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Owned Geocaches

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3 hours ago, IDILIO49 said:

Thanks Corfman Clan!
Besides the hiddenBy filter suggests is the "placed by" and not the Owner it is really the Owner.

The only problem is that search will not return the archived caches. Any way to get the Owned archived caches?

Placed by is just text and not a real reference to any cacher. That is, the cache owner can edit the Placed by text to anything.


You may have to set the isActive filter to false to get archived caches. You also may only be able to get the archived caches if you are their owner. Not sure about that though.

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20 minutes ago, Corfman Clan said:

You may have to set the isActive filter to false to get archived caches. You also may only be able to get the archived caches if you are their owner. Not sure about that though.

So I tried this out. I wasn't able to get a list of another's archived caches nor of my own archived caches. :sad:

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8 hours ago, HHL said:

As a Base Member you'll only get three full caches anyway. Seems the API can't help here.

Premium Members go here:

1. https://www.geocaching.com/play/search?ot=4&owner[0]=HHL&o=1&utr=false

Change HHL to your needs (i.e. your GS handle)

2. Ctrl-A Ctrl-C on that page

3. Run the GSAK macro "GrabByCode"


Have Fun




This is not related to website, it's to use in code, so only API method can help.

Obviously is only applicable to premium Members...

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5 hours ago, Corfman Clan said:

So I tried this out. I wasn't able to get a list of another's archived caches nor of my own archived caches. :sad:


Yes...already tried that and no way to get owned caches including archived.

Seems a lack in API a way to get Owned caches and also to get Owned trackables...:(

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On 1/7/2021 at 10:44 AM, IDILIO49 said:

So this mean on API is not possible?

I'm unable to come up with a way to do so. You might be able to search for certain log types for the user to get a few, but that's not very satisfying. This limitation may be a HQ business decision. I'd contact apihelp and ask there. They've always been responsive for me.

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On 1/9/2021 at 5:01 AM, Corfman Clan said:

I'm unable to come up with a way to do so. You might be able to search for certain log types for the user to get a few, but that's not very satisfying. This limitation may be a HQ business decision. I'd contact apihelp and ask there. They've always been responsive for me.

Exactly in the two ways proceeded ...

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