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What Are the Best Geocoins Ever Made?


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I have been luck enough to get my hands on some of the 2016 Egyptian Scarab Geocoins. In total there were 25 of this version made. These coins measure 2 inches wide and 10mm thick - with a highly detailed 3D Scarab design on the front, and the design on the back features soft enamels. These have pride and place in my collection and I will always think that these are the Best Geocoins ever made.


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On 6/16/2021 at 6:32 PM, Great Scott! said:

Favorites: Team Sand Dollar geocoins.


Those are so cool!  Wow!  I'm working on producing my first geocoin (hopefully by July!) so I'm learning about the incredible detail that can go into a coin, but I love the irregular but realistic shape and pattern on these.  

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On 8/22/2021 at 10:14 PM, rygemini said:

GeoElmo6000, how are your coins coming along?


Oh, I just saw this!  Sorry for the late reply.  


For a few months I've been back and forth with the coin company I'm working with, but this past Monday I received my final sample coins and... they're awesome!  Seriously, I love it.  Hopefully others do as well but I definitely do.


The plan is to launch a kickoff campaign for the coin probably early October.  There will be three variations of the coin for sale.  I'll post something in this forum about it when it goes live.  Stay tuned!

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