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Happy Holidays mission

Laval K-9

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40 minutes ago, K8Ydd said:

Dare I put this out so early...sign me up if there's a spring mission?


There will be an Easter mission but it is not posted yet :cool:


  • Funny 2

Mission #1:

Sent my info to Laval K-9: November 15, 2020

Name received from Laval K-9: November 28, 2020
Sent my gift:  December 15, 2020  (Tracking # 
9505 5101 8796 0350 2542 30) 12/22 This is being sent back to me ??.  It actually did stay in Florida.
My gift arrived at destination:  December 24, 2020 after getting a small scare that is was coming back to Washington from Florida.  
I received a gift:  December 17, 2020  I will add pictures later.  I loved all the cool items and I will be placing the container in honor of the Colorado Cacher.  My kiddo #1 and I will enjoy the Coco Bombs tomorrow when I go over to watch the new grandbaby.


Mission #2:

Sent my info to Laval K-9: November 15, 2020

Name received from Laval K-9: November 28, 2020
Sent my gift:  December 15, 2020 (Tracking #
LH12 4070 057U S)  I don't have an estimated deliver date. 12/22 This is going through San Francisco, CA International Distribution Center.  
My gift arrived at destination:   December 31st has arrived at the AMSTERDAM INTERNATIONAL MAIL CENTER then arrived at the Post Office, so hopefully they will get it in the next two or three days.   Confirmed that the gift has been received.
I received a gift 

Posted (edited)

This is the nice gift from DireWolf821 from Bloomington, Illinois. There was also a bag of Beer Nuts, but those got eaten too fast, before I could take the picture. I enjoyed receiving a local product. Thank you again.


k 2020 12 24 Christmas Mission from DireWolf821 Illinois.jpg

Edited by Strombus
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Mountian Goat said:

I tried several ways to load pics but the file size was always too big... sorry

I had the same problem.  I found that emailing yourself the pictures compresses the files so you can then upload them. 
Strange work around but it worked. ?




Sent my info to Laval K-9: 11.16.20
Name received from Laval K-9: 11.28.20
Sent my gift: 12.07.20
My gift arrived at destination: 12.12.20
I received a gift: 12.4.20


Sent my info to Laval K-9: 11.16.20
Name received from Laval K-9: 11.28.20
Sent my gift: 12.07.20
My gift arrived at destination: 12.12.20
I received a gift: 12.21.20


Sent my info to Laval K-9: 11.16.20
Name received from Laval K-9: 11.28.20
Sent my gift: 12.07.20
My gift arrived at destination: 12.28.20
I received a gift: 1.3.21


My final mission arrived. Thank you, Elizabeth!



Posted (edited)

Monday morning list. Only 57 to go :unsure:


If there are any changes, just let me know.

alsaysbringit #1                              
alsaysbringit #2                         

billy robson #1

billy robson #2
DireWolf821 #5                         
EatSleepCacheOnline #1
EatSleepCacheOnline #2
EatSleepCacheOnline #3    
Hike-N-Seek #1
Hike-N-Seek #2
Hike-N-Seek #3
Laval K-9 #1
Laval K-9 #2
Merlin1392 #1                                                     
Neltra #2
peace love pi                                         
Qaz #1
Qaz #2         
qqnonrev – Ray                     
SeabeckTribe #2                         
SocksAndAmanda #1
SocksAndAmanda #2
SocksAndAmanda #3
SocksAndAmanda #4
Team Bear-Cat – Nancy
Traveling Armadilos                                                                         



Edited by Laval K-9
Taking names off the list. Tuesday 5, 14:47

Sent my info to Laval K-9: 16 November 2020
Name received from Laval K-9:  28 November 2020
Sent my gift: 8 December 2020
My gift arrived at destination: 10 December 2020 (tracking 9505516190330343587489) in Connecticut 
I received a gift: 18 December 2020 from alsaysbringit - thank you!



Sent my info to Laval K-9: 16 November 2020
Name received from Laval K-9: 28 November 2020
Sent my gift: 8 December 2020
My gift arrived at destination:  12 December 2020 (tracking 9505516190330343587458) in Texas
I received a gift: 04 January 2021 from Santa Claus! Via Canada - thank you! It came in Rot 13, LOL, I have to decode it!

Hey there! Right away there are 6 (!!!) packages incl. the one from this mission from me to USA (sent Oct 23 / Nov 9 / Nov 18 / Nov 20 / Dec 5 / Dec 5) all saying the same text on USPS tracking - so it's more necessary to make pressure on that company! All of those parcels left Germany after 2 - 4 days and get to USA, last scan on each was at German customs! As all of them is saying the exact same fact it must be the problem on USPS-side!! Hope there are news soon.....
Cheers - André
On 12/27/2020 at 7:28 AM, Sivota said:

Sent my info to Laval K-9: November 26


Name received from Laval K-9: November 28


Sent my gift: December 8


My gift arrived at destination: ?


I received a gift: December 24




Late in the evening of the 24 d December it arrived…


Dear Ally&Joe. Thank you very much for your lovely card, coin and trinkets.




Christmas mission 2020.jpg

Yay!!! im so glad!!


Sent my info to Laval K-9: Nov 16, 2020
Name received from Laval K-9: Nov 28 2020
Sent my gift: Dec 14 2020
My gift arrived at destination: Dec 24!
I received a gift:


Mission 1


Sent my info to Laval K-9:  11-15-2020
Name received from Laval K-9: 11-28-2020
Sent my gift: 11-28-2020   Second time 12-01-2020 mail man put this mail in our own mailbox :blink:
My gift arrived at destination: 12-21-2020
I received a gift:12-31-2020


Thank you Carol for the beautiful coin and especially for the beautiful snowman.Greetings Olaf from the Getzie family.


Mission 2


Sent my info to Laval K-9: 11-15-2020
Name received from Laval K-9: 11-28-2020
Sent my gift: 11-28-2020
My gift arrived at destination:12-22-2020
I received a gift:01-05-2021


Thanks Dawn for the nice coin and sticker from colorado Greetings Olaf from the Getzie family.


Wahoo!!!  My second mission arrived today, all the way from Australia!!!  It was signed by "My Secret Santa", so I don't know who to thank, but thank you secret santa!!!  It was great getting a box NOT marked by Amazon :-)



After all the promo, I better get in!  

I'm in for two missions this season.


Sent my info to Laval K-9: 14/Nov/20
Name received from Laval K-9: 28/Nov/20
Sent my gift: 30/Nov/20
My gift arrived at destination: 4/Dec/20
I received a gift: 14/Dec/20 - Thanks Chad!  I'm super excited, but will try to hold out for Christmas Eve to open the package!  

Mission #1 Complete!


Sent my info to Laval K-9: 14/Nov/20
Name received from Laval K-9: 28/Nov/20
Sent my gift: 30/Nov/20
My gift arrived at destination:  Still open, but was headed for Australia so maybe soon!
I received a gift: 5/Jan/21

  Love the coins!!  Thank you very much!



I love this event!  Happiest possible Holidays to all!!!!!


20 minutes ago, Laval K-9 said:

I just wrote all the participants on the list of non-received.


I am hoping to take a few names off the list :rolleyes:



I should have written ---- a  LOT of names off the list :antenna:



  • Helpful 1

I got some replies from participants on the list who already received their mission but I was not aware of those changes because they edited their previous posts.


I don't receive a notification when people edit a post. So, please don't edit, write a NEW post. It would be too time consuming for me to read all the posts back to page 1 to check if there are changes to some missions. And I would have to do it every day to look for any changes. :unsure:


Let's keep the list getting shorter and shorter please :antenna:




  • Love 1
Posted (edited)

Wednesday morning list. Got many replies and I could take 19 names off the list :) Only  33 to go :unsure:


If there are any changes, just let me know.

ærødk (not received Jan 5)
Ally&Joe (not received Jan 6)                  

billy robson #1 (not received Jan 5)

billy robson #2 (not received Jan 5)
Cunigunda (not received Jan 7)                 
DireWolf821 #5 (not received Jan 5)                 
EatSleepCacheOnline #1
EatSleepCacheOnline #2
EatSleepCacheOnline #3    
Francky23 (not received Jan 5)                                                                          
Golfinhita (not received Jan 5)                                                                          
JoenGPS (not received Jan 5)                                              
Laval K-9 #1 (not received Jan 5)
Laval K-9 #2 (not received Jan 5)
mischiefmonster (not received Jan 6)
Neltra #2 (not received Jan 5)
o0rxkxrox0o (not received Jan 5)
OceanGirl_69 (not received Jan 5)                       
oiseau_ca  (not received Jan 5)                                 
peace love pi (not received Jan 5)                                             
qqnonrev – Ray (not received Jan 5)                    
SeabeckTribe #2 (not received Jan 6)                  
Staygold678 (not received Jan 5)                                                          
Team Bear-Cat – Nancy
tmpered1 (not received Jan 5)




Edited by Laval K-9
  • Helpful 1

Mission #2:

Sent my info to Laval K-9: November 15, 2020

Name received from Laval K-9: November 28, 2020
Sent my gift:  December 15, 2020 (Tracking #
LH12 4070 057U S)  I don't have an estimated deliver date. 12/22 This is going through San Francisco, CA International Distribution Center.  
My gift arrived at destination:   December 31st has arrived at the AMSTERDAM INTERNATIONAL MAIL CENTER then arrived at the Post Office, so hopefully they will get it in the next two or three days.   Confirmed that the gift has been received.

Updated Jan 6th.

I received a gift   As of Jan 6th, still no coin.  


Mission 1 Compleet


Sent my info to Laval K-9:  11-15-2020
Name received from Laval K-9: 11-28-2020
Sent my gift: 11-28-2020   Second time 12-01-2020 mail man put this mail in our own mailbox :blink:
My gift arrived at destination: 12-21-2020
I received a gift:12-31-2020


Thank you Carol for the beautiful coin and especially for the beautiful snowman.Greetings Olaf from the Getzie family.


Mission 2 Compleet


Sent my info to Laval K-9: 11-15-2020
Name received from Laval K-9: 11-28-2020
Sent my gift: 11-28-2020
My gift arrived at destination:12-22-2020
I received a gift:01-05-2021


Thanks Dawn for the nice coin and sticker from colorado Greetings Olaf from the Getzie family.


Thank for hosting Claire.


Sent my info to Laval K-9:11/18/20
Name received from Laval K-9:   11/27/20
Sent my gift:  12/7/20
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift:  1/6/21


My first coin from Australia!!!

Thanks very much EatSleepCache OnLine

 Hopefully the package I sent to Canada will arrive soon


Thanks Claire for once again hosting what is turning into a MEGA event


Happy New Year to All



IMG_9890 - Copy.jpg

IMG_9891 - Copy.jpg

  • Love 1

Thursday night list. Only  32 to go :unsure:


If there are any changes, just let me know.

ærødk (not received Jan 5)
Ally&Joe (not received Jan 6)                  

billy robson #1 (not received Jan 5)

billy robson #2 (not received Jan 5)
Cunigunda (not received Jan 7)                 
DireWolf821 #5 (not received Jan 5)                 
EatSleepCacheOnline #1
EatSleepCacheOnline #2
EatSleepCacheOnline #3    
Francky23 (not received Jan 5)                                                                          
Golfinhita (not received Jan 5)                                                                          
JoenGPS (not received Jan 5)                                              
Laval K-9 #1 (not received Jan 5)
Laval K-9 #2 (not received Jan 5)
mischiefmonster (not received Jan 6)
Neltra #2 (not received Jan 5)
o0rxkxrox0o (not received Jan 5)
OceanGirl_69 (not received Jan 5)                       
oiseau_ca  (not received Jan 5)                                 
peace love pi (not received Jan 5)                                             
qqnonrev – Ray (not received Jan 5)                    
SeabeckTribe #2 (not received Jan 6)                  
Staygold678 (not received Jan 5)                                                          
Team Bear-Cat – Nancy
tmpered1 (not received Jan 5)






Mission complete!


Sent my info to Laval K-9: 20 november 2020
Name received from Laval K-9: 28 november 2020
Sent my gift: 10 december 2020 from Denmark (Europe)
My gift arrived at destination: 26 december 2020 to Missouri, USA
I received a gift:January 2021 from Canada


Thank you to Sapphire_45 for the very nice coin and greetings card. I love it. It is not that kind of birds we have in Denmark.



Posted (edited)

We received our second delivery today and OMG it was worth the wait!  TeamEccs21 went over and above with an amazing collection of trackables including the Original Stash collection!! We were so excited with each item and so thankful for Tim & Marie. Happy Holidays!!



Sent my info to Laval K-9: Nov 15
Name received from Laval K-9: Nov 28
Sent my gift: Dec 4
My gift arrived at destination: Yes
I received a gift: Dec 15 from the Netherlands!



Sent my info to Laval K-9: Nov 15
Name received from Laval K-9: Nov 28
Sent my gift: Dec 4

My gift arrived at destination: Yes
I received a gift: Jan 8 from TeamEccs21 in Michigan


Edited by geO_Kacher
  • Love 3

Friday afternoon list. Only  30 to go :unsure:


Still taking names off on a regular basis, it's a good sign ;)

ærødk (not received Jan 5)
Ally&Joe (not received Jan 6)                  

billy robson #1 (not received Jan 5)

billy robson #2 (not received Jan 5)
Cunigunda (not received Jan 7)                 
DireWolf821 #5 (not received Jan 5)                 
EatSleepCacheOnline #1
EatSleepCacheOnline #2
EatSleepCacheOnline #3                                                                            
Golfinhita (not received Jan 5)                                                                          
JoenGPS (not received Jan 5)                                              
Laval K-9 #1 (not received Jan 5)
Laval K-9 #2 (not received Jan 5)
mischiefmonster (not received Jan 6)
Neltra #2 (not received Jan 5)
o0rxkxrox0o (not received Jan 5)                      
oiseau_ca  (not received Jan 5)                                 
peace love pi (not received Jan 5)                                             
qqnonrev – Ray (not received Jan 5)                    
SeabeckTribe #2 (not received Jan 6)                  
Staygold678 (not received Jan 5)                                                          
Team Bear-Cat – Nancy
tmpered1 (not received Jan 5)





mission 1
Sent my info to Laval K-9: Nov.17/20
Name received from Laval K-9: Nov 28/20
Sent my gift: Nov 28/20
My gift arrived at destination: 14th December
 received a gift: Jan 8/2021

Wow that a long wait, but wall worht it. The coin is absolutely beautiful, and the chocolates didn't last long. Will add photos.

Thanks Beekeeper99

mission 2
Sent my info to Laval K-9:
Name received from Laval K-9: Nov 30/20
Sent my gift: Dec/01/20
My gift arrived at destination: 16 DEC 2020
received a gift:



  • Upvote 1
  • Love 1

MIssion 1 Liveanimals

Sent my info to Laval K-9: 11/16/2020

Name received from Laval K-9: 11/28/2020

Sent my gift: 12/12/2020

My gift arrived at destination:  ......

I received a gift: 12/08/2020 from San Antonio TX! 


Just emailed the USPS tracking number to Claire for my mission to Canada. After no updates since Dec 25, finally some movement today. I had hoped the radio silence was because it had left the US, but no such luck.... at least it's in Jamaica, NY though! Gotta be close!

Original estimate for arrival was in the week of 12/14... now 27 days on the road for a trip the almighty Google says should take a little over 8hrs to drive... if only Canada would let me in! :lostsignal:


Lil Liveanimals opened her mission and was blessed with an awesome scrabblehounds gift (pics coming soon)!!  We heard rumors of these things and it was awesome for her to get one in person!

My package is still staring at me, mocking, as I'm refusing to open it in solidarity for my geocaching mission partner - as soon as my package gets there, I'll open the one for me!


Sent my info to Lavel K-9 on November 26

Name received from Lavel K-9: November 28

Sent my gift:  December 4 

My gift arrived at destination: January 8     (this is a corrected date, I thought it had arrived earlier.

I received my gift: December 11 From Michigan from PappaFox69


Mission Complete

2 hours ago, billy robson said:

mission 1
Sent my info to Laval K-9: Nov.17/20
Name received from Laval K-9: Nov 28/20
Sent my gift: Nov 28/20
My gift arrived at destination: 14th December
 received a gift: Jan 8/2021

Wow that a long wait, but wall worht it. The coin is absolutely beautiful, and the chocolates didn't last long. Will add photos.

Thanks Beekeeper99

mission 2
Sent my info to Laval K-9:
Name received from Laval K-9: Nov 30/20
Sent my gift: Dec/01/20
My gift arrived at destination: 16 DEC 2020
received a gift:




Very beautiful geocoin!!! :wub:



  • Love 1

Friday night list. Only 29 to go :unsure:


Still taking names off on a regular basis, it's a good sign ;)

ærødk (not received Jan 5)
Ally&Joe (not received Jan 6)                  

billy robson #2 (not received Jan 5)
Cunigunda (not received Jan 7)                 
DireWolf821 #5 (not received Jan 5)                 
EatSleepCacheOnline #1
EatSleepCacheOnline #2
EatSleepCacheOnline #3                                                                            
Golfinhita (not received Jan 5)                                                                          
JoenGPS (not received Jan 5)                                              
Laval K-9 #1 (not received Jan 5)
Laval K-9 #2 (not received Jan 5)
mischiefmonster (not received Jan 6)
Neltra #2 (not received Jan 5)
o0rxkxrox0o (not received Jan 5)                      
oiseau_ca  (not received Jan 5)                                 
peace love pi (not received Jan 5)                                             
qqnonrev – Ray (not received Jan 5)                    
SeabeckTribe #2 (not received Jan 6)                  
Staygold678 (not received Jan 5)                                                          
Team Bear-Cat – Nancy
tmpered1 (not received Jan 5)








Mission 1
 my info to Laval K-9: 19 November 20
Name received from Laval K-9: 29 November 20
Sent my gift: 8 December 2020
My gift arrived at destination: USA 48310 

I received a gift: Shoes24

We loved the coin and chocolates especially the peanut butter cups that we don’t get here ? Thanks so much x


Mission 2

Sent my info to Laval K-9: 19 November 20
Name received from Laval K-9: 29 November 20
Sent my gift: 8 December 2020

My gift arrived at destination: USA 80910 

I received a gift: Not yet ??


Mission 3

Sent my info to Laval K-9: 19 November 20
Name received from Laval K-9: 29 November 20
Sent my gift: 8 December 2020

My gift arrived at destination: awaiting delivery to Canada

Laval K-9
I received a gift: Not yet ??




Sent my info to Laval K-9: 19 November 20
Name received from Laval K-9: 29 November 20
Sent my gift: 8 December 2020

My gift arrived at destination: USA 14622 

I received a gift: a fantastically thoughtful gift from scrabblehounds - a thanx from Jezza


  • Love 1

Friday late night list. Only 28 to go :unsure:


Still taking names off on a regular basis, it's a good sign ;)

ærødk (not received Jan 5)
Ally&Joe (not received Jan 6)                  

billy robson #2 (not received Jan 5)
Cunigunda (not received Jan 7)                 
DireWolf821 #5 (not received Jan 5)                
EatSleepCacheOnline #2
EatSleepCacheOnline #3                                                                            
Golfinhita (not received Jan 5)                                                                          
JoenGPS (not received Jan 5)                                              
Laval K-9 #1 (not received Jan 5)
Laval K-9 #2 (not received Jan 5)
mischiefmonster (not received Jan 6)
Neltra #2 (not received Jan 5)
o0rxkxrox0o (not received Jan 5)                      
oiseau_ca  (not received Jan 5)                                 
peace love pi (not received Jan 5)                                             
qqnonrev – Ray (not received Jan 5)                    
SeabeckTribe #2 (not received Jan 6)                  
Staygold678 (not received Jan 5)                                                          
Team Bear-Cat – Nancy
tmpered1 (not received Jan 5)






Sent my info to Laval K-9: 15/Nov/2020
Name received from Laval K-9: 28/Nov/2020
Sent my gift: 30/Nov/2020
My gift arrived at destination: 02/Jan/2021
I received a gift:



Greetings from Portugal! :cool:

Posted (edited)

Ok I am hoping that  @oiseau_ca will be receiving his gift today or in the next few days. ?? I am just so sad and frustrated about this. :F: I paid for priority shipping so it should have gone by air and instead it has traveled ground. Once again, I am so sorry your package is taking so long Peter. A friend of mine mailed hers 2 days prior than me from a small town, heading to Amsterdam, and I see it arrived in the destination country on December 31st. Considering how much closer you are, I would have thought you would have it in hand long before now especially since I paid extra for priority mail. :cry:Please let me know when you have received it.


Edited by Ms. Froggy
  • Helpful 1

Saturday night list. Only 27 to go :unsure:


Still taking names off on a regular basis, it's a good sign ;)

ærødk (not received Jan 5)
Ally&Joe (not received Jan 6)                 

billy robson #2 (not received Jan 5)
Cunigunda (not received Jan 7)                 
DireWolf821 #5 (not received Jan 5)                
EatSleepCacheOnline #2
EatSleepCacheOnline #3                                                                            
Golfinhita (not received Jan 5)                                                                          
JoenGPS (not received Jan 5)                                              
Laval K-9 #1 (not received Jan 5)
Laval K-9 #2 (not received Jan 5)
mischiefmonster (not received Jan 6)
Neltra #2 (not received Jan 5)
o0rxkxrox0o (not received Jan 5)                      
oiseau_ca  (not received Jan 5)                                 
peace love pi (not received Jan 5)                                             
qqnonrev – Ray (not received Jan 5)                    
SeabeckTribe #2 (not received Jan 6)                  
Staygold678 (not received Jan 5)                                                          
Team Bear-Cat – Nancy
tmpered1 (not received Jan 5)






Maybe time to say something nice (you deserve that).

Thank you very much for doing all this hard work and making a succes of this mission (again).

19 minutes ago, Sivota said:

Maybe time to say something nice (you deserve that).

Thank you very much for doing all this hard work and making a succes of this mission (again).


You are more than welcome :wub:


I will declare it a success once everyone has received his mission ;)


On 1/10/2021 at 6:05 AM, Ms. Froggy said:

Ok I am hoping that  @oiseau_ca will be receiving his gift today or in the next few days. ?? I am just so sad and frustrated about this. :F: I paid for priority shipping so it should have gone by air and instead it has traveled ground. Once again, I am so sorry your package is taking so long Peter. A friend of mine mailed hers 2 days prior than me from a small town, heading to Amsterdam, and I see it arrived in the destination country on December 31st. Considering how much closer you are, I would have thought you would have it in hand long before now especially since I paid extra for priority mail. :cry:Please let me know when you have received it.


Don’t be too hard on yourself. Mine took from the 08/12-28/12 to go from country Qld australia to Vancouver. It’s now still currently travelling around Canada somewhere - last scanned on the 05/01 ?


Mission 2

Sent my info to Laval K-9: 19 November 20
Name received from Laval K-9: 29 November 20
Sent my gift: 8 December 2020

My gift arrived at destination: USA 80910 

I received a gift: received today - Thankyou for the awesome geocoin we love signal :santa:. topped off with a new trackable and keychain... and luckily I found the pathtag. Awesome receiving presents later, it’s like Christmas all over again ??



Mission 3

Sent my info to Laval K-9: 19 November 20
Name received from Laval K-9: 29 November 20
Sent my gift: 8 December 2020

My gift arrived at destination: awaiting delivery to Canada

Laval K-9
I received a gift: Not yet ??


9 minutes ago, EatSleepCacheOnline said:

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Mine took from the 08/12-28/12 to go from country Qld australia to Vancouver. It’s now still currently travelling around Canada somewhere - last scanned on the 05/01 ?

Yes, mine took ten days to get from California to Vancouver, Canada, and it has either been sitting there since Dec 28th, or it's traveling around the country somewhere.  I feel so bad for my person! :'(

2 hours ago, EatSleepCacheOnline said:

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Mine took from the 08/12-28/12 to go from country Qld australia to Vancouver. It’s now still currently travelling around Canada somewhere - last scanned on the 05/01 ?

Thanks for the words of encouragement. You would think it would be faster though if it was on the same continent though. Know what I mean? ??‍♀️ 



We had a happy smiling Elf come pick up our two missions from Canada and take them to the North Pole so Santa can deliver them. 

This crazy funny smiling Elf from a shelf did state that Santa will check his Naughty and Nice list to see if these Geocacher's deserve a gift... 

Well the good news is these geocachers were very good all year and one of Santa's elf's let me know that both packages arrived at their destinations today Dec 15 2020. 
Mission # 1-     Completed
Hughie250 B)
Sent my info to Laval K-9:   Nov 17, 2020
Name received from Laval K-9: Nov 28, 2020
Sent my gift: Via an Elf from the shelf  Dec 4, 2020 
My gift arrived at destination:   TX USA  Dec 15, 2020  :santa:
I received a gift:  From "Aviatrix22" Beautiful personal geocoin from the team "Team Scar" she belonged to. A card explaining the history of the geocoin and a great trail to follow "E.T. Trail" in Nevada the team had done in 2012 getting 2,000 geocaches. So we have added that to our geocaching bucket list. Also a treat of Seatle Chocolate. Thank you. 
Mission # 2 -     Completed
Hintz1st :)
Sent my info to Laval K-9:   Nov 17, 2020
Name received from Laval K-9: Nov 28, 2020 
Sent my gift: Via an Elf from the shelf   Dec 4, 2020. 
My gift arrived at destination:   Ut USA  Dec 15, 2020  :santa:
I received a gift:   Due to unforeseen circumstances no gift coming but did receive an email explaining.


A Big thank you to Clare and her crew for setting this up.  :santa: 




  • Love 1

Sent my info to Laval K-9: December 2, 2020
Name received from Laval K-9: December 3, 2020
Sent my gift: December 4, 2020
My gift arrived at destination:
I received a gift: January 11, 2021



Finally, the postman came with a letter from Canada. I have been SO excited to receive it. 
A big thank you to Laval K-9 for the beautiful coins and the delicious chocolate. 
A special thank you to your daughter for the beautiful bookmark. 
I'm really happy about it all.
The registration for this mission was already completed when I accidentally discovered that there was a coin exchange. 
I thought about it for a few days and then wrote to Laval K-9 if I could join. I could and the joy was great. 
And then I had to look in the drawer to find a coin for the exchange. 
On December 4, I sent a letter to Canada and I hope it reaches its destination soon. 
As I have seen what all of you others have received, I really hope that the Laval K-9 will be happy with the coin I have sent. 
It is older but never activated. And it's a coin with Vikings on it. 
By the way, the only coin I had at the time I sent the letter.
I have to build up a stock of coins so I can send more in a new exchange. 
I remember reading there is a Easter Mission??  - if that is true, I would like to be part of a Mission there. 
And then I can have more time than I have with this exchange to find a fine card, some nice coins and other stuff.
Happy New Year to all.
Greetings from Denmark - ærødk

happy holidays mission 2020.jpg

1 hour ago, ærødk said:


I have to build up a stock of coins so I can send more in a new exchange. 
I remember reading there is a Easter Mission??  - if that is true, I would like to be part of a Mission there. 
And then I can have more time than I have with this exchange to find a fine card, some nice coins and other stuff.



Yes, there should be an Easter mission so, get ready  ;)


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