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Central Valley Cachers


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Mike Morris...If you go to Oak Say and find it your first time out with NO assistance, I will kiss your redneck feet in front of everyone at the next gathering!!!


In order to do all this, I must be witness to your search effort, of course!


I probably should start practicing my pucker now since the Morris clan has a pretty dadgum good track record..YIKES!!




Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away!


Funny what is hard or not hard to find to some. It makes me laugh. I plant what I think is a tough find and 3 guys get it right off. Then I plant some easy ones and then I'm evil ! HA! Mike found Devious but did not find Impaired. A guy with 12 finds found my Pump house when Ron with close to 500 could not. Guess sometimes it's luck and/or great reasoning more than just looking in the right spot. Impaired can actually be seen from a standing position. Pat will find it. He's held it already. lol. Maybe I'll take a trip to Ripon. After all, I did find Fizzys other 4 star cache in about 3 minutes. :


If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot!


...I resemble that remark!


At pump house I actually had my hands on the hiding spot (within 12 inches) and didn't find it.


I read the clue (come on, you all do it at one point or another) and I KNEW I was in the right spot, but i didn't look hard enough and finally gave up. When I talked to rich, I confirmed what I knew and went back....there it was....could have saved that extra trip if I had just looked harder.


The same thing happened at Mike's Woodpecker cache in Oak Grove Regional Park in Stockton!


But when I look for 30 minutes to an hour for a cache and can't find it...Oak Say...then I figure that's the best shot I can give it.




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


What a morning. We had an informal, unanounced geoevent in Rippon today. I knew the Morris clan had planned to look for this cache around the same time I was, but I didn't know that 7 other teams would be there as well. I guess everyone showed up for the redneck foot kissing.


Jaimee was determined not to kiss those feet and was in prime geocaching form this morning. It was a sight to behold she found the cache with 10 other people around her and she put on her poker face and used misdirection to remove herself from the area of the cache. Once she new that she was in the clear she allowed her excitment to show and ran drown the trail displaying her, now famous, happy dance. icon_biggrin.gif


The rest of us quickly realized that she found the cache, but had no idea where she was searching prior to finding it. Luckily my daughter got her to reveal the general location and then the rest of us found it.


Well done Jaimee! icon_smile.gif





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

Mike Morris...If you go to Oak Say and find it your first time out with NO assistance, I will kiss your redneck feet in front of everyone at the next gathering!!!


In order to do all this, I must be witness to your search effort, of course!


I probably should start practicing my pucker now since the Morris clan has a pretty dadgum good track record..YIKES!!




Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away!


LET'S SEE!!!! Found it on my first try, icon_biggrin.gif Found it without a clue icon_biggrin.gif And Jaimee was there icon_biggrin.gif

I think I have met all the requirement's that Jaimee set. icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


Jaimee, Dont wear any lip stick. I dont want that stuff on my feet. icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif



If it's got wing's, I can fly it!!


to see how one itty-bitty cache has bought together the CVC's. Nice to know you are all playing well together these days!

Wish I could of been a bird in that tree this moring. icon_biggrin.gif




Horizontals where it's at!


It was nice to finally meet some of you at the Oak Cache today!! Or should I say, most of you since it seemed you were all there!!


After you all left we went out searching and just as I was starting to wonder if we were in above our heads, I spotted it. It took me about 25 minutes. I gave Tyler some clues and he found it but, instead of keeping it to himself he told Keith. He was bummed because he wanted to find it SO BAD!!


I wonder if we would have tried so hard since we knew that a few of you veteren cachers had no luck in finding it. All I know is that we sure need to be up a heck of a lot earlier to beat you guys to a cache!!!


Thank you to Bill, who before we started gave us his cell phone number in case we needed a hint. Instead, we called to tell him we found it!!


Miki, Keith and Tyler




I am very impressed. The Central Valley cachers deserve the reputation they have for being unstoppable.


And congratulations, LO, for being the FTF! I think you should get some sort of prize. I'm going to have to think about this...


I learned a few things from this cache:

It's almost impossible to hide a cache that CVC cachers can't find.

There's nothing like a good cache challenge to get people to stop bickering and come together.

I think, knowing how I probably would have reacted to this cache, that I really am a whiner. I need to work on that.


This was also a new idea for me in cache placement, to use all "ambient" materials for the cache. I have a couple of other ideas along the same lines. If you guys really liked this (and are not saying so through gritted teeth) maybe I'll try one sometime soon.


You can't imagine how happy I am to see the whole CVC group getting together on saomething like this.


You folks ROCK.


It ended up being a pretty fun day. I too knew the Morris clan was headed out that way, so we took off to meet them there. As we drove by, I told Pat I saw other folks there besides the Morris group. Sure 'nuff, Brute and his brother and Bill were already there. Shortly after, Mary and Kelley arrived.


Ya see, I planned it this way. I knew all these folks needed the headstart if they were going to have half a chance of finding it before me!! icon_razz.gif


Mike..bare those feet, big boy. I am sure I have kissed MUCH worse in my life! icon_eek.gif


I do wonder how long the cache will be findable (is that a word??). Since none of us who were looking even knows where the cache originally was placed, it might be in a totally different spot now. There was just one thing that caught my eye that let me know I had found it. And, yes, I did a big ol' happy dance of victory! I had to use Ms. Kelley to contain my excitement so I didn't just give it away immediately after fiding it.


Thanks to everyone for a fun morning. We ended up going to Sacramento and getting a few more in between some shopping.


Now it's dinner and studying..YIPPEEE!!


Jaimee icon_smile.gif


Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away!


Originally posted by SuperGenius:

to see how one itty-bitty cache has bought together the CVC's. Nice to know you are all playing well together these days!

Wish I could of been a bird in that tree this moring. icon_biggrin.gif




Horizontals where it's at!


The bickering does happen on the forum's sometime but out on the field of battle we ALL get along. That's what make's the CVC cacher's so great.



If it's got wing's, I can fly it!!


Holy Cow!! No 3 minute find this time. In fact, I got dusted by EVERYONE there. I first noticed LO walking up on the road and then breaking out into her little victory dance. Then over an amount of time, more and more were up on the road until I was the only one left! Even my brother was up there just grinning while I suffered more in my quest for the cache. I think they were all snickering at me. icon_biggrin.gif Finally, I found it just as the next group of cachers arrived and I hurridly placed it back in it's spot. Good one Fizzy........


If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot!


...sure hope I can find that thing! At least I won't have all the other cachers hanging around waiting for me to find it.


Can't go Sunday as I am off on a hiking trip with no cache FINDS planned. Maybe Monday or Tuesday...at least it's close if I have to make a few more trips. icon_wink.gificon_wink.gif




I've never been lost. Fearsome confused sometimes, but never lost.


I'm gonna hafta plant a good one soon! I'm down in Simi valley, Canoga park area where I grew up. I came down to take care of my aging father. I had one day to do some caching and I went on a Geocache that just got planted very poorly. The coordinates turned out to be 400' off!"Chumash Caves" near 91307, 2nd page. It has been shutdown for adjustment. I hope some local people down here in Simi Valley get together and clean the place up, too many broken beer bottles and trash, even an old car that was dumped. Wonderful sandstone indian caves that should be treated with respect.


Brute Force, have your coordinates for creekside been tightened up? I gotta get that one before long.


I have a wonderful site for a multi cache that ends in finding real gold in a small vial. I'm still learning and I love the creativity that I've seen in the central valley Geocachers. I hope to give you a hunt worth your time and effort. I want to thank you all for placing caches all over the place.


[This message was edited by Frenchy Blanchard on November 23, 2002 at 09:59 PM.]


Not yet. I've been asking for help from seekers but, I've not gotten any new coords yet. I did however adjust the hint to help make it real easy to find.


If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot!


I did enjoy finding the firewood anyway. I'll check back before long and when I find it I'll fix a waypoint for it with my SPIII. The cache I am planning will be upstream from Creekside, and historic, relating to Mr. Corlieu. Happy caching!


Hey all


Just wanted to let everyone know that I reserved us a spot for a Christmas party on 12/19. We got the banquet room at Peach Tree in Ceres, and the time we have reserved is 6-9 p.m. They have a really big menu there, so I am sure everyone can find something yummy to eat. The room holds 72..think we can fill it up??


Mike will be putting a page together with all the details, but I just wanted to let everyone know a date and time so they can mark their calenders.




Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away!


Thanks Jaimee for finding a place for the party. We are planning on attending, so you can subtract four. Now you only need to find 61 more(I'm counting you, Pat and the Morris').


The room may fill up considering all the people caching in our area, especially if our Bay area friends decide to make the drive over.


Come on Bay area, I know you all read our forums. Wouldn't you like to meet all of us.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


I will put the page up tomorrow for the party. I have to go get the coordinates first. I hope everyone will be able to attend. We will be playing a game called WHITE ELEPHANT. It's a very fun game where you pick a presant and steal a presant. Everyone who wants to play needs to bring a gift. That includes kids. I havent thought of a price range yet. Any suggestions? I was thinking bring a gift that you would like to recieve. Allot of thanks goes out to Jaimee for finding a place for us. If anyone has any more suggestions let me know.



If it's got wing's, I can fly it!!


This coming weekend me and the boys are gonna head to the hills with our rigs to do some four-wheeling, shooting, drinking, chewing and other assorted redneck, white trash kinda things. Here's the problem:


I am leaving for my buddies place in Placerville on Friday morning & I need to be there by noon at the latest so we can head to the mountains.


Can you guys recommed any Caches on the way up there that are not too far off the highway? I just thought i'd try to bag a few on the trip up. I tried to look at the CA cache map as to what caches are close to hwy 50 and hwy 5, but there are so many that I don't know which ones to try first.




Originally posted by LuvOzzy:

Hey all


Just wanted to let everyone know that I reserved us a spot for a Christmas party on 12/19. We got the banquet room at Peach Tree in Ceres, and the time we have reserved is 6-9 p.m. They have a really big menu there, so I am sure everyone can find something yummy to eat. The room holds 72..think we can fill it up??


Mike will be putting a page together with all the details, but I just wanted to let everyone know a date and time so they can mark their calenders.




Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away!


I will be there. Is this going to cost me $30 for dinner?




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.


I have just checked my schedule and I can go (t4 and SBH) anytime after December 17th. Feel free to pick a date.




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.


Originally posted by Fallen:

I will be there. Is this going to cost me $30 for dinner?


Nope..you should be able to find something to eat for around $25! icon_razz.gif


Really though, the Peach Tree is just a family restaurant. Prices are reasonable..you can probably get a full dinner with soup/salad for around $10. Burgers and sandwiches are less. They have a pretty good size menu there too.




Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away!


I'm waiting approval of the Christmas party page.

I put the price range for a gift on the steal a gift game at $10.00 to $20.00 Does this work for everyone? I didnt know what to put so I just put up some numbers. If it should be changed please let me know.

Hope everyone get's to come.



If it's got wing's, I can fly it!!


Mike..that dollar amount sounds good. Is the game going to be for everyone or just the adults?




Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away!


Originally posted by C&MMorris:

I'm waiting approval of the Christmas party page.

I put the price range for a gift on the steal a gift game at $10.00 to $20.00 Does this work for everyone? I didnt know what to put so I just put up some numbers. If it should be changed please let me know.

Hope everyone get's to come.



If it's got wing's, I can fly it!!


Do you think we are all rich?!? Actually that sounds good to me. Anything less than $10 these days will probably fall apart.




If there is something to B17ch about I'll make sure you're the first to know.


I'm Rich! Oh, were you talking about money? Anyways, put me down for two at the dinner. Would this make a good time for people wanting TBs to place a large order and get the cost down per unit?


Also, I'm going to be in Santa Cruz this week. Most likely in the morning. I need a phone number of anyone home that I could call to get a web cam shot of me! I see a couple of them there.


If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot!


Originally posted by Brute-Force:

I'm Rich! Oh, were you talking about money? Anyways, put me down for two at the dinner. Would this make a good time for people wanting TBs to place a large order and get the cost down per unit?


Also, I'm going to be in Santa Cruz this week. Most likely in the morning. I need a phone number of anyone home that I could call to get a web cam shot of me! I see a couple of them there.


If a little Brute Force doesn't work, try using a lot!


Do Dead Presidents if you get a chance. It's a very fun cache. I can't help out with the web cam since I'll either be mountain biking or geocaching.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


Hey Rich


I work on the computer from home. I will be home until about 10:30 a.m. tomorrow (Tuesday) and then all day Wednesday.


Send me an email if you think I can help ya out.




Before criticizing others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do the criticizing, you will have their shoes AND be a mile away!


I got the chance to go show a visiting researcher all about geocaching. He's working on his phd and researching online communities and he needed some information.


Fizzy, Pepper and I took him out to a couple caches and then afterward he interviewed us for about an hour.


Later we went for a multi cache called Sniff / Safe Deposit.




I really recomend this one if you're in the area. Interesting location and the multi gives you a chance to explore the whole area. We ended up disturbing a small film crew shooting a scene near the shore. The whole area deserves a visit.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


Originally posted by georgeandmary:

We ended up disturbing a small film crew shooting a scene near the shore. The whole area deserves a visit.


And what exactly was it that they were filming, George? icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by fizzymagic:


And what exactly was it that they were filming, George? icon_wink.gif


I don't know but that woman was putting her clothes back on as we arrived so we can only guess.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


Originally posted by georgeandmary:

Originally posted by fizzymagic:


And what exactly was it that they were filming, George? icon_wink.gif


I don't know but that woman was putting her clothes back on as we arrived so we can only guess.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


Trust me this girl needed her cloths on! icon_eek.gif

Maybe where she lacked in curves you guys can use just use a lot of imagination.




Horizontals where it's at!


Ron, Hope you and your family have a happy Thanksgiving also. Best wishes to all the other CVC people too.


We will be heading to Sonoma for the day.

I'll look into finding a couple easy caches there.




Originally posted by GeoSharks:

Ron, Hope you and your family have a happy Thanksgiving also. Best wishes to all the other CVC people too.


We will be heading to Sonoma for the day.

I'll look into finding a couple easy caches there.




You're just a hop, skip and a drive from Petaluma. There are a couple of really interesting caches in the area. I ended up with a DNF on one since I got there during the wrong tide.


There are also a few that provide a nice walk along the river.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


Originally posted by fizzymagic:

Hey, George -- you going to put out a Thanksgiving holiday cache? And then are you going to retire?


Maybe we should rotate the holidays so that each person does 1 or 2 a year...


That may work, I've already have the FTF prize. It's a DVD of it's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad world. The orginal geocacing movie. Looking for the Big W. I need to figure out where I'm going to place it. If some of the bay folk would like to pick up on it, Xmas and New Years are on the way.


We could always have more than one.






Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.


Here's a pic of one of the interesting structures that people have built at this park. There were also many paintings and sculptures of all shapes and sizes. You could spend the day just taking pictures of everything, if you could find everything. This building had a spiral staircase built from chunks of concrete.







Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.

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