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Central Valley Cachers


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Way to Scott and Matt. makes me want to go get that one now. Also way to go Tom and Doug. I think I am taking a break for a while. I am so tired of dealing with Police. Well then maybe not lol

Posted (edited)

Way to go SCCS & SB Junky. Even though SB Junky promised we would go get that together but WHATEVER! LOL.


CONGRATS to Photom & JPD43! What a huge goal accomplished. I still have about 22 left! :laughing:


Just wanted to let every one know that sometime tonight or tomorrow we will have a new CVC arrival. Deranja has been at the hospital trying to get Ryleigh Michelle to come out and play with all of us. It's been a long day so for for momma Angie. Let's put it this way, I got the first phone call at 5:30 this morning! :laughing::)


As soon as I know I will post an update here. Repeat after me: "Push her out, push her out...way out"...


Edited by Wolf Grrl



Ryleigh Michelle made her debut into this crazy world at 3:03 a.m. She weighed in at 7 pounds 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well...tired...but doing well.


So...I get to babysit when? :D


Wow. A new cacher in CVC. I knew we could grow the group, one way or another! Congratulations to Ryleigh Michelle on choosing Deranja as your parents.


I'm also proud of Photom and JPD43 for their labors. I've never checked but I bet I only have about 50 more counties to go. :laughing:


If any one knows who this Venonawashere cacher is I want to know! He is playing a game and starting to take my caches and logging multiple DNF's on them and it is on my last nerve! Please, please if you know who it is give them up!


If any one knows who this Venonawashere cacher is I want to know! He is playing a game and starting to take my caches and logging multiple DNF's on them and it is on my last nerve! Please, please if you know who it is give them up!

BOGA thinks he knows, but I don't know if it's just a hunch, or if he has some evadense. (Spelled BOGA's way.) :anitongue:

I know Venona is a cacher in the Bay Area. However I think this person is different. He has taken two of my caches. One of which is on my property. Absolutely NO ONE would know what that was only a geocacher. I am having to delete all his PHONY DNF :P logs because when cachers go to find a cache and use a program they see the last 5 logs. Well it isn't fair to future finders if all they end up seeing is a phony DNF log. It is truly wasting a lot of my time and I AM NOT HAPPY about this! I've asked him nicely to stop and he won't. He even logged phony DNF logs multiple times on the same cache on the same date. Very frustrating.


BOGA if you know and for what ever reason you won't tell me PLEASE CONTACT HIM AND TELL HIM TO GIVE BACK MY CACHES THAT I KNOW HE TOOK AND TO STOP!


I've contacted Groundspeak but doubt that will help as I'm sure they get thousands of emails a day!






Ok...after ALL the time I had wasted, deleting DNF log after DNF log and emailing him 3 times, after emailing Groundspeak, after banning him from this site, posting for help then going and checking on my caches as a result to this cra* this guy emails me saying "It's a joke" check your porch. I do and there were 3 of my caches. Now I have to go and put these 3 caches back. Yes, they are all close. However, it is still time replacing them especially one that I have to do at night and hope it stays put (for those of you who found it will know what I mean). No, I don't work. However, I have my job at home, I have my daughter's after school sports, and I have my sister who is battling breast cancer that I am in constant contact with. This is time taken away from every one of those things and that really PI**ES me off! My sister may be in Texas but I am literally at her beck and call. She is heavily on my mind. Just praying that she lives the current day to see tomorrow. Just praying she continues to fight. I DID NOT need this cra*! I can take jokes just as well as the next person. This is not a joke. This was a childish and stupid game. HELLO...how old was this person?!!! Grow up and don't do it again to me or any other cacher. It wasn't funny. It wasn't funny to waste someone's time, money (now in gas to replace them) and to give them a headache!




venonawashere is a fake. He/she writes from a singular perspective rather than plural (as a communist would). He/she worked hard to gain peoples attention (which WG granted) but is likely a much more likable cacher when their hand is removed from the backside of a sock puppet. The byproduct of the efforts was to tick some good people off - but I highly doubt that was his/her intent. To the contrary, I think they were trying to make fun for everyone and it back fired.


If I were to advise venonawashere, I say to lay low. Don't tell anyone you did it. Return to being our friend as you've always been.


BTW, The real Venona is still at large. We have agents going to Kentucky to get another clue (like the one $ATM$ recovered from New Hogan lake - winning the prized Order of Venona Award!!!). Keep on the look out on the GBA Forum as this year's case builds. :D If you read all the pages, you'll find coordinates to major puzzle caches! :)


venonawashere is a fake. He/she writes from a singular perspective rather than plural (as a communist would). He/she worked hard to gain peoples attention (which WG granted) but is likely a much more likable cacher when their hand is removed from the backside of a sock puppet. The byproduct of the efforts was to tick some good people off - but I highly doubt that was his/her intent. To the contrary, I think they were trying to make fun for everyone and it back fired.


If I were to advise venonawashere, I say to lay low. Don't tell anyone you did it. Return to being our friend as you've always been.


BTW, The real Venona is still at large. We have agents going to Kentucky to get another clue (like the one $ATM$ recovered from New Hogan lake - winning the prized Order of Venona Award!!!). Keep on the look out on the GBA Forum as this year's case builds. :D If you read all the pages, you'll find coordinates to major puzzle caches! :)


That's where Dew A Water Dance cache is - even though the owner can't find it!! :ph34r:


More caches is good. Hopefully in the full view of the monitors. :D


Seems like no matter where you go big brother is watching in ripon! :D:unsure:


That's where Dew A Water Dance cache is - even though the owner can't find it!! :ph34r:


More caches is good. Hopefully in the full view of the monitors. :D


Seems like no matter where you go big brother is watching in ripon! :D:unsure:


It seems like anywhere I go lately, Big Brother is watching me.


That's where Dew A Water Dance cache is - even though the owner can't find it!! :D


More caches is good. Hopefully in the full view of the monitors. :D


Seems like no matter where you go big brother is watching in ripon! :D:D

Yep, in exchange for graffiti. I often wonder if they're laughing at us while we're caching! :D


I solved Gabriel. Very fun puzzle and possibly going to make my top ten favorite cache list... After I get down there to find it. :laughing:


Now you can solve Tom's new one and have two you know the answer to, but won't have time to find!! :D



Happy Turkey Day everyone!



Now you can solve Tom's new one and have two you know the answer to, but won't have time to find!! :D


Happy Turkey Day everyone!

Yeah, especially if Euclid's server would stay up. :laughing::D

Happy Thanksgiving!Thanksgivingflamingo.jpg


I think this is interesting. In September, I went after a FTF and ended up adding my name to a long list of DNF's. While I was in the area, I placed a cache and only now got around to posting it. My cache was rejected however, because there's a cache that was placed and approved between my pokiness and it is 40 feet away.


So what are the chances that a cache could be placed in the wilderness within 40 feet? And the stasher not not finding the other cache?? And no other cacher finding my cache by when they should be looking 40 feet away??? Beyond calculations! As I read the find logs, I believe they have ONLY BEEN FINDING MY CACHE!


This adds the question... If I collect my cache back and find the other cache log sheet is blank, do I get FTF? And do all the other find logs get DELETED?! :D:unsure::)


I think I'm going to be in trouble (again) and I haven't broken any of the rules. :lol:


I think this is interesting. In September, I went after a FTF and ended up adding my name to a long list of DNF's. While I was in the area, I placed a cache and only now got around to posting it. My cache was rejected however, because there's a cache that was placed and approved between my pokiness and it is 40 feet away.


So what are the chances that a cache could be placed in the wilderness within 40 feet? And the stasher not not finding the other cache?? And no other cacher finding my cache by when they should be looking 40 feet away??? Beyond calculations! As I read the find logs, I believe they have ONLY BEEN FINDING MY CACHE!


This adds the question... If I collect my cache back and find the other cache log sheet is blank, do I get FTF? And do all the other find logs get DELETED?! :D:unsure::)


I think I'm going to be in trouble (again) and I haven't broken any of the rules. :lol:

Interesting! I bet the logs on the "other" cache are all complaining that the coordinates are off by 40 feet! :lol::lol:

I think this is interesting. In September, I went after a FTF and ended up adding my name to a long list of DNF's. While I was in the area, I placed a cache and only now got around to posting it. My cache was rejected however, because there's a cache that was placed and approved between my pokiness and it is 40 feet away.


So what are the chances that a cache could be placed in the wilderness within 40 feet? And the stasher not not finding the other cache?? And no other cacher finding my cache by when they should be looking 40 feet away??? Beyond calculations! As I read the find logs, I believe they have ONLY BEEN FINDING MY CACHE!


This adds the question... If I collect my cache back and find the other cache log sheet is blank, do I get FTF? And do all the other find logs get DELETED?! :D:unsure::)


I think I'm going to be in trouble (again) and I haven't broken any of the rules. :lol:

Interesting! I bet the logs on the "other" cache are all complaining that the coordinates are off by 40 feet! :lol::lol:


I say you get the FTF... Though I am bit upset with you for guiding me to Gabriel!!!! He is really upsetting me! He keeps taunting me!



I say you get the FTF... Though I am bit upset with you for guiding me to Gabriel!!!! He is really upsetting me! He keeps taunting me!

When you are fully taunted, you can try Euclid. :D

Ask Gabriel who Fresgo is?! :rolleyes: He's really a helpful IA, providing coordinates to a good place to eat, cache location and a great person computer to talk to. I can't wait to do the other one! :ph34r:


I was able to pick up and move my trouble some cache. I think it will be approved tonight so I'm sure Photom will be thanking me in no time. :)


It turns out only one cacher found my unpublished cache but he figured it out when the approved cache owner came after him for not signing his log sheet! :rolleyes: Man what a can of worms. :unsure:

Posted (edited)


I say you get the FTF... Though I am bit upset with you for guiding me to Gabriel!!!! He is really upsetting me! He keeps taunting me!

When you are fully taunted, you can try Euclid. :unsure:


THIS THING IS DRIVING ME NUTS..LOL... Euclid. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Edited by Geo Bandits

Well, if nothing else, it's a good way to hone up on one's typing skills!

Took me forever to get him to talk to me Agian.

Maybe you should not have ticked him off! :rolleyes::rolleyes:


:unsure:Hint: If Euclid stops talking to you after you are mean to him.....


Say "I'm sorry" or "Sorry" or "Sorry Euclid" or "Euclid, I am sorry" or "I'm sorry Euclid" :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

Heck, ticking him off and turning him back on was one of the first things I learned. I've solved Gabriel but haven't made any progress with Euclid. I think it knows I hate it! :huh:


BTW, I've been chatting with DJFrancis and hopefully he'll find us on this forum soon. He's a great guy with high integrity... so don't ruin him. :huh:

Edited by Green Achers

Heck, ticking him off and turning him back on was one of the first things I learned. I've solved Gabriel but haven't made any progress with Euclid. I think it knows I hate it! :)

Well now, I happen to know that BOGA has solved part of Euclid's secret. But, shhh, don't tell anyone. :):D


A new topic. Fresno's Christmas Tree Lane


Some information about Christmas Tree Lane:


On the opening night of Christmas Tree Lane, which is located on

Van Ness Blvd between Shields Ave and Shaw Ave in Fresno California, millions of lights are turned on at 6:00 p.m. and remain lit until 10:00 p.m. Some 140 homes and 300 trees are decorated and the display spans nearly two miles. The free event is sponsored by the Fig Garden Homeowners Association.


Some Facts

* Christmas Tree Lane celebrates its 86th anniversary in 2008, making it one of the longest-running holiday events nationwide.

* It began in 1920 with the decoration of a single tree in the memory of a child who died. The lane went dark in 1941 [wartime restrictions] and 1973 [energy crisis].

* The lane has made the Washington Post as a holiday tradition.

* Lane coordinators have improved energy efficiency with better wiring, cutting power requirements by nearly 50 percent over the past eight years.

* More than 100,000 people visit Christmas Tree Lane each year.


This year, there is a special reason to visit Christmas Tree Lane - a DRY CREEK GEOCACHER EVENT!


Join us for another walk down Christmas Tree Lane


Wednesday, December 10th, 2008


JOIN us for a meet and greet at 6:30 PM at N36º 48.511 W119º 48.379 (Starbuck's @ Fig Garden Village)


After our meet and greet, log signing, and travel bug and coin exchange, and exchange of Christmas tidings - at 7:30 PM we will walk the lane with up to an "estimated" 20,000 other people (rain or shine). Doctor A will be checking the guest list twice so make sure you come and join us!


GC1JFRJ - Christmas Time is here again

So how about it CVC / MAC - want to head south and support the Dry Creek Gang? Carpools?? :D


Heck, ticking him off and turning him back on was one of the first things I learned. I've solved Gabriel but haven't made any progress with Euclid. I think it knows I hate it! :)

Well now, I happen to know that BOGA has solved part of Euclid's secret. But, shhh, don't tell anyone. :):D


A new topic. Fresno's Christmas Tree Lane


Some information about Christmas Tree Lane:


On the opening night of Christmas Tree Lane, which is located on

Van Ness Blvd between Shields Ave and Shaw Ave in Fresno California, millions of lights are turned on at 6:00 p.m. and remain lit until 10:00 p.m. Some 140 homes and 300 trees are decorated and the display spans nearly two miles. The free event is sponsored by the Fig Garden Homeowners Association.


Some Facts

* Christmas Tree Lane celebrates its 86th anniversary in 2008, making it one of the longest-running holiday events nationwide.

* It began in 1920 with the decoration of a single tree in the memory of a child who died. The lane went dark in 1941 [wartime restrictions] and 1973 [energy crisis].

* The lane has made the Washington Post as a holiday tradition.

* Lane coordinators have improved energy efficiency with better wiring, cutting power requirements by nearly 50 percent over the past eight years.

* More than 100,000 people visit Christmas Tree Lane each year.


This year, there is a special reason to visit Christmas Tree Lane - a DRY CREEK GEOCACHER EVENT!


Join us for another walk down Christmas Tree Lane


Wednesday, December 10th, 2008


JOIN us for a meet and greet at 6:30 PM at N36º 48.511 W119º 48.379 (Starbuck's @ Fig Garden Village)


After our meet and greet, log signing, and travel bug and coin exchange, and exchange of Christmas tidings - at 7:30 PM we will walk the lane with up to an "estimated" 20,000 other people (rain or shine). Doctor A will be checking the guest list twice so make sure you come and join us!


GC1JFRJ - Christmas Time is here again

So how about it CVC / MAC - want to head south and support the Dry Creek Gang? Carpools?? :D


How funny....I was just telling my other half about this!!! Many years ago I did some work on a house that was on one of these roads and was telling her we should go see it this year! and now this just came up!

Posted (edited)

How funny....I was just telling my other half about this!!! Many years ago I did some work on a house that was on one of these roads and was telling her we should go see it this year! and now this just came up!

I took a group down there while getting my Limo License. Nothing like seeing the lights from the open roof of an ultra stretch. :D

Edited by Green Achers


I say you get the FTF... Though I am bit upset with you for guiding me to Gabriel!!!! He is really upsetting me! He keeps taunting me!

When you are fully taunted, you can try Euclid. :D

I am still not having any fun with this guy. I know a few of you have figured out half. But I have not even had that much luck. I have spent way to many hours talking to this guy.

Posted (edited)



There are two introductory phrases that may prove useful:


1) If you were Photom....

2) Euclid Please...

Edited by Photom

Euclid was really nice to me. He spilled the beans.

Yep, I am afraid that is true. BOGA knows the coordinates. But, the good news is that the FTF is still available. We all know that Bill never goes caching. Besides that, he is still recovering from that broken rib.


And for the record, I am not ticked at BOGA. I was never ticked at him. I consider him a great buddy who hands out (and takes) a bunch of crap! :laughing::D


Oh my gosh...I am getting NOWHERE with Euclid---congrats BOGA on getting him to spill it. I would consider it a personal victory to get half the coords. I am having fun trying, though. I am collecting oddball stuff that he says in case it's a clue, but honestly he's so bizarre, I dont' know what matters! I've never even "talked" to anyone like him before! This really is a fun conquest!


Euclid is really a challenge. I hope I can figure it out by Sunday for after church.

Yep, I am afraid that is true. BOGA is a heck of a tenacious puzzle solver. However, looks like the FTF will be available for a while. I've been worried about how he's recovering from that broken rib.


And for the record, I am not ticked at BOGA. I was ticked but then I cooled. I consider him a really, really great buddy who takes a bunch of c7^9 but is always willing to be kind to others! :D:D

Thanks Tom. :P

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