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Hello all


I have decided to cancel the Olive Garden dinner for March 1. If someone else would like to do it and make an event page or whatever, then that is fine..go for it! icon_smile.gif I would be happy to forward the list of names I have as well.


Sorry if it messes up anyone's plans...but I figured over a month was plenty of notice, or at least I hope it is.




Too bad closed minds didn't come with closed mouths.


....you may not watch the TV show Friends, but they often talk of going *Commando* and it doesn't mean going over razor wire.


I remember reading your log and I don't question that you found it....you seem to imply that I don't believe you found it.


All I was questioning was that you went over the razor wire. Doesn't that seem a little *daring* even for you? I would think you would have gotten cut up. I would never go over razor wire, so I guess that makes you a more daring person that I am.


As far as the *screw you* comment, well what can I say. I am not calling you a liar.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


...thank you for the email telling me why you cancelled your involvement with the Olive Garden party.


I'm sure someone else will be happy to take over the arrangements.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Well, I climbed over. 2 saw me do it. Perhaps the youngest there should have gone? icon_biggrin.gif Anyways, I do have a tower climbing safety harness if anyone wishes to borrow it. icon_smile.gif Maybe I'll try the razor wire next. icon_eek.gif


If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot!


Originally posted by Ron Streeter:

....you may not watch the TV show Friends, but they often talk of going *Commando* and it doesn't mean going over razor wire.

So, you think I took my underwear off and went for the cache? Oh yeah, that makes sense. That's what I must have been talking about.


I remember reading your log and I don't question that you found it....you seem to imply that I don't believe you found it.


All I was questioning was that you went over the razor wire. Doesn't that seem a little *daring* even for you? I would think you would have gotten cut up. I would never go over razor wire, so I guess that makes you a more daring person that I am.


I'm a lot more of a lot of things than you ron.



As far as the *screw you* comment, well what can I say. I am not calling you a liar.




__I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.__


Let's see, you don't believe I went over the wire, but you're not calling me a lier.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


...yes you are a lot more of a lot of things than I am George and plenty of people would agree with you on that. I am one of them.


Yes, it's true I don't believe you went over the RAZOR WIRE. If that means I'm calling you a liar, then yes, I'm calling you a liar.


So be it.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Please, Ron, there is no value in your sub-thread.


We are all in this for the joy of the hunt and comradarie of each other (via these forums, through finding each other's caches, and the rare get-together event). Your post doesn't help either goal.


You and George are both teachers - I honor that profession, and therefore both of you. Most teachers I know are hard-working, and are very giving people - love helping others - a characteristic that I wish I saw more of in myself.


George was also in the US Navy. I've got a direct-report employee who used to be an Army Ranger (I don't think he would use the phrase "used to") and he's one of the best employees I have - very straightforward and honest, very hard working, supports his employees, etc... I've found almost every other veteran on my team to be similarly hard working and straightforward - I've come to the conclusion, based on this evidence - that to volunteer to join the armed services these days is an indicator of a number of positive values and capabilities.


Now, back to my Army Ranger employee, he's told me of having to demonstrate things to his superiors that were much harder than climbing over razor wire. (I certainly couldn't do it. I'm horribly clumsy - I'm likely to slip and fall even on dry asphalt on a 80 degree day.)


First off, a disclaimer: I don't know either rof you. I've shared a few e-mails with George regarding a couple of caches, seen his forum posts, and met him for all of 3 minutes when we by coincidence were hunting the same cache at the same time. I've never exchanged an e-mail with you, Ron - I just have seen your posts in the forum.


I've got lots of people who work for me, direcly or indirectly, and part of the skills required of me in my job is to be a quick judge of character. A few times, I'm wrong. But, no modesty here, this is too serious - I'm very good at this - I'm right most of the time.


Back to the topic at hand: I don't really know either of you. But I know a bit about each of your backgrounds from your profiles. And those backgrounds tell me that you are each very likely to have certain characteristics.


You are both teachers - and that means you are both good people in my book until proven otherwise. Further - if a teacher who is a veteran (George), tells me that they did something - even something that sounds a bit dangerous - then to me - they did. I won't question it. I'll take it at face value.


So, I don't know George really at all - but I know what it takes to be a teacher and a veteran - George doesn't need to prove to me he climbed over that razor wire, for me to believe it. Somebody else would have to prove to me that he didn't.




When this begins to turn into a personal issue the people involved should either 1) use personal means of communication such as the phone or e-mail or 2) make up your their own thread so not to turn others away from this GAME.


I'm out of here for a while. I have an e-mail address...




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.


Where I work there are 2 very 'strong' personalities. Both these people are really great people and do a great service for the company.


BUT, they cannot work together or be left alone during stressful times of the year. We've learned this - they KNOW it - and they know what to say and WHAT NOT TO SAY to each other. That's the only way they can continue to work here.


I've talked quite a bit with both parties on this forum, and respect both in different ways. They both know this. I will NOT share my feelings here, on this PUBLIC forum.


Don't START anything. Just play this game, and use this thread for what it's designed for.


My $0.02.







I call both Ron and George my friend. You both know that I stay in my neutral corner when you guys start your fighting But Matt is right on this one. This stuff is better left in private. We have had a flux of newbies here in the CVC latley and we dont need them getting discusted

With us and quiting.


Now on to a lighter note.


George, I joined a 4 wheel drive club. They are excepting new members. Are you interested?

The next run will be at the end of Febuary.

We will be doing the trails at Frank Raines Park.




If it's got wing's, I can fly it!!


Originally posted by C&MMorris:

Now on to a lighter note.


George, I joined a 4 wheel drive club. They are excepting new members. Are you interested?

The next run will be at the end of Febuary.

We will be doing the trails at Frank Raines Park.




If it's got wing's, I can fly it!!


Let me know. I've got one tank acting funny right now, I just haven't had time to look at it closer.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


....Randy's comments make the most sense. Some people just don't mesh. George and I are two of those people (this is of course my OPINION).


I am not sorry to say that my six years in the Army did not include razor wire assaults. The gas chamber was bad enough.


Razor wire at 30 paces at dawn anyone? I'll send my second.


While it may be discomforting for people (newbies or not) to read of two people going at each other like this, if it dissuaded them from continuing to geocache, then razor wire certainly would not be their thing either. I give people more credit than that.


Finally, I received an email from a cacher who indicated he/she thought that Jaimee had called off her involvement with the Olive Grove party because of this rift. Puhleeze ! This imparts WAY MORE importance to the rift between George and I and its impact on life than is even humanly possible to give a passing thought to.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Someone needs to plan something! Zach and Liam were both looking SOOOO forward to seeing George and Mary's kids again. They'll be bummed!


I'd plan something if I wasn't so busy this next month!







First, without saying anything else, I want commend Ron for his time in the Army.


But, I also don't see George as a liar. I have no reason to believe he lies. I also don't see Ron as a liar - as I have no reason to believe he lies. I assume people tell the truth - especially people with such credentials.


If they have an item (or a series of them) to discuss with each other, I agree, that can be taken off this forum and put into private e-mail.




Well... I will be at the Olive Garden on the 1st of March around 6pm anyway. If others are still interested I will call and reserve (it helps to know the manager!). It's all a game, sometimes things happen. Once again we continue to revolve.


Let me know!




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.


Originally posted by Fallen:

Well... I will be at the Olive Garden on the 1st of March around 6pm anyway. If others are still interested I will call and reserve (it helps to know the manager!). It's all a game, sometimes things happen. Once again we continue to revolve.


Let me know!

Fallen, why don't you take the lead on this and make an Event Cache for it. (Do you really know the manager?) Post any known details on the event cache (such as min and max group size, RSVP deadline, etc.) That seems like a decent working model for these type of things. Joani and I should be able to make it, regardless.



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


Originally posted by Marky:

Fallen, why don't you take the lead on this and make an Event Cache for it. (Do you really know the manager?) Post any known details on the event cache (such as min and max group size, RSVP deadline, etc.) That seems like a decent working model for these type of things. Joani and I should be able to make it, regardless.



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


Sounds good to me. We eat there all the time and the manager usually comes out to talk to us. I'm sure I can work something out. Well, Im off to LA for the weekend. Be back on Sunday! icon_cool.gif




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.


GCC779... Exit Exit is available again, and has been relocated.

After a DNF was logged I went to check it and it was gone, so I archived it. I prepared a new container and considered a new, nearby location. Then as I'm ready to post the new coords. I see someone had logged a find. I went to check this morning and there it is again.icon_confused.gif

Long story short, it's in a new spot and available again, and the three who had found it, may find it again.


[so everyone is clear, I'm just sharing my experience and not making any kind accusations.]


If I'm not back soon.... just wait longer.


Originally posted by MrToad608:

not making any kind accusations.

I know that this was just a typo, but it made me chuckle, thinking that there are "kind accusations" and "unkind accusations" (which, in fact, there probably are, but I still thought it was funny). icon_wink.gif



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bill of Green Achers


"I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This."


[This message was edited by Green Achers on January 31, 2003 at 07:51 PM.]


[This message was edited by Green Achers on January 31, 2003 at 07:59 PM.]


Originally posted by Green Achers:






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bill of Green Achers


"I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This."


Bill of Green Achers


"I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This."


[This message was edited by Green Achers on January 31, 2003 at 07:49 PM.]


[This message was edited by Green Achers on January 31, 2003 at 07:54 PM.]


[This message was edited by Green Achers on January 31, 2003 at 07:57 PM.]


Originally posted by Green Achers:

Originally posted by Green Achers:





































































































































Bill of Green Achers


"I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This."


Bill of Green Achers


"I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This."


Bill of Green Achers


"I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This."


[This message was edited by Green Achers on January 31, 2003 at 07:48 PM.]


Hey CVC! I've been busy trying to get Fizzy's program working on my new PDA. I think it took me four days to stop reading his distructions (funny word - not an attach folks) and I actually read Plucker's distructions. I asked for help several times but realize people get busy. Anyway, it's amazing how lost I've been and then how crystal everything became.


So now I'm a happy camper! That program rocks that Fizzy did. I can't tell you how easy it is (now) to upload several hundered caches into my palm.


If anyone decides they want to do this, here's my advise. Do read and bookmark Fizzy's web site that explains things. Also, do read and bookmark the Plucker web site. Together, you'll get the whole story and be done in about an hour or two. I use a Macintosh so the destructions are different enough that I really got lost. You'll do better, I'm sure.


Thank you Fizzy for pushing me into this Great Utility and your time in writting your web site. I couldn't have done it without you. icon_smile.gif


Bill of Green Achers


"I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This."


....are you on drugs or did you just lean on the keyboard three or four times?






Some weeks ago I told Fizzy I'd be happy to try out his new program...this was just after I blew away the terrible Mobi-Pocket and got Plucker working so I could use the Spinner done by LilDevil.


I got that all working AND Watcher and those are both great programs.


Any of the folks using these might have the same *problem* I'm having (except for those smarter than me)....that is the programs create so many folders (zip, extracted folder, etc) that I sometimes lose track of what works with what !


Tie in the EasyGPS and this is one lot of *connectivity*.


I know Fizzy's works as a stand-alone on the home computer and that's a BIG plus I would say.


Now to find the time to try it out !






I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Sorry that I didn't help more, Bill. But I'm glad you got it working! Right now I am BEAT. I took the afternoon off and Jimswim, vdbalamo, and I went to Mount Diablo. We did Balancing Rock, King Cache, Queen Cache, and Runner's Edge. I also placed 2 caches.


Getting from Queen Cache to Runner's Edge involved descending 1,000 feet in 3/8 of a mile! And then we had to climb back up. Groan.


I'll have a new version of gpx2html out this weekend that includes some stability improvements and some new features for travel bugs.


...was trying to get us to page 55 in the thread. The trouble is - it's not the vertical amount of text that forces a page change, it's the total number of messages. Therefore, you'd have to send lots of little ones to force the change.


Sorry to learn that USA lost the space suttle this morning. So sad.


Thanks for the education on the page length. I can assure you, I don't do drugs.


Is anyone working on Fizzy's Big Picture cache? I think I'm going the right direction on it but haven't seen any progress yet.


Everyone have a great day caching.


Bill of Green Achers


"I'm Not Sure I Understand Everything I Know About This."


Originally posted by TeamJiffy:

...was trying to get us to page 55 in the thread. The trouble is - it's not the vertical amount of text that forces a page change, it's the total number of messages. Therefore, you'd have to send lots of little ones to force the change.


My question is, WHY????????????????????


Tammi icon_wink.gif





...and had a great weekend!!! The only problem was I didn't do ANY CACHING WHATSOEVER! Oh well, I had too much fun to stop and cache anyway. Then the drive home really sucks and I didn't really want to make it longer.


Anyway, If I make the Olive Garden an event cache (or whatever) does this fly with everyone?


Oh yea! Bill, glad to see you are laying off those downers. They appear to make this page WAY too long. icon_smile.gif


The Great




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.


Originally posted by Green Achers:

I use a Macintosh so the destructions are different enough that I really got lost. You'll do better, I'm sure.

For caching, I've been moving away from the Mac. The only thing I still do on the Mac is digital photos, and my visor, which means I am in a similar situation has you. I'm contemplating moving my cradle over to my Win2000 laptop but haven't decided for sure if that's what I want to do. I've been too lazy to do anything about learning how to deal with Plucker on Mac OS X. Plus, now I have a new toy that I want to use (a Nextel Blackberry phone), but haven't figured out exactly what I want to do with it.



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


Hey all


I told myself I was going to stay away from the forums and all the drama, but I guess I just can't do that!


Has anyone had problems getting caches approved lately??? Each and every cache I submit now is questioned. I placed three virtuals in the Ventura area yesterday, and all three have been archived. It seems as if maybe there is a trend to move away from virtuals. They certainly will keep approving a magnetized whatever stuck to a piece of metal!


I guess I just don't get what constitutes a cache anymore. How is a virtual less of a cache than a get-together for dinner???


On the dinner note, I am glad I got a chuckle out of that whole affair! You really need an event page in order to get the details to everyone?? icon_rolleyes.gif Seems that 20-some people were able to get the necessary info from what had been posted on the forum. It certainly shows who is in this game for the numbers.




Too bad closed minds didn't come with closed mouths.


...drama is as drama does..as mama used to say...life is a bowl of caches.


In regard to your recently unapproved virtual caches, give them a little time...I'm sure they'll come through.


When I was approving caches about 1.5 years ago I stopped doing it because it took so much time and the half-dozen or so of us who were doing it were busy even then.


When I placed my first cache (it was cache #640 something in the system) there were something on the order of 200 or so caches a week coming in. Now it must be much higher than that. The recent cache numbers are in the high 50K area.


My point is that the approvers (however many there are now) have a lot to do on a Monday or Tuesday when all the new weekend caches come to them. Try posting a new cache on a Wednesday/Thursday and see what happens...of course the approvers may be recuperating from all the Monday/Tuesday work.


I just tried to publish one this morning and got an archived message because it appeared the cache was on an active railroad...after my assurance this is not the case, I think it will be approved soon.


The caches are out there and will be out there...no rush to get to them...MOST OF THE TIME ANYWAY!




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


My virtual in Riverbank took 3 days. I had to explain why I didn't place a traditional cache as opposed to a virtual.


Anyway Jaimee; did ya have a good time down South? Get any surfing in? lol


You'll read in your e-mails that we found three of your caches this week-end. Loved the ones in Angels. Our first night-caching trip. There was a highway patrolman within view; but now we're pretty well versed with an excuse before we get out of the car why we're there if asked.


Have a good day,



There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors.


Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

Hey all


I told myself I was going to stay away from the forums and all the drama, but I guess I just can't do that!


Has anyone had problems getting caches approved lately??? Each and every cache I submit now is questioned. I placed three virtuals in the Ventura area yesterday, and all three have been archived. It seems as if maybe there is a trend to move away from virtuals. They certainly will keep approving a magnetized whatever stuck to a piece of metal!


I guess I just don't get what constitutes a cache anymore. How is a virtual less of a cache than a get-together for dinner???


On the dinner note, I am glad I got a chuckle out of that whole affair! You really need an event page in order to get the details to everyone?? icon_rolleyes.gif Seems that 20-some people were able to get the necessary info from what had been posted on the forum. It certainly shows who is in this game for the numbers.




Too bad closed minds didn't come with closed mouths.


It seems my virtuals area always questioned. I think they check the Internet and if they can find information about your virtual they archive it. Did they tell you why they archived yours?


As for the event. I just figure they have an event cache option so why not use it. I really could care less about numbers. I actually went down to LA this weekend and got 0 caches. I guess 0 is a number so maybe I am obsessed with numbers.


Oh well.




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.


Uncleugene and I did some caching in an area that I will not name. I do now understand why some of you are sick of the whole micro thing. Some of them were just sad! I did seem to find a correlation between the sad caches and the new cache hiders. Again oh well. I would like to see these placed with a little more thought, but then again... who am I to complain. Hmm.. then again, who am I to complain about those who complain.


If you have any complaints about my caches please e-mail (fallen@hotpop.com) me at my complaint hotline. I know I have a few of those stuck to the metal things.




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.


The note I got back for my archived virtuals was a standard form note of some sort that had to do with reading guidelines, etc., etc. I was asked why I hadn't made it a traditional cache instead of a virtual. I was of the impression that maybe someone is trying to do away with virtuals, but I could be entirely mistaken.


I enjoy virtuals, and, based on the number of visits that my current virtuals get, I would guess than many others do as well. I would much rather go find a well-planned virtual than a cache that takes 2 seconds of looking to find.


Fallen....about the find count, etc., I just thought it funny that someone jumped in to suggest an event page, once again. It will be most interesting to see who else attends once it's made into an event, since apparently the same amount of info can't be imparted in a forum post! You will probably have to reserve the entire restaurant because of the numbers generated from an event page!!!! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif




Too bad closed minds didn't come with closed mouths.


Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

Fallen....about the find count, etc., I just thought it funny that someone jumped in to suggest an event page, once again. It will be most interesting to see who else attends once it's made into an event, since apparently the same amount of info can't be imparted in a forum post! You will probably have to reserve the entire restaurant because of the numbers generated from an event page!!!! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

Event caches are there as a way to get geocachers together, period. For some reason, you are implying that I bring the event thing up because I care about the numbers. Now I am feeling pretty unwelcome at this event. Bummer.



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


I'm a new cacher..... no applause needed.... seriously though, I now have 5 caches placed, 1 micro, 1 larger micro, 2 containers 3"x4", and 1 traditional ammo can. I try to place in towns and areas that have no caches. My plan is to continue with caches that are at least big enough to put a TB into, even with a small traveler attached.


I posted before about the fact that the TB population may increase dramatically in the near future / after the Cannonball Run. Those without a paid envelope home will need to go somewhere. I don't remember any comments on that point though.


I hope that folks consider this in their new placement of caches. Not to mention the fun kids have when the get to trade cool stuff. Not much to trade in a log only micro or virtual.


Just the opinion of a new cacher (45 finds)


If I'm not back soon.... just wait longer.

Originally posted by Fallen:

Uncleugene and I did some caching in an area that I will not name. I do now understand why some of you are sick of the whole micro thing. Some of them were just sad! I did seem to find a correlation between the sad caches and the new cache hiders. Again oh well. I would like to see these placed with a little more thought, but then again... who am I to complain. Hmm.. then again, who am I to complain about those who complain.


As a new cacher (73 finds); first I have to say that hiding my first few micro caches was very EXCITING. Yes, they are probably easy finds; but sorry, I don't consider them sad! I'm positive that most of the experienced cachers felt this exact same thing (excited) when they first started caching! And if you look at my logs; most of them are finds of micros 1/1's hidden by experienced cachers! I do intend to put more thought into the next ones I hide..if there are any places left!


I have found some very clever caches lately and I agree that these are much more challenging then walking right up to a micro and logging it in a minute.


So, I guess the answer would be; for those sick of micro caches - don't find them!


Oh, and please don't beat me up over my opinion. It's just an opinion......




There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors.



I was introduced to this new phenomena literally over this past weekend. I got a wild hair to "dive in" and got my first GPS today. I was very eager to go out and locate my first cache ever. I printed up some of the surrounding caches that on the scale seemed easy (1/1-2/1) and attempted my first hunt. I hit three areas and was not successful. I am as green as can be and was wondering if I could get a little friendly guidance.


I haven't had a chance to actually go out with a more experienced cacher yet, but I am so very eager to score my first find! Now I was tempted to go to the Flower Cam Web Cam cache just because it's pretty obvious where it is and extremely easy, but that was TOO easy. I still plan to log that one here soon it's a cool cache.


I am also eager to place caches and have some questions. How appropriate is it to place caches say on one's own property?


I am really excited about this new hobby, and really want to find my first cache!




Welcome Sandy, Let us know when you go hunting and maybe we can meet up. There is a few others around that I'm sure would be glad to go with you also.


As for caches on your own property. I have 2 on mine and I know of a few others that have them on there property also.




If it's got wing's, I can fly it!!


...sounds like I might be the closest...in Stockton. Send me an email about your city location and when you would like to go and I'll see if I can go on some hunts with you.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


Originally posted by Catmit:


As a new cacher (73 finds); first I have to say that hiding my first few micro caches was very EXCITING. Yes, they are probably easy finds; but sorry, I don't consider them sad! I'm positive that most of the experienced cachers felt this exact same thing (excited) when they first started caching! And if you look at my logs; most of them are finds of micros 1/1's hidden by experienced cachers! I do intend to put more thought into the next ones I hide..if there are any places left!


I have found some very clever caches lately and I agree that these are much more challenging then walking right up to a micro and logging it in a minute.


So, I guess the answer would be; for those sick of micro caches - don't find them!


Oh, and please don't beat me up over my opinion. It's just an opinion......




There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors.


And very entitled to it. I actually don't complain, just comment. I think I haven't found any of your caches yet. icon_smile.gif




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.


Originally posted by Partytown:


I was introduced to this new phenomena literally over this past weekend. I got a wild hair to "dive in" and got my first GPS today. I was very eager to go out and locate my first cache ever. I printed up some of the surrounding caches that on the scale seemed easy (1/1-2/1) and attempted my first hunt. I hit three areas and was not successful. I am as green as can be and was wondering if I could get a little friendly guidance.


I haven't had a chance to actually go out with a more experienced cacher yet, but I am so very eager to score my first find! Now I was tempted to go to the Flower Cam Web Cam cache just because it's pretty obvious where it is and extremely easy, but that was TOO easy. I still plan to log that one here soon it's a cool cache.


I am also eager to place caches and have some questions. How appropriate is it to place caches say on one's own property?


I am really excited about this new hobby, and really want to find my first cache!




Sounds good to me too. If you let us know where you are or where you would like to go caching I am sure you could find a caching partner. There are lots of places I still have to go.




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.

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