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DalNet #MemphisGeocaching Chat


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I registered a channel called #MemphisGeocaching on DalNet if anyone is intrested in chatting there. I may set up a time for regular chat meetings. (Check back here to find out if and when.)


If you have never used IRC before, you can download a program such as MIRC in order to access the chat rooms.


I hope to see you on there. Oh yeah... please use the same nickname that you use on the geocaching site so that everyone knows who we are talking to. Thanks!



My skills are ferior!

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Well, CJ.. I've never used Trillian, but the first thing I would try is to change the port to 6666 or 6668. If that still doesn't work... well then you're gonna have to wait until I get off work. icon_razz.gif I'll install Trillian on my 'puter at home and see if I can get it to work... then I'll get back with you on it.


Edit: I got in the chat on the astro.ga.us.dal.net server on port 6661 using Trillian. If you need some more help, CJ, you can hit me with and AOL IM. My screen name is Blodlizrd.



My skills are ferior!


[This message was edited by Blodlizrd on July 07, 2003 at 05:58 PM.]

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Originally posted by CWL:

Yea, I'm getting the same error as Cactusjeep using MIRC.


That's probably the most common error when it comes to IRC. I think that there are web based applets out there that allow people to connect to a chat. If that is the case, then I will set up a web site that you peeps can go to. Maybe that will get you past the firewall, Chuckers. The Man's always tryin to keep us down with all those firewalls and stuff.


Edit: I was playing around with Trillian and it looks like you have to be on the global.mo.us.dal.net server for the chat room to work correctly. I don't think that this is true for MIRC... but I could be wrong.



My skills are ferior!


[This message was edited by Blodlizrd on July 08, 2003 at 08:08 AM.]

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Yeah, C&C Music Factory, it would be pretty cool to have the web app... I haven't found a good app for it though. On one hand I want to have an easy interface, but on the other I want the options and flexability that MIRC offers. (If it's my cake why can't I eat it too?)


For the time being, if anyone needs help getting on DalNet through MIRC feel free to e-mail me or AOL IM me. My SN is Blodlizrd.


P.S.: I know that C&C Music Factory joke was kinda lame, but somebody had to say it.



My skills are ferior!

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Yeah...C&C Music Factory. icon_smile.gif


I will email you then I guess as the DalNet site didn't get the point accross to me. I am a blacksmith not a computer gee...um person. icon_smile.gif If I can't get something to work I just get it hotter and hit it harder which I guess isn't so good with a computer huh?

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