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New Cache!


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I just wanted to post a short note to let you know that I placed a new cache yesterday that may prove to be a challenge for some of you. It’s called “Point of View” (GCA4B6). Any takers to test the concept out before the rains come? BTW…no hints at this time. I'll wait and see what happens.


I can't wait to find this one. Hopefully, Saturday will be clear. Between moving, work and the kid's programs I haven't had time to do much geocaching.


Maybe we can get together soon for a beer. Shoot me an email or call me. -Mark.


Will cache for food


I'll give it a try next time I'm back in the area. Chuguy and I bumped into each other on a cache hunt in the spring and he suggested I go for his Stumped cache. That was a lot of fun.


We have several of these photo caching in my area in Southern California. I did an easy one in a nearby park. Operation "Photogrammetry" (GC383A) is a tougher one--4 photos to find a 35mm film can. It took some time, but we got it.

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