+Mr. Vic Posted November 27, 2002 Posted November 27, 2002 Well George, While in Hawaii I followed your suggestion and found the Brady Bunch Evil Tiki. I attached a travel bug to it and will release it near Sonora or Knights Ferry this weekend. Here's the link: http://www.geocaching.com/track/track_detail.asp?ID=13687 BTW I gave you credit... -Mark. Elvis is dead. Get over it. Quote
+JaimeeG Posted November 27, 2002 Posted November 27, 2002 Hey George and Mary...I just read your post on the CVC Xmas party page about it being a weeknight. Aren't you all out of school then for Christmas vacation? Jaimee Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away! Quote
+georgeandmary Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 Jaimee, Unfortunately, the kids and I will still be in school. Our last day is the 20th. It is not a big deal though, the last day is usually a minimum day and not much work is accomplished. Mary Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+Pepper Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 to the Valley folk, enjoy and relax! George great pic that was a FUN day, thanks to Fizzy and George for an interesting and beautiful day of caching. Gotta finish that Turkey and dressing now, have a great holiday. Pepper Horizontals where it's at! Quote
Ron Streeter Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 ...on this Thanksgiving Day. I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Mr. Vic:Well George, While in Hawaii I followed your suggestion and found the Brady Bunch Evil Tiki. I attached a travel bug to it and will release it near Sonora or Knights Ferry this weekend. Here's the link: http://www.geocaching.com/track/track_detail.asp?ID=13687 BTW I gave you credit... -Mark. Elvis is dead. Get over it. Lessons I learned from the Brady Bunch, don't play ball in the house, don't let an old gold miner lock you in a jail cell, and DON'T pick up evil tikis. I'll have to watch the bug and see what kind of luck befalls those who pick it up. george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+Green Achers Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 Looks like a lot of new things have been happening on this forum. I like the new Icon George but that photo of your new house is hurtin' for certain. Who's your painter? Fire him! [photo ref: page 40, 11/27/02 @ 07:20 Hrs] I got the Christmas Gathering notice but still can't work that into my schedule. (It's basicly the same problem as the last gathering... Thursday Afternoon). Well, I can't complain 'cause I'm not organizing it. Jaimee put it best, If you want to make sure you can attend, organize it. (Good, Solid Advise). Mr. Vic went to Hawai'i before going to George's Test of Genius. Too bad. Hope you had a great vacation Mark. Did you learn to Hula? I completed Double Agent today. Man, that's a challenge. The only help I got was a little error on my first interpretation of the French clue for L and B, and great advise from Mary (GeorgeandMary) that I needed to reread the cipher skills instructions. Thanks Mary! You got me out of that hole. I found the cache in about two minutes... but earlier had to use the clue after about an hour. Does that mean I'm getting better at this. I'm starting to think like the stasher while hunting. Bill of Green Achers "Why is 'Tourist Season' not mentioned in the Fish and Game Manual?" Quote
+Green Achers Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 IDNWE HAWUH UEIDR SHOOT OUNLE LKTBE Thanks again. Bill of Green Achers "Why is 'Tourist Season' not mentioned in the Fish and Game Manual?" Quote
+Mr. Vic Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Green Achers:Mr. Vic went to Hawai'i before going to George's Test of Genius. Too bad. Hope you had a great vacation Mark. Did you learn to Hula? Bill of Green Achers "Why is 'Tourist Season' not mentioned in the Fish and Game Manual?" I don't think anyone wants to see me Hula! Unfortunately, I was there on business and didn't have too much free time. The little I did have I devoted to Geocaching. I've solved George's Test of Genius, but I don't get out to Patterson too often. I'll be going through the CV on my way to Sonora Friday. Maybe I hit a couple of caches along the way! -Mark. Elvis is dead. Get over it. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted November 29, 2002 Posted November 29, 2002 I'm waiting for feedback on this one. It may be frusterating in a different way. I just depends if you want to find it fast or just find it. There are ways of figuring out the right path. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=44802 george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+Green Achers Posted November 30, 2002 Posted November 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by georgeandmary:I'm waiting for feedback on this one. It may be frusterating in a different way. I just depends if you want to find it fast or just find it. There are ways of figuring out the right path. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=44802 george Of our 2 and a half hour hunt, about an hour of it was wasted going to a wronge stop and then there was a quick lunch and rest stop. The rest was logical in a way I can't talk about as I don't want to spoil the fun. Scary that I may be figuring George out. Or worse yet, I'm starting to think like him. I've seen Jaimee and Mike each do this a couple weekends ago when our paths crossed and I was floored at their logic and abilities. That's when I told myself, "When I grow up, I want to be like that". Thanks George for doing something new. I always like clever and I always like a good challenge. Bill of Green Achers "Why is 'Tourist Season' not mentioned in the Fish and Game Manual?" Quote
+MartyFouts Posted November 30, 2002 Posted November 30, 2002 Especially when compared to The Amazing Race (which, unfortunately, is member's only.) But then, I haven't tried it yet. quote:Originally posted by georgeandmary:I'm waiting for feedback on this one. It may be frusterating in a different way. I just depends if you want to find it fast or just find it. There are ways of figuring out the right path. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=44802 george http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/39570_500.jpg Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Marty Fouts ae6ip Quote
+Green Achers Posted November 30, 2002 Posted November 30, 2002 When a stasher posts a spoiler on a forum but doesn't point it out... and all the hunters don't realize the clue(s). Lucky for some hunters when they put two and two together on the fly and don't need the spoiler in the first place. There's always logic to the Mad-ness. We rarely find out what it is before it's too late to help. [Don't ask what all this means ] New subject: Last night we had dinner on the OakDale show/train. And someone died... gasp! The guy was beside himself after he departed suddenly. [That's dry humor for a cut and wrap muder mistery]. I was able to figure out the shifty eyed, low life but I was wronge about the motive. [ It was kind of a loco-motive if you ask me]. I love trains! [but I hate the rocks - Ron ] I think it's time for a good Ron cache... I still need to clear up a Rock Cache of his. [Rocks!] Bill of Green Achers "Why is 'Tourist Season' not mentioned in the Fish and Game Manual?" Quote
+Brute-Force Posted November 30, 2002 Posted November 30, 2002 I need some input on giving hints to others. I don't wanna go and get somebody mad at me again. I 've given several hints on my caches to others as they request and feel it's no biggie. I will not give a hint on one until it's been found 1 time though. Yesterday though, I gave a hint on one that wasn't mine. Sorry Mike! It didn't seem to help much though. I didn't realize until it was too late that maybe I shouldn't have do so. Since I do not yet know all the quirks and feelings of others here, please post up any thoughts. Until then, I'll stick to this. Ask me on mine. Ask them on theirs If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot! Quote
+Fallen Posted November 30, 2002 Posted November 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Brute-Force:I need some input on giving hints to others. I don't wanna go and get somebody mad at me again. I 've given several hints on my caches to others as they request and feel it's no biggie. I will not give a hint on one until it's been found 1 time though. Yesterday though, I gave a hint on one that wasn't mine. Sorry Mike! It didn't seem to help much though. I didn't realize until it was too late that maybe I shouldn't have do so. Since I do not yet know all the quirks and feelings of others here, please post up any thoughts. Until then, I'll stick to this. Ask me on mine. Ask them on theirs If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot! I know what you are talking about I think we all have our own calling circles and that is ok (in my opinion). With my limited phone number capacity and being out in the middle of no where with a flat tire it was all I could do. Now if someone was to ask for aditional hints on every cache I would think they need to be doing something else. Anyway, that's just me. If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
+C&MMorris Posted December 1, 2002 Posted December 1, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Brute-Force:I need some input on giving hints to others. I don't wanna go and get somebody mad at me again. I 've given several hints on my caches to others as they request and feel it's no biggie. I will not give a hint on one until it's been found 1 time though. Yesterday though, I gave a hint on one that wasn't mine. Sorry Mike! It didn't seem to help much though. I didn't realize until it was too late that maybe I shouldn't have do so. Since I do not yet know all the quirks and feelings of others here, please post up any thoughts. Until then, I'll stick to this. Ask me on mine. Ask them on theirs If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot! I dont care if anyone give's a hint on my caches. Like Fallen said, we all call somebody at some time when we are stumped. So dont worry about it Brute. I have NO PROBLEM!!! with it what so ever. If it's got wing's, I can fly it!! [This message was edited by C&MMorris on December 01, 2002 at 07:38 AM.] Quote
+Fallen Posted December 1, 2002 Posted December 1, 2002 It's not like it really helped me anyway. Maybe next time . I think I need new contact lenses or something. Or maybe I should be up to date on my tetnis shots! If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
+Brute-Force Posted December 1, 2002 Posted December 1, 2002 Ok. Thanks Mike. I feared I may have stepped on some toes. I have seen others talking about calling and hints given but I didn't know who all was ok with it. I think Fallen had his mind more on a leaking tire since he didn't find it. So, we'll see if he can find this one! LOL! http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=44985 George was talking EVIL? This is most evil too! Should be easy to spot after container is found though. If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot! Quote
+C&MMorris Posted December 1, 2002 Posted December 1, 2002 Originally posted by Brute-Force:Ok. Thanks Mike. I feared I may have stepped on some toes. I have seen others talking about calling and hints given but I didn't know who all was ok with it. I think Fallen had his mind more on a leaking tire since he didn't find it. So, we'll see if he can find this one! LOL! http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=44985 George was talking EVIL? This is most evil too! Should be easy to spot after container is found though. If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot![/QUOT In the Middle is a VERY COOL CACHE!!! I was going to make a couple just like that. I think I will still make them. It's a cache well worth getting. Mike If it's got wing's, I can fly it!! Quote
+JaimeeG Posted December 1, 2002 Posted December 1, 2002 Dang..guess we should have ventured on up the road a bit after "Beyond the Sunset." I was toooooooo friggin' hungry to go any further though. Why don't you open a restaurant in La Grange Mike?? Then, I can go eat there while caching in that area instead of having to go back to Waterford and have Taco Bell! BLECH!! I think we will go back up that way next Sunday and just pack a lunch this time. There are lots and lots of caches we need to hit out there. I also put out two new ones today...both in/near/around Modesto kinda sorta. That should be clear as mud, huh? Neither are too difficult, but one may be tough just because it's in an area that has the potential to be quite busy. I also have a Christmas cache put together, but I have yet to find an appropriate spot to place it. Maybe I will try to find somewhere just before the Christmas party. Have a nice week everyone! Jaimee Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away! Quote
Ron Streeter Posted December 1, 2002 Posted December 1, 2002 ....to get a caching partner...so I can be in two places at once ! Nah....that would be too easy...I'll just go it alone. I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+Brute-Force Posted December 1, 2002 Posted December 1, 2002 That got found fast! I think someone must have flown out there. Happiness is letting satellites guide me from cache to cache while listening to commercial free Sirius Satellite radio. Never cut out, even down in the gullies. Now, if they could just steer the car too. If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot! Quote
+C&MMorris Posted December 1, 2002 Posted December 1, 2002 NO!! I drove, But I could have easily landed a Helicopter very close to the cache. Jaimee, I should open one close to LaGrange. I always wanted to open a Sports Bar. Hey!!! I could call it MIKE,S ROAD KILL!!! I like that name. Mike If it's got wing's, I can fly it!! Quote
+Fattuhr Posted December 2, 2002 Author Posted December 2, 2002 Congratulations Mike and Carolyn for getting to 300. Sorry we weren't there, but had to head back to town. My wife says put a coordinate on it and I'll find it. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 ....Mike and Carolyn on hitting 300! When's the celebration at the Road Kill Cafe? Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 I got a nice call after the #300 find. It was good to hear that you enjoyed the cache. Now you set the new goal of 400 by New Years. Time to go to Sacramento to get a bunch of quick caches and you'll be there no NO time. george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+Pepper Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Is it still FUN! Congrats on hitting 300. Pepper Horizontals where it's at! Quote
+JaimeeG Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Brute...how is that satellite radio?? Pat and I were talking about that just the other day. Congrats Mike and Carolyn. I am aiming for 300 before December 31. My last week of school is the week of the 16th, so I will have some days to devote to caching then, hopefully! Have a good day all. Jaimee Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away! Quote
+georgeandmary Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Mr. Vic:Well George, While in Hawaii I followed your suggestion and found the Brady Bunch Evil Tiki. I attached a travel bug to it and will release it near Sonora or Knights Ferry this weekend. Here's the link: http://www.geocaching.com/track/track_detail.asp?ID=13687 BTW I gave you credit... -Mark. Elvis is dead. Get over it. Did you get a chance to drop it off? george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Thanks guys for placing some new local caches... those long drives are getting, well, LONG. Now I've got a few more to grab while crusing around town running errands. Here's to seeing you on the trails. george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+Mr. Vic Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 quote:Originally posted by georgeandmary: quote:Originally posted by Mr. Vic:Well George, While in Hawaii I followed your suggestion and found the Brady Bunch Evil Tiki. I attached a travel bug to it and will release it near Sonora or Knights Ferry this weekend. Here's the link: http://www.geocaching.com/track/track_detail.asp?ID=13687 BTW I gave you credit... -Mark. Elvis is dead. Get over it. Did you get a chance to drop it off? george http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/39570_500.jpg Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Nope, I was going to leave it in Point to View, but we couldn't find it. After that, every cache we hit was a micro. I'll try to lose it this week. Maybe in Pleasanton. -Mark. Elvis is dead. Get over it. Quote
+Fallen Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Good job on the 300! Sorry im so late, I must have taken a vacation or something. If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Hey Ron, When we were up in Sacramento we signed several logs right after you, but we noticed that you haven't logged them yet as finds. I just wanted to remind you in case you lost track with all the ones you logged on Saturday. Mary Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 ...Road Warrior Ron is busy accumulating the dope on all the miles I've put in the last 8 days. I'll be posting the finds in the next day or so. Unlikely I would forget them...don't you think? But maybe, old-age is a terrible thing! BTW what's the story on your disabled Pushin' It cache? Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
Ron Streeter Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 ....for Mike's Road Kill Cafe... I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+Brute-Force Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Congrats on attaining the 300 finds. That's great. If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot! Quote
+Brute-Force Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Gee thanks Ron, I needed to see that just before dinner. LO. I really like the Sirius. So many stations to choose from and the ones I like have no commercials. The big difference between XM and Sirius is the monthly rate. XM is about $10.00 a month vs $13.00 for Sirius. However, XM gets some of it's earnings by selling commercial time. Not many, but they are there. Sirius does not. It's commercial free. I didn't want to PAY for service and still have to listen to commercials so, the 3 extra bucks is worth it. If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot! Quote
+Marky Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Hey Mark, If I recall correctly, I remember you mentioning that you took some pictures of Enchanted Crystals cache. Could you post them to the cache now that all the crystals have been found? I'd love to see it how you found it. --Marky "Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr" Quote
+Pepper Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 I second that on Enchanted Crystals. Pepper Horizontals where it's at! Quote
+C&MMorris Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 Thanks everyone for the congratulations. Next stop....... 400 Mike If it's got wing's, I can fly it!! Quote
+JaimeeG Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 Has anyone noticed how long it is taking some caches in our area to have an FTF?? I was browsing around earlier today just checking out some caches, and I found several that have been around for quite some time with no finds. There is one that was placed on 11/13!! Considering where that one is located, I figured it would have been jumped on long ago. I guess maybe people are hunting, not finding, and not posting DNFs...or maybe they aren't hunting..who knows?!?! Also interesting were the few caches I found that have been disabled after one person finding them. Just wondering if anyone else had noticed the same thing that I did! Jaimee Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away! Quote
+C&MMorris Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 I have noticed this. There is a few that I dont plan on getting because of the location. I do hope that PUSHING IT (by georgeandmary) get's fixed so I can go and get it. I dont know what's up with people not putting the caches back the way they found them. I have a cache that someone complained about where it was hidden but yet didnt place the covering back like it was. NOT NAMEING ANY NAMES SO DONT FLY OFF THE HANDLE!!!!!!!!!! Mike If it's got wing's, I can fly it!! Quote
+JaimeeG Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 I think a lot of people are in a big ol' hurry while caching, and that is why caches are often not replaced properly. Probably a big reason that caches go missing is because people don't take the time to properly hide them again OR they don't care if there are 10 people standing around watching them cache who can then later go in and grab the cache if they so choose. I experienced something recently that proved my above point. As most of you know, we have a couple of caches on our property. There have been people who will come marching right up and never even pay any attention to someone looking right at them! Maybe they think if they act like they don't see me then I won't see them....??? It just makes me wonder if this is the method that these individuals use in all their hunts; if so, I can guess that they leave many caches open for discovery by non-cachers! Jaimee Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away! Quote
Ron Streeter Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 ....I found George's Pushing It cache and while I can't go into a lot of detail as it would compromise the cache, here's something about placing back the way they were. After retrieving Pushing it, and putting it back the way it was placed, it came apart in my hands. After retrieving it again...a task in itself...and putting it back where it belonged, I placed it in a slightly different manner hoping it wouldn't come apart again! I can only assume George went in to check on it when I found it, and didn't like the way I replaced it, then he disabled it. Of course I don't know that that is the case and I never heard anything from George about it, and he posted no note about why he had disabled the cache. I had it on my watch list and saw the note that Mike had posted asking what was up with that cache. Whether or not he ever answered Mike, I don't know. Anyway, go for this one if he re-establishes it, and maybe you'll see what I mean about its placement and possible problems. ********* Yes, Jaimee, I have wondered about some caches that haven't been sought as well. My Jerry's Nemesis cache has been around for awhile and no one SEEMS to have gone after it. Guess people are busy elsewhere? Ron I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost. Quote
+Green Achers Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 Looks like a half dozen topics going at once... Enchanted Crystals cache has pictures posted. Congrats to Mike's big 300 (from little me - 59 finds). Putting back caches... I put Ron's back a few feet away as the cover is no longer. I know that's not the comments/complaints but there's times when you just need to make that call - and notify the owner too. Unhunted caches... My State Quarter/Nats cache was planted going on 2 months ago with no logs to date. I had it as a Members only for the first month so I can tell you who looked (and looked and relooked). It's huntable year round just like all those others at that area. Oh, well. I know it will be hunted next summer. Last but not least, LO and Fatthur have caches on their property? I wanted to do the same but can't have foot prints which are prone after irritation time. [That's what I call irrigation]. Bill of Green Achers "Why is 'Tourist Season' not mentioned in the Fish and Game Manual?" Quote
+Mr. Vic Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Marky:Hey Mark, If I recall correctly, I remember you mentioning that you took some pictures of Enchanted Crystals cache. Could you post them to the cache now that all the crystals have been found? I'd love to see it how you found it. --Marky "Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr" Will do, although the picture doesn't do it justice. I'll try to get it posted in the next day or so. -Mark. Elvis is dead. Get over it. Quote
+Fallen Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 quote:Originally posted by LuvOzzy:Has anyone noticed how long it is taking some caches in our area to have an FTF?? I was browsing around earlier today just checking out some caches, and I found several that have been around for quite some time with no finds. There is one that was placed on 11/13!! Considering where that one is located, I figured it would have been jumped on long ago. I guess maybe people are hunting, not finding, and not posting DNFs...or maybe they aren't hunting..who knows?!?! Also interesting were the few caches I found that have been disabled after one person finding them. Just wondering if anyone else had noticed the same thing that I did! Jaimee Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away! I know for me it is getting to the end of the school semester and I dont have all the time. Oh well. After the 16th Ill be out there! So watch out! If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know. Quote
+Fattuhr Posted December 3, 2002 Author Posted December 3, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Green Achers: Last but not least, LO and Fatthur have caches on their property? We're not the only ones. As I recall, Mike does too. My wife says put a coordinate on it and I'll find it. Quote
+Green Achers Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 I'm jealous. I'd love to set up a cache were I could watch to hunters visit... and maybe post their photo with a caught you - surprise kind of way. Too bad for me there. Matt asked me if my State Quarter/Nats required a boat. I'm not sure that it currently does. The lake level has been dropped for the rains that never came. I'm sure it will help this summer. There's a lot more caches up there anyway than you can shake a [walking] stick at, so it's worth a try. BTW, here's a little Diamond... www.DiamondSFBowl.com Bill of Green Achers "Why is 'Tourist Season' not mentioned in the Fish and Game Manual?" Quote
+georgeandmary Posted December 4, 2002 Posted December 4, 2002 Hey Patt, looks like we had some similar ideas in down town modesto. I'm only guessing here since I haven't been down there to look at your yet. george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
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