+TJ Willy Posted October 7, 2002 Posted October 7, 2002 The event has been rescheduled. Please log your intention to make this event on the CACHE EVENT PAGE. Thanks, Phil Quote
+alexm Posted October 8, 2002 Posted October 8, 2002 quote:Originally posted by LaGeocaching:The event has been rescheduled. Seeing as how Lili crashed the last party, let's be sure not to invite Kyle this time. ... alex Quote
+alexm Posted October 8, 2002 Posted October 8, 2002 quote:Originally posted by LaGeocaching:The event has been rescheduled. Seeing as how Lili crashed the last party, let's be sure not to invite Kyle this time. ... alex Quote
+TJ Willy Posted October 8, 2002 Author Posted October 8, 2002 Since Hurricanes seem to crash parties as of late, I decided to INVITE Kyle to our event this time. I gave him the following coordinates so he would be there and on time! Don't forget Kyle... The event is at the following coords: N 46.06363 E 118.32029 See you soon ol' buddy Kyle and we have a free shirt for you!!! (pay only shipping) Phil Quote
+Beast of Traal Posted October 8, 2002 Posted October 8, 2002 Just like last time I plan on comming on Friday afternoon. After a Brief stop at La Highest Geocache. I should be ariving at about 4:00. So will anyone else be comming on Friday. Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal: a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a brush, but very very ravenous Quote
+alexm Posted October 13, 2002 Posted October 13, 2002 quote:Since Hurricanes seem to crash parties as of late, I decided to _INVITE_ Kyle to our event this time. I gave him the following coordinates so he would be there and on time! I haven't had a chance to check the weather there yet , but the weather around here looks VERY promising for very comfortable camping. Perhaps Lili was a blessing in disguise? Once again, looking forward to seeing y'all there! alex P.S. and to anyone that was following the La Chasser drama and didn't see -- it's alive. now it's just displaced. That, in and of itself, is a testament to ammo cans. Quote
+TJ Willy Posted October 16, 2002 Author Posted October 16, 2002 I have also secured us some firewood so we don't have to scout around. HOPEFULLY it will be enough. Be sure and check the Louisiana Geocacachers Board/Forums from within the members section of the site. Later, Phil Quote
+alexm Posted October 16, 2002 Posted October 16, 2002 quote:I have also secured us some firewood so we don't have to scout around. HOPEFULLY it will be enough. Be sure and check the Louisiana Geocacachers Board/Forums from within the members section of the site. I was thinking about that as I drove to work today. I could bring a LOT of firewood. It's literally piled up in the streets around here (Lili -- The gift that keeps on giving). I'm going to scope some big piles of medium sized logs and drag whatever I can find along. Not too big as I'm sure it's not too dry yet. Probably won't be there 'till Saturday, however. ... alex Quote
+rbdupuy Posted October 16, 2002 Posted October 16, 2002 I just thought I'd mention that I'll be coming up Friday after work (probably leave New Orleans between 3-4 if I'm lucky) So I'll likely only get there with a little bit of daylight to spare. I hate setting up tents after dark, but I can bring one. So what should I do? Bring a tent or what? Or can I bum a piece of ground from somebody? I'm only going to be able to stay until Saturday evening and then head back to New Orleans, so I won't be around Saturday night, but I hope to get in a couple local caches as well as whatever we're planning on doing as a group. I don't get up there too often lately and would like to put up some numbers on the proverbial CenLa caching board while I'm around. Quote
+ClayJar Posted October 17, 2002 Posted October 17, 2002 Like, ya know, if you're, um, heading over to the, like, area, ya know, well, it'd be, like, totally the bomb if you, um, had your FRS radio thingy on, totally like a cell, ya know, phone? I'll be totally scanning for ya, dude. Quote
+alexm Posted October 17, 2002 Posted October 17, 2002 quote:I just thought I'd mention that I'll be coming up Friday after work (probably leave New Orleans between 3-4 if I'm lucky) So I'll likely only get there with a little bit of daylight to spare. I hate setting up tents after dark, but I can bring one. So what should I do? Bring a tent or what? It looks like I'll be there Fri night also. The catch: I'll be there quite a bit later. Like "scare the campers" type of late. 8PM or so. I'll be hauling about 1/2 a truckload of debris^h^h^h^h^h^hfirewood with me also. If you still don't have a tent, and I make it.. You're welcome to crash. I *do* have a relatively small tent, however. ?! Katie'll be up the next morning. ... alex Quote
+Mudfrog Posted October 17, 2002 Posted October 17, 2002 We are heading to Louisiana on Friday as well but havnt decided whether we will camp or not that first night. Thinking that we might stop, bed down for the night, and win some money at the Coushatta . If we do come on through we should be there around 6 or 7. Either way, we'll see ya'll Saturday!!! Quote
+rbdupuy Posted October 17, 2002 Posted October 17, 2002 I'm going to bring a tent, probably enought tent for at least a couple people. Coming in Friday evening, if we need it, or if I get there early enough, I'll set it up. If we don't need it, maybe I'll crash in the car or whatever. I'm going to be bringing 2 FRS radios, maybe somebody'll be able to show me how to use them. So, anybody got any ideas for food, I expected that it'd be everybody for him/herself, but I'll bring plenty- probably have enough to share. Quote
+rpecot Posted October 17, 2002 Posted October 17, 2002 Aaarrrggghhh. Absolutely fantastic weather. A weekend of geocaching. Camping out in the woods. And I'm stuck at home. Well, at least I get to spend some time with an old friend who's visiting. Otherwise, I'd definitely be with you folks. Have fun and let us know how it goes!!! Quote
+rbdupuy Posted October 17, 2002 Posted October 17, 2002 I was just wondering... to the "powers that be" I read the description of the Saturday Night hunt, DA TUBE. Is there any chance that some of us "earlybirds" could attempt it Friday night? Or is it a group event? I'm not going to be able to stay Saturday night, but I'd really like to do the night cache. if it's a group thing, perhaps people could choose which night (with which group) they wanted to do it? So whadd'ya say? Quote
+ClayJar Posted October 18, 2002 Posted October 18, 2002 I'm going to be there hopefully before dark tonight (Friday), and let me put it this way... I've got some things up my sleeve, too. We'll have to decide what to do with them, but they should be fun. Oh, and if anyone needs any AA NiMH charging, I'll probably remove the modular 12V backup power system (a.k.a. boat battery) from my car and run my charger off it. (I've always wanted to do that. ) Quote
bloomcru Posted October 28, 2002 Posted October 28, 2002 It's hard to live vicariously thru others if they don't share. I've been watching the preparations and had hoped to get a post weekend re-cap from somebody. Good turnout? Good Food? (rhetorical question, you're in La.) Good Fun? Just wondering- Charlotte of bloomcru Quote
+TJ Willy Posted October 30, 2002 Author Posted October 30, 2002 We had a good turn out taking into count the rescheduling of the event. I believe more folks could have made it if Lili had not stopped in for a visit. We camped out and talked late into the night and ate great food. There was plenty of laughs and a few good hunts. Check the logs at: LaGer's Fantastic Fall Folly to get all the gossip. Thanks, Phil Quote
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