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Geoart of 1010 geocaches - Dragon's treasure

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Dear brother in Arms,


From the lands to the south we receive news that an impressive creature has emerged from its deep cave. He is a mythological being whose intentions are not at all clear. His name is Draco and his power is immense. You will find it if you are looking for a geoart with 1010 caches: "The Dragon's Treasure". You can see it on this link:


Will it be our ally against the evil Duck or will it be a new obstacle to overcome in our fight?


Everything remains to be seen ... In any case, those who like large series, the geoart is only 20 minutes from Brunete4Geo Megaevent and remember that the mega-event covers a 4-day weekend.

Megaevent link: https://coord.info/GC8FYRE

Geoart link: https://coord.info/GC8KQKN



Let's celebrate this 20 anniversary. But always keep safe. 
We will celebrate the event if circumstances allow and making the necessary means available to attendees.


See you on 9 -12 of October


Thanks for your support

As always, in my geoarts, you can get the final coordinates in a simpler way, just visit my profile ;)

(By the way, no one said that a lady cannot be a knight, and if not, tell Brienne of Tarth)







Edited by Picarax
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With the ban on EU visits from the U.S. becoming 'indefinite', it may be a while before we have an opportunity to participate in an EU event.

We were scheduled to arrive in Madrid in early October, but we aren't clear about whether our plans will even be possible.

In the last month, we have had only 5 deaths in our county, nearly all in nursing homes, but I guess we're still considered too risky for travel???


That said, we can certainly admire the geo-art on the map, though it is better to enjoy 'art' in person, and not on a PC!



Edited by ecanderson
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