Partytown Posted February 11, 2003 Posted February 11, 2003 Yes it was nice to finally meet one of the CVC'ers on here. Enjoyed finding the caches too. I only wish there was more daylight after work! Or less work! LOL If I can do 2 a day or at least every other day during the week I think that is pretty good. Still having some trouble with some that are supposed to be "easy". I am learning that easy is a relative term with the caches around here! :-D Under the Sea has eluded me so far, both times have been at night and we have not had any luck with finding caches at night. I would prefer to do caching after dark, but haven't logged any successes so far. I suppose it helps to have a decent flashlight that isn't dim and cutting out all the time. Pirate and Mickey's have also been hunted more than once without success. Man Bites Dog and a couple others are still on the agenda. But it's been fun! Sandy Quote
first class carrier Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 I hope to go for some caches soon, maybe today but 100 seems a long ways away. Quote
+Fallen Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 quote:Originally posted by MrToad608: quote:Originally posted by Fallen: Anybody know anybody, that might want a 2 month old Etrex Venture with cables and manuals. I'm upgrading to another unit and mine is available. >>>> $100 <<<< firm, cash price. You can email me from my profile page. Do you still have it? Yes, currently I have a friend at work, interested .... maybe. If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. If I'm not back soon.... just wait longer. Ok. Let me know because I might have a friend interested in it also.... maybe also. If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
+Fallen Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Partytown:Yes it was nice to finally meet one of the CVC'ers on here. Enjoyed finding the caches too. I only wish there was more daylight after work! Or less work! LOL If I can do 2 a day or at least every other day during the week I think that is pretty good. Still having some trouble with some that are supposed to be "easy". I am learning that easy is a relative term with the caches around here! :-D Under the Sea has eluded me so far, both times have been at night and we have not had any luck with finding caches at night. I would prefer to do caching after dark, but haven't logged any successes so far. I suppose it helps to have a decent flashlight that isn't dim and cutting out all the time. Pirate and Mickey's have also been hunted more than once without success. Man Bites Dog and a couple others are still on the agenda. But it's been fun! Sandy I'm actually beginning to think this one isn't here anymore. If I ever make it out to Modesto I can check for you. The other ones are actually difficult. So... Have fun anyway! If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Fallen:I'm actually beginning to think this one isn't here anymore. If I ever make it out to Modesto I can check for you. The other ones are actually difficult. So... Have fun anyway! Which one are you talking about Fallen?? Under The Sea was found yesterday. Mickey's hasn't been found since the 30th, but there have been no DNFs logged on it. Do you know something about it that we don't? Just curious as to why you would think it isn't there anymore. Jaimee Too bad closed minds didn't come with closed mouths. Quote
MrToad608 Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 My friend at work has now commited and given me "hold money", so I have to say it's sold at this point in time. If I'm not back soon.... just wait longer. Quote
+Fallen Posted February 13, 2003 Posted February 13, 2003 quote:Originally posted by JaimeeG:Which one are you talking about Fallen?? Under The Sea was found yesterday. Mickey's hasn't been found since the 30th, but there have been no DNFs logged on it. Do you know something about it that we don't? Just curious as to why you would think it isn't there anymore. Jaimee Too bad closed minds didn't come with closed mouths. Hmm... Maybe next time I should look at the log. I have talked to 2 other cachers about a month ago and they spent an hour looking for it and couldn't find it. I find this amazing. If it was found the 30th the it is probably still there. Just look harder If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
Partytown Posted February 13, 2003 Posted February 13, 2003 Well the times we tried were at night, we locked right onto the coordinates .. looked under and in shrubs and bushes but still came up empty. I was really looking forward to finding Under the Sea cause I had some specific theme items to put in there. I am not giving up!!! Far from it, just saying so far twice and no finds on either of those. But it's been a blast looking so far and makes me want to keep looking until I do find them! Oh and Pam, one thing about the picnic you brought up earlier, that saturday isn't good for me either cause of FOTE. What about planning one for April or May sometime? Sandy Quote
+georgeandmary Posted February 14, 2003 Posted February 14, 2003 It's been refilled. george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+Fallen Posted February 14, 2003 Posted February 14, 2003 Glad to see you are out of the shadows George. Can we welcome you back? If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted February 14, 2003 Posted February 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by georgeandmary:It's been refilled. george Yahoooo..more micros to look forward to!! Jaimee Too bad closed minds didn't come with closed mouths. Quote
+Catmit Posted February 14, 2003 Posted February 14, 2003 Wow - 3 away from 700! Congrats! I'm sure you're out right now with a flashlight hunting those last 3 down! And congrats to Fizzy on 500; and George on 800! Have a great week-end, Cathy There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors. Quote
+Green Achers Posted February 15, 2003 Posted February 15, 2003 quote:Originally posted by JaimeeG:Yahoooo..more micros to look forward to!! Jaimee There's always the ''TN, Left a Baby'' log. So Jaimee, How about a large mommy cache that's ready to birth regular caches? New subject... I stopped by George's Back Road cache today and found it. I thought it note worthy because I was also the last to hunt it. That was November 16 - last year! Rest assured, it's there and waiting. It's a good cache for a newbie as well as everyone else. Good job George. Bill of Green Achers "I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This [This message was edited by Green Achers on February 15, 2003 at 05:11 PM.] [This message was edited by Green Achers on February 15, 2003 at 05:46 PM.] Quote
+TeamJiffy Posted February 16, 2003 Posted February 16, 2003 I just read this news story on MSNBC: Central Valley smog. I hope it isn't as bad as the article makes out - I've never noticed a smog problem the few dozen times I've been in the valley (Of course, I fully understand the frustrating combination of mountain-locked areas and smog...) -J Quote
+georgeandmary Posted February 16, 2003 Posted February 16, 2003 quote:Originally posted by TeamJiffy:I just read this news story on MSNBC: I hope it isn't as bad as the article makes out - I've never noticed a smog problem the few dozen times I've been in the valley (Of course, I fully understand the frustrating combination of mountain-locked areas and smog...) -J The ironic part is, much of the smog blows in from the bay area. george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+Fallen Posted February 16, 2003 Posted February 16, 2003 What I am still trying to figure out is why they are mainly attacking the people of the valley for the pollution when we already have some of the strongest pollution laws in the world, instead of attacking the Bay Area who doesn't have the strong pollution laws (compared to ours) and is the majority of the valley's problems. The article even says that banning fireplaces is "all they can do" because there really isn't any other source of direct pollution in the valley. What about summer when no one uses their fireplaces and we in the valley forget that the sky is actually blue? Why at that time of the year is San Francisco's skies blue and free of pollution? Because we are breathing it! If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
rob/arlene Posted February 17, 2003 Posted February 17, 2003 We planed our first cache today. The girls were pretty excited. Found 0/2 today. Rob is pretty bummed and ready to throw the etrex away. Would appreciate some feedback when anyone finds it as far as the rating goes. Since we seem to have a hard time finding stuff, what we think is hard is probably a 1 to everyone else! Arlene Quote
+georgeandmary Posted February 17, 2003 Posted February 17, 2003 quote:Originally posted by rob/arlene:We planed our first cache today. The girls were pretty excited. Found 0/2 today. Rob is pretty bummed and ready to throw the etrex away. Would appreciate some feedback when anyone finds it as far as the rating goes. Since we seem to have a hard time finding stuff, what we think is hard is probably a 1 to everyone else! Arlene Which ones did you try? george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+elmo-fried Posted February 17, 2003 Posted February 17, 2003 quote:Originally posted by rob/arlene:We planed our first cache today. The girls were pretty excited. Found 0/2 today. Rob is pretty bummed and ready to throw the etrex away. Would appreciate some feedback when anyone finds it as far as the rating goes. Since we seem to have a hard time finding stuff, what we think is hard is probably a 1 to everyone else! Arlene I first heard about GeoCaching from an old co-worker who had moved up to Portland, Oregon, and figured I'd go give it a try that night as there was one less than a mile away... after an hour of frustrated searching I gave up and didn't try another GeoCache for 3 months when my brother moved back from Arizona (GeoCaching isn't as much fun solo as with 2-3 in the group). Anyway, until you get about half a dozen under you belt and start to get an idea of what people hide and how and where, I think it's 'hard' at first. Even some of the 1 star ones can be a challenge (Fat City in Manteca has been stumping a lot of folks lately). Typical containers I've seen are film canisters (typically micros), Altoid tins painted camo or black, larger ones can be tupperwear to ammo cans and painted camo and typically under good ground cover or well hidden (not usually in urban areas). Also, sometimes what one person might find easy (as they guessed the location and found it right away), the same cache may take another person a long time if their GPS is fibbing or they just don't guess and looking in the right spot (or worse, at the right angle). I'd recommend putting a number of 1 star ones that are local on your watch list, and then going after them when you get notified that someone else has recently found them (that way you have a really good chance of knowing that it's still there and hasn't been spoiled by a non-Cacher). The first one I went after has since been removed from the system, and I don't recall when the last person had found it before I went, so for all I know it wasn't really even there anymore. Here's some hints about GPSr (GPS Receivers): sometimes they can be a good 30-60 feet off, even though they say they have 15 feet of precision and you're <10 feet from it. Typically what I do is walk around the area and toward where I think the cache is from 3-4 angles to get a good general fix on it. If I have problems getting that good general fix [nearly 50% of the time), I turn the GPSr off and back on again and let it just sit on the ground while I poke around. Then in 2-3 minutes of it getting a chance to 'settle' I'll use it again to get a good idea [usually I can get it to be within 5-15 feet of it)... but that's as accurate as it gets, you can still end up having to search a lot of area. Oh, and bring gloves (I like the disposable ones which I chuck at the end of the day)... lots of evil, err, sneaky, folks hiding stuff in bushes and I hate getting my hands and arms scrachted up. Now I typically wear a long-sleeve button-up shirt on top of a t-shirt or a jacket and then wash both right awsy if I was far off from urban areas and am near unknown plants (washing them in hot water and with poison oak/ivy cleaning stuff you can get at Wal-Greens, etc.). I only say this as JWR ended up with a bad rash from a small scratch/cut which got poison in it and spread all over his arm (and being a red hed doesn't help him). We practice 'Safe Caching' now, especially when out hiking around (half a dozen fun ones near Knight's Ferry/Tullock Rd. area). Worst case, hook up with another crew of GeoCachers and have them show you the ropes. One thing you have to think of: Most caches are hidden right in public out where anyone could find them, but folks just don't as they're not where folks would look or find them. Give Scenic Surprise (GCB621) a try (good location for getting used to the GPSr's odd behavior) and if you like it try Y.S.Y.L LO (GCBF88) which is a bit harder but along the same theme lines. I was going to recommend Fifi Morte (GCA339) as a first one to go for as it was so easy, but alas it has been archived. Oh, for another easy one, I hear my first and only hidden cache, Jacob Maybe (GCC6FE) is really easy (well, depending if the hunting conditions permit). Jason Roysdon Quote
rob/arlene Posted February 17, 2003 Posted February 17, 2003 reading my post, I see I wasn't really clear. When anyone finds our cache, I would like feedback as to whether they think the difficulty we rated is accurate. As to what we tried to find today...MurphyFamily/Murphy Park and Bee-ing in Arnold. We were going to put one in Murphys Park a few weeks ago and decided against it. That park is EXTREMELY busy in the spring/summer/fall. It is almost deserted this time of year, but not when the weather warms up. (By the way, the town name is Murphys, not Murphy, and it is Murphys Park, not Murphy Park) Well, if it was rated as a 1, and it is one to let the kids find, then we are totally blind. Bee-ing in Arnold is in a busy foot traffic area. It is hard to be discreet when both kids were running around trying to rip everything in sight to shreds. I made a comment about running off steam in front of some people to give a "reason" for us to be there. This busy holiday weekend lots of people are heading up the mountian to go skiing and driving long distances. I know we just need more practice to get a feel for what people use as hiding places. Arlene Quote
+Green Achers Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 I was hoping to run over to Fat City this morning and then run up the mountains for some hunting and planting. Well, Fat City is there and I just can't figure out why it can't be found. I did uncover it a bit but really, I could see it (partly because I know where to look) while I was standing there. It's really a weak camo job. Once I got up past New Hogan (hwy 88) I realized my PDA didn't get the cache report for the area. Could this be because I flat out forgot to get a cache report? Maybe. So I was stuck doing all blind stashing (not knowing if there was another cache next to it (which is the case with Fat City). Luckily, they're all good. So here's the challenge... a few of the CVC thought Fear Factor was scary. While I'm not afraid of high places, I was somewhat challenge today. The name is Where Two Waters Cross. I don't think too many cachers are going up there, let alone brave enough to successfully logging a find, but it was fun anyway. Bill of Green Achers "I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This." [This message was edited by Green Achers on February 18, 2003 at 09:34 AM.] Quote
+Marky Posted February 18, 2003 Posted February 18, 2003 While we were in Turlock on Sunday we hid this cache which uses some of Joani's relatives as waypoints. Hope everyone enjoys it. --Marky "All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr" Quote
+georgeandmary Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 I can't believe how quiet this forum has been lately. I hope everyone is doing fine and still finding caches. George, the kids and I went up to Sacramento and found a few this past weekend. It was a nice, relaxing, long weekend. Unfortunately we won't have anymore long weekends until April. Mary Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+Green Achers Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 Hey Mary! Ya, it looks like everyone's laying low right now. I stopped by two caches today (in between taking care of entire house of sickies). Found neither so I feel real good - not. Meeting Marky or Son of Madness has once again left me standing in the road. I know the coordinates are bad but I can't figure how off they are. On Yep...Whiteout II, I'm making headway. I lost my way the first visit. Now I made it to the hunting area. I was only able to turn over a couple head stones and dump a few flower pots before it started to rain hard so I bailed. [Just kidding about the damage.] So how's numeral uno? Bill of Green Achers "I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This." Quote
MrToad608 Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 I'm huntin' wabbit.... errr caches. If it were summer, the crickets would be deafining here in the forum. I noticed over the weekend Bill was busy launching a batch of new caches in the hills. Also I saw a few Manteca area finds and a few more DNF's for "Fat City" and "Green One Returns". I ran into Catmit, Little Bigs, and Katie near the "Quail's Roost". I set a new cache in Riverbank "It Ain't Easy Being Green" and it was found by a new cacher with 5 finds to date. I even sang some folk songs while trashing out the Mannnnteca bike trial area. If I'm not back soon.... just wait longer. Quote
+Green Achers Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 quote:Originally posted by MrToad608:I even sang some folk songs while trashing out the Mannnnteca bike trial area. Now that's good old fashion pride! Folk Songs and Trashing land... Good job, Toad. Bill of Green Achers "I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This." [This message was edited by Green Achers on February 19, 2003 at 09:36 PM.] Quote
+ZachNLiam Posted February 20, 2003 Posted February 20, 2003 Originally posted by Green Achers:Meeting Marky or Son of Madness has once again left me standing in the road. I know the coordinates are bad but I can't figure how off they are. You know just because you can't find something it doesn't mean the coordinates are bad. Tammi Quote
+Fattuhr Posted February 20, 2003 Author Posted February 20, 2003 When I found this cache, I zeroed out about four feet from where I found it. Bill try turning off your GPSr and then turning it back on. Once it reboots maybe you'll get a better reading. My wife says put a coordinate on it and I'll find it. Quote
+Camelot Crew Posted February 20, 2003 Posted February 20, 2003 Originally posted by Green Achers: has once again left me standing in the road. I know the coordinates are bad but I can't figure how off they are. Glad to know I'm in good company on this one. I too found myself wandering in the road. Someone else took a more radical approach to finding the cache --- Pow! Right into the wall. David "A cache a day...that's all I ask." Quote
+Camelot Crew Posted February 20, 2003 Posted February 20, 2003 Opps...I'd better read better next time. It wasMadnessthat I was thinking of. Not Meeting Marky. Someone plowed the wall by the house. David Quote
Ron Streeter Posted February 20, 2003 Posted February 20, 2003 ....for golf ! Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted February 20, 2003 Posted February 20, 2003 . . . Special Ops I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+Fallen Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Fattuhr:When I found this cache, I zeroed out about four feet from where I found it. Bill try turning off your GPSr and then turning it back on. Once it reboots maybe you'll get a better reading. My wife says put a coordinate on it and I'll find it. I zeroed about 4 feet from this one too. Maybe your GPS was having a bad day. I don't know about everyone else, but school just started and I haven't had much time to cache. Oh well, I guess I just got spoiled over vacation. If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
+Fattuhr Posted February 21, 2003 Author Posted February 21, 2003 Looks like Mike and Carolyn will be hitting the 400 mark real soon. Good Job. My wife says put a coordinate on it and I'll find it. Quote
+Camelot Crew Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 Originally posted by Ron Streeter: Special Ops This looks like it might require a special teams cache crew and a night invasion, err, hunt. Maybe Ron can lead us. Quote
+Green Achers Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 So I'm just lost on Meeting Marky... I can do this. Maybe, I'll also stop over at Special Ops and pick up that FTF. If I'm not mistaking, those man eaters are dalmations and I have connections in that field. Bill of Green Achers "I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This." Quote
+JaimeeG Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Green Achers:Maybe, I'll also stop over at Special Ops and pick up that FTF. If I'm not mistaking, those man eaters are dalmations and I have connections in that field. Bill of Green Achers Nope..they are chihuahuas!! I went by there last week and was quite intimidated by the little yappers. I only had 17.5 feet of carpet, and there was just no way I could make it work. I did make it inside, but I can't say how I did it (top secret info that would require clearance before being divulged!). I decided to take my spot welder and try to exit through the tunnel. After opening a spot to slide through, I realized that my 3.2-foot wide butt wouldn't fit through the 3-foot space. I had to take an alternate route for exiting. All I can say is I am very thankful for those years I spent at the military academy! Jaimee Too bad closed minds didn't come with closed mouths. Quote
+Green Achers Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 I do think it's funny that when you open the link, you get the page of topic but the Leonardo's EII header... then, if you click the Watch This for Special Ops, you save the Leonardo's EII cache. Drat's on the mutts. I was hoping for fire pooch's. At least Jaimee was kind enough to leave me that FTF! Wait a second... the cache doesn't turn up on a search through Geocaching. I'm not sure I understand everything I know about this. Bill of Green Achers "I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This." Quote
MrToad608 Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 Well a new multi-cache anyway . Submitted and waiting for approval. Keep an eye out in the Oakdale area of the map for a green square. If I'm not back soon.... just wait longer. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted February 21, 2003 Posted February 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Green Achers:Wait a second... the cache doesn't turn up on a search through Geocaching. I'm not sure I understand everything I know about this. Bill of Green Achers "I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This." First thing you noticed is that the cache is not listed on It's a clone of sorts. For some reason he thought that the cache wouldn't be approved so he's playing some game. george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
retreevers 4 Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 Hey Jaimee - We were able to make quick work of Special Ops thanks to you. We arrived on the scene with carpet in tow expecting to need all four of us to break in and get back out. We took a quick look around only to find that the dogs were not anywhere to be found, much to the relief of Harold and Chris (man-eating dogs, remember?). We immediately realized the importance of the lack of barking - the dogs had gone down the drain! We scrapped plan A in favor of searching for the drain opening. After a quick search beneath the freeway (the car noise masked any noise we were making) we discovered the opening. Having brought our headlamps and having a little spelunking experience, it was no big deal to scurry through massive 3' pipes into the cache location. Using the power of four, we quickly located the cache only to discover we had no pen to sign the log. (Sherrie had to shed the geocaching fanny pack in order to fit through a tight place in the drain pipe.) Since our hands were a bit dirty after the scramble through the pipe, we each managed to leave a faint thumb print on the log sheet. Back out the way we came in, we had only to log the cache online to claim our find. Imagine our disappointment when we discovered it is a members-only cache, and we are not members! Oh well. Thanks for the fun cache and the memories anyway, Ron. Retreevers 4 Quote
+JaimeeG Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 I am glad to see that I could assist my fellow cachers in finding "Special Ops." While I don't get the glory of the FTF, I do get the satisfaction of knowing I aided my fellow man/woman. My apologies to the dog owners though. Rumor is there are some mean creatures living in that drain pipe that like little Hispanic dogs! Jaimee Too bad closed minds didn't come with closed mouths. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 ....and more fun. Glad that half a dozen or so cachers are enjoying the Special Ops cache mentioned above. Want some more fun...check THIS out! Fun from the "pudding and pie" guy I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
MrToad608 Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 Planning Saturday hunt and taking some kids, picnicing too. I check the map and consider Turluck, nothing but micros (except one) and mostly log only. I check Waterford, again micros mostly log only. Beginning to see a pattern. To make a long search short... ... were off to the Livermore area for a few regulars in the park off 84. BTW... "Trail Hopper" (GCD8D1) is now approved in Oakdale, it's a mutli with trade items and a TB in the final. If I'm not back soon.... just wait longer. Quote
+Green Achers Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 quote:Originally posted by retreevers 4:Imagine our disappointment when we discovered it is a members-only cache, and we are not members! Oh well. Thanks for the fun cache and the memories anyway, Ron. Retreevers 4 Disappointment? You should be excited that you finally have a reason to become a member! Congrats is in order (only if you pay up). LOL Pi - I figured out my error while replying to George. Now with the correct coords, I dont have the time to run over to get the FTF. Rats! I'm off to the A'mond Blossom Festival and if that gets old - Geocaching!! Bill of Green Achers "I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This." Quote
+elmo-fried Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 quote:Originally posted by MrToad608:Planning Saturday hunt and taking some kids, picnicing too. I check the map and consider Turluck, nothing but micros (except one) and mostly log only. I check Waterford, again micros mostly log only. Beginning to see a pattern. To make a long search short... ... were off to the Livermore area for a few regulars in the park off 84. BTW... "Trail Hopper" (GCD8D1) is now approved in Oakdale, it's a mutli with trade items and a TB in the final. If I'm not back soon.... just wait longer. Yeah, the kids aren't too hot for micro/log-only caches, but I manage to get them to come along so long as there is at least one at a park or one larger cache to find. We're heading out to Knight's Ferry to pick up 2-3 more that I didn't have printouts for (and will do that Oakdale one on the way back). Also, we've started doing searches for BMs in an area I plan to GeoCache in. Jason Roysdon Quote
+Fallen Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 Important: For those of you why don't have the OG party on your watch list... The party has been moved! Due to some small technical difficulties brought on by a late phone call the party will now be (still waiting on an OK from the place but) at Strings in Turlock at the same time. Please feel free to yell at me. If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
+Green Achers Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 CVC Gathering, aka, Olive Garden It works for me. Here's the Link for those interested. Thanks Fallen. Bill of Green Achers "I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This." Quote
+georgeandmary Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 Looks like there needs to be a name change. Strings for everyone. george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+C&MMorris Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 Turlock!!!!!! That town's as bad as hunting Micro's BUT.. I'm sure we will be there anyway. Mike If it's got wing's, I can fly it!! Quote
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