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GSAK file to Phone?


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I normally do my editing in GSAK and then load the file to my GPS while travelling.  Now I'd like to ditch the GPS and just use my phone.  Is there a way to download the GSAK file to the phone app so it shows up as a list in order to do "off Line" geocaching?

Edited by geospyder
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Does your phone run Windows?

Since you're posting in the Android forum You'd better take a look at any of the apps available for that platform. I still use GDAK (uses GSAK databases exported by GSAK macro) which was an API partner. I can't log/refresh via API anymore but it still does all the rest.


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Found the answer for what I wanted to do.  I can create lists on Geocache.com using the filters.  After the lists are created I can download them to my phone via the Geocaching app.  While caching in the US I won't bother with lists but when caching in the rest of the world the lists will come in handy.  Won't have to use data or WiFi.  Just trying to wean myself from having to carry my GPS since I always have my phone.

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2 minutes ago, canuck thistles said:

I am getting back into Caching after a brief hiatus and amnteying to catch up on things. 

Is GSAK so longer a thing? The website seems rather empty and I see no updates for the past few years. I am more android phone user then GPS  these days.


I suspect you mean GDAK.

You can still get it from the playstore but API connectivity has been removed because of a conflict the author has/had with GS.

I still use GDAK on my tablet but cache with a GPS so GDAK is only used to have an overview on the map and as backup should I need to load extra caches to the GPS.



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1 minute ago, on4bam said:


I suspect you mean GDAK.

You can still get it from the playstore but API connectivity has been removed because of a conflict the author has/had with GS.

I still use GDAK on my tablet but cache with a GPS so GDAK is only used to have an overview on the map and as backup should I need to load extra caches to the GPS.



Nope. I meant GSAK. I've been away a few years but was an original subscriber to GSAK. 


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1 minute ago, canuck thistles said:

Nope. I meant GSAK. I've been away a few years but was an original subscriber to GSAK. 


Then you should post in the correct forum. This one is for ANDROID apps. GSAK is Windows and is very much alive.


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4 minutes ago, on4bam said:

Then you should post in the correct forum. This one is for ANDROID apps. GSAK is Windows and is very much alive.


Whoa ... chill. I'm just trying to get some help from fellow geocachers.

My original intent was to see if GSAK had moved into the Android market. It was bandied around several years ago ... but have never seen an update.

(Sorry if I have offended anyone with my ignorance)

Edited by canuck thistles
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2 minutes ago, canuck thistles said:

My original intent was to see if GSAK had moved into the Android market. It was bandied around several years ago ... but have never seen an update.


GSAK is for windows, always was. It was never intended for other OSes.

Because of Clyde's health GSAK is no longer developed (no new features) but it is maintained very actively by volunteers.


The website is hardly "empty" and the GSAK forum is very active.



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This thread has gone off topic to the official Geocaching App for Android, so I am closing it.


canuck thistles, please feel free to start a new topic, or post to an existing topic, regarding GSAK.  The correct forum sections would be the "API" or "GPS" sections.

Edited by Keystone
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