasn't anyone moved it yet? I feel almost responsible because I took it out of Stanislaus County, but I understand it is actually back there again. Bill, is it close enough? Should I try to take back closer to where I found it? Oh.....the guilt! :rolleyes:


We have a new cacher in town; 3dbabyvu. Welcome 3d, hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us nuts.




CVC Tag??? :unsure: kicked my 6u77. It is indeed in the correct county on a nice old country road. There's really no place it can hide - well, there's only one place it can hide... but I was lead to believe it would be out of place. LOL. Now, I'm not trying to make excuses, but I really did enjoy the adventure that followed - completing all but one cache (with mega poison oak) in the area.


Now I'm focusing on Stockton and on the advise, I'll see about taking my bike. :rolleyes:

Bill, is it close enough? Should I try to take back closer to where I found it? Oh.....the guilt! :rolleyes:


We have a new cacher in town; 3dbabyvu. Welcome 3d, hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us nuts.

Close enough? Sure. It won't last long there though so don't worry.


Welcome to 3dbabyvu! We're glad you're here and look forward to hearing any funny, interesting, and/or tell tale stories. :unsure:

Close enough? Sure. It won't last long there though so don't worry.

Like I said, it won't last long there. It's already been moved by M5 half way back to the nearest house with indoor plumbing. :rolleyes: Thanks for saving me the mileage M5!

I could probably bike all of them....BTW do you guys bike?

I'm not sure about others in CVC but I've done few with my bike. Do you think I'd do better in Stockton with mine?

most of Ryans caches are bikeable from a certain point...but i was just wondering because I do most of mine on bike...the other day i did 9 miles for 3 finds and 3 DNFs...

Hey, and Bill you do know to count as finding all the caches in Stockton you MUST find Magnetic Tour of Stockton and The Fouth of July caches. BTW you have to log the DNF also


Ya, ya, I know. All the caches. Multi's and all. DNF's will honestly be logged but only if they happen... but don't count on that as I'm not prepared to walk away from caches without kissing them good-bye.:rolleyes:


I'm hoping to complete my homework tomorrow afternoon through late Monday morning... so if all goes well, I'll have some play time after that. Otherwise it may be a couple more weeks but Stockton is my focus!


In looking into all the caches up there, I found out Ryan has 28 caches he's hiden (including a few out of the agreed area). It came as a slap for me to then realize I've only hunted one of his caches. Well, all that's about to change. :unsure: I've always been interested in doing the Magnetic Tour, but now I'm looking forward to that Forth of July series. :ph34r:

Hey, and Bill you do know to count as finding all the caches in Stockton you MUST find Magnetic Tour of Stockton and The Fouth of July caches. BTW you have to log the DNF also

No, I am not Bill but tried the magnetic Tour today...Yes, I logged my DNF but certainly felt that we had earned the find!! We made it through all four of the first stages, only to be let down on a VERY long search for the final one. Bummer...


I will say that the first four stages are awesome, and each challenging in their own right. As for the last stage, well, it kicked my rear! (And my families!) You are EVIL ryanctek! EVIL!! :rolleyes:


Got some more done in Stockton today, but ryan's took-up most of my time.


Ran into a new bunch of cachers at one of the sites...GREAT group of people! They will be an excellent addition to the cachers of the Central Valley! I would like to send a warm welcome to the group of 3dbabyvu! I hope you enjoy caching as much as we do!


Yeah I read your log and thats too bad :anibad: . I'll look and see if it's still there. Last time I was there it looked like they hadn't cleaned it in a while. If it's there and covered in leaves I WILL move it some where else or try to move in in the area....If it's gone then Bill just lucked out!!!! :wacko:

Yeah I read your log and thats too bad :anibad: . I'll look and see if it's still there. Last time I was there it looked like they hadn't cleaned it in a while. If it's there and covered in leaves I WILL move it some where else or try to move in in the area....If it's gone then Bill just lucked out!!!! :wacko:

The caching adventure was still fun and well worth doing! Even with the last disappointment, it was one of my favorite multi-caches that I have done! (Or attempted) :P

Posted (edited)

Anyone having problems With the Geocaching.com website? :anibad: It's really painfully slow! :P When you're lucky enough to get on, it "times out"," Reloads", Or says Server too Busy. :wacko::huh: Heck, even logging off takes 2-3 minutes. Logging the days caches is really becoming a pain. :D Just have to be patient I guess. :P Hoping everyone is having a better time than I :D

Edited by JeepySr
Anyone having problems With the Geocaching.com website? :anibad: It's really painfully slow! :P When you're lucky enough to get on, it "times out"," Reloads", Or says Server too Busy. :wacko::huh: Heck, even logging off takes 2-3 minutes. Logging the days caches is really becoming a pain. :D Just have to be patient I guess. :P Hoping everyone is having a better time than I :D

I WISH I was having an easier time than you! Unfortunately, it is VERY slow tonight. I placed a new cache today and sending the page took me several attempts.


I suppose that the more popular this hobby becomes, the slower and slower the server will become. Too many people accessing it at the same time.


Oh well...I will just have to change the times that I am on! :D


Yes I am also incountering some problems..... I did a 9 cache finding spree in the Elk Grove Area and when I tried to just even log the TB I got it wouldn't even load....O well from experience this means that there is something new in the making for the website and they are just up-loading it on the site.


ok Green Achers is going for the Stockton trip of his life....I'm taking a polll.How many will he get!?! I'm guessing 8 DNF's including: Magnetic Tour...4th of July #4...Artic or Antarctica...and a few others...but thats only because its at night!!!! Good Luch Green Achers and thanks for the invite


Try two finds and a good start on the Magnetic Tour. It was rather dark when I stopped for the night. I had gone to a couple caches that close at night (but don't say so on the cache page) and then turned away (without stopping - not DNF's) from three bum park caches as it was night. I'll save those for day light - thank you. I will say it look me a few minutes to figure out Ryan on those magnets... but now I think I've got his M.O. :D Time will tell.


I was able to get my homework completed yesterday, visited with a new friend, hunted a couple and am now just waiting to return to get more. I think I know how I want to celebrate today too. Just waiting to get that lazy rooster up before I return. ;) If I get 8 DNF's, I'm going to Bar-B-Que your little cow and eat away my sorrows. :(

Looking for Jeep TB...any one help us out, Been away from caching for to long now and now we are ready to get back at it! :)

I've got a couple I am geting ready to place...


Hey gang. Lots of chatter going on today. That's a good thing.


While everyone was talking caching, I sent most of the day hunting in Stockton. I completed 11 for 12 including the Magnetic Tour. What a wonderful cache Ryan put together. Only one location needs an exterminator but that's a small price to pay to trure joy. Thanks Ryan.


BTW, go ahead to say it. I had one DNF today too. Drats!

LoL. All of a sudden the Magnetic Tour is getting alot of attention!

I never made it past stage one. Sometimes I wonder how we find caches at all... that was the feeling I had last time I was in Stockton...



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