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What do these municipal/county codes mean?


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I was down in Australia for work, but had a couple of free days to get some caching in there.  I noticed on my Project-GC stats, though, there are these codes after the names for various counties in NSW and I don't know what they mean.  

Yass Valley (A)(1)
Sydney (C)(1), etc.

What is A1, C1 etc

Screen Shot 2019-11-12 at 11.00.04 AM.png


New South Wales: Cities (C) and Areas (A)

Victoria: Cities (C), Rural Cities (RC), Boroughs (B) and Shires (S)

Queensland: Cities (C), Shires (S), Towns (T) and Regional Councils (R)

South Australia: Cities (C), Rural Cities (RC), Municipalities/Municipal Councils (M), District Councils (DC), Regional Councils (RegC), Towns (T) and Aboriginal Councils (AC)

Western Australia: Cities (C), Towns (T) and Shires (S)

Tasmania: Cities (C) and Municipalities (M)

Northern Territory: Cities (C), Towns (T), Municipalities (M) and Shires (S).

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