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Archived: Red Beans and Rice


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I went to check on Red Beans and Rice today. It had been reported missing, so I wanted to check out the area and see if I couldn't find it. Well, I found it. So did the a-holes that plundered it two previous times. icon_mad.gif These are the same guys who hit Cache as cash can.


Has anyone else in the southern LA/MS area seen the handy work of these vandals? A log dated 4/5/02 in RB&R they said they were headed to Mississippi.

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I did several in SE MS the first part of this month, including your Desoto Falls cache, and didn't run across any plundered caches. Fortunately, most of the immature spoilsports that raid caches usually get tired of it pretty quick.


Ever notice everybody is willing to give THEIR 2 cents worth but only offer a penny for YOUR thoughts?

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I never had the chance to log that cache, and it really sucks that some idiots vandalized it! All I got to say is I hope someday they rob a cache that Buck8Point is on the way to log...cuz when he runs across them...it's gonna be ON!


Maybe the gators will get em!




If life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice into a watergun and shoot other people in the eyes.

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Originally posted by shybabe924:

I never had the chance to log that cache, and it really sucks that some idiots vandalized it! All I got to say is I hope someday they rob a cache that Buck8Point is on the way to log...cuz when he runs across them...it's gonna be ON!


Maybe the gators will get em!


Russell Im really sorry to see such a great cache get archived because of such arrogant, malicious, and devious PRICKS.

A Good *** whippin is definately in order for these guys..

So If your readin this, you rotten lowlife scum, who get your rocks off spoiling the fun for little kids and decent people, you better pray you dont run into me at your next little burglery.


On a more positive note.

I am really glad that I got to log Red Beans, and Rice, It was a great cache in a great location... I had such a great time there that I even use a pic of myself at that cache site as my profile pic

... It will be one of the cool memories I will always carry with me as a result of that cache hunt. Again....Thanks for puttin Red Beans out...


If it were me..

Just on principal, I'd put it back out, and hide a motion sensor camera, like they use in the woods to take pictures of deer, in the rocks, to take pics of them if they were to hit it again.

Then we could Post WANTED posters of these Jerks, in the forum and expose them to lots of other cacher, and sooner or later Thier Luck WILL RUN OUT....






If I can't Fix it, It's Definately Broke.

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Originally posted by rpecot:

Well, I found it. So did the a-holes that plundered it two previous times. icon_mad.gif


I really hope these punks have since grown tired of cache-trashing and have moved on to more manly things like throwing kittens into the river.


Strangely enough, I'm sitting here reading this post and drinking iced tea out of the bulldog pint glass Katie and I retrieved from RB&R last September. It's truly a bummer that such a fine cache has to be archived under such circumstances. This cache was one of our first 5 finds, and like the others, one of our all time favorites.


I only hope that one day I stumble across a cache-plundering in progress and am able to positively identify the punks responsible.


What goes around comes around...


Thanks again Russell and Ashley for a fine cache!




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Originally posted by alexm:

Strangely enough, I'm sitting here reading this post and drinking iced tea out of the bulldog pint glass Katie and I retrieved from RB&R last September.

Just reading your cache log from Red Beans Alex, and I still have the Yes CD that you traded for the Bulldog Glass. I got it outta Red Beans & Rice 5 1/2 Months later. Just another memory of a great cache trip..


So How was the Smokies???





If I can't Fix it, It's Definately Broke.

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