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Caches near Carolina Beach!?!?


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Hey! I'm coming down to Carolina Beach on vacation the 14th of July. I'm wanted to find some Geo Caches while I'm there but I don't know the area (either Carolina Beach or Myrtle Beach--Willing to drive up to 40 miles!! Can anyone help me!?!?!?

PLEASE!! e-mail me at ladybugamy@hotmail.com



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Easiest way to find caches is to search for cache GC2671 (Sand in my Shoes) which is right in the middle of Myrtle Beach. Then click on "nearby caches" and you can get a list and how far away (and in what direction) they are. Best of all, you can keep checking until right before you go so you don't have to rely on my list. Several nearby caches are gone though so be sure to read the description and several caches are multi-stage ones so be prepared. Have fun! Let me know if you have any questions about the area (WGeddings@ftc-i.net)


Team Geddings

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Hit the Ft Fisher cache. It's probably the closest cache to Carolina Beach.


Other ones to try are:


Hugh Macrae

Summer's Rest

Seahawk (can find carnivorous plants here)


and if you're willing to drive a little ways, Old Bridge.


Check out the (non geocache) NC Aquarium. Walk along the boardwalk and have a beer or an ice cream and enjoy people watching. The fishing is great in the intercoastal waterway. There are good trails in Carolina Beach State Park, but you don't want to go camping there (too noisy).


But whatever you do, have fun!



-Wilmington native

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