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Release Notes (Geocaching® app: iPad optimization) - February 6, 2020

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Release Notes (Geocaching® app: iPad optimization) - February 6, 2020
With this release, we have improved the experience of using the Geocaching® app on your iPad! 
The updated iPad app allows for full screen searching, planning, and geocaching.






If your iPad has not automatically updated to the latest version of the Geocaching app®, you can download it here.
Matthew (imagreenplant), Sr. Program Manager, is watching this thread to answer questions whenever possible.
Any posts in this thread should relate to features in this release. Comments unrelated to the release may be removed. Please direct unrelated comments to other appropriate threads. Thanks!

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I reinstalled the app on my iPad to try out the update.
Having to deal with the newbie welcome screens and popups for each cache type started things on a sour note. I’ve already logged in at this point so you should be able to recognize that and remove/replace the newbie introductions.
I opened the cache GC8FVR9 to test things out. Seems like the phone UI has been scaled for iPad but the larger resolution isn’t really being utilized. (See UI elements, see first image in the cache description).
Clicking on the coord.info links in the cache description while in the app opens the cache page in Safari. Clicking the same link in Safari opens the app. This is a deal breaker, as it messes up my workflow. I then uninstalled the app.
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