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New Florida Geocaching Web site?


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I'm new to this hobbie but I'm hooked. I would like to give back with what I can offer (I will also place my first cache in a few weeks). I'm looking to set up a new Site for Florida Geocachers. I already have a server I can host the site, also I have forum software as well. Just thowing some new domain names around since the old one for the Florida Geocacher's is still taken (at least till the end of May).


How does www.flgeocaching.com sound?


If response is good and someone would like to pay for the domain I can take care of the hosting, even maybe a email address for everyone down here with the new domain. If not I can pay for the domain as well, no biggie.



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I like that name better too! Don't give up yet. Sometimes it takes awhile to get responses. Put your message in the generals & discuss geocaching. The more places the better. It may take off better than you think by just doing it. Like give it a trail run for a month. JMO.

Happy & Safe Caching.


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I think that a Florida Group of Cachers would be a great thing to have. Take a look at what Arizona is doing with the group that they have formed, pretty cool stuff with state wide games and gatherings.


I am new to this caching stuff (joined in January) and today is really the first day that I have checked out the forums. I wouldn't base the popularity of your idea on the lack of response you get here.


I'll sign up! How's That!

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I feel better, just want to make sure there is intrest. Every site I add to my server, I dedicate my own time and money. So I just want to make sure it will be used.


I'll order the domain name on Monday or Tuesday. Floridacachers.com will be it. If anyone can make any graphics (banners, buttons, etc.) please drop me a email jchu@chunet.com




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hi orions.

thanks for coming up with this we have been working hard towards getting organized here in northeast forida and now I am working on gainesville ocala area. this will be a handy too; for all of us up here since we seem to email each other regularly. I will put out the word at the meeting in gaineville in feb an the upcoming campouts. I am not sure how I could help with the web site but maybe could do something contact thefederation@se.rr.com

the federation

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Sounds good to me too. There is a geocamping trip in Orlando this comming weekend and The Federation is having a gettogether the 22nd of Feb Just south of Gainesville. There will be alot of interest in a web site i think. Hope it all comes together, like the federation i don't have web site building experience but will be willing to help out any way i can. Altree59@yahoo.com



(you will not starve with a p38 and a can of food)

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I ordered the domain today, I guess the shorter name was better. I'll be setting up the forums today. It will take about 1-2 days for the name to propagate to everyone. If anyone would like a email address please email me what you would like your name to be and a password to jchu@chunet.com



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Originally posted by Orions:

Site and forum are up now. Doesnt look great yet but just wanted to get the Forum up and running first.

icon_biggrin.gif From the start it will never look good but as time grows. It grows from a seed to great things. Be checking on it for sure.. Otta boy!!! icon_biggrin.gificon_cool.gif Plus not to forget our friends in Tampa Bay got a site going now. Next it's going to be walk the plank in Tampa Bay as they used to say during Bucs games. icon_biggrin.gif


[This message was edited by Zephyrus on February 13, 2003 at 10:54 AM.]

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