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Rough Day with Garmin 66s

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I finally packed the day in after a few hours of frustrating geocaching. Generally, I can put up with a lot regarding Garmin GPSr's quirky ways, but today was too much. I encountered three random screen freezes where the only fix was to re & re the batteries. As a rule, I often recalibrate the compass after doing that. It took at least 30 tries to get past stage three and finally, after using several "magic" words, I succeeded. I own many Garmin GPS receivers and some have compasses that calibrate instantly and others that don't. I'm surprised that I had such trouble today because prior calibration attempts with this unit have always been quickly successful. But, adding that to the screen freezes just makes for a disappointing outing. Tomorrow it'll be back to working like a champ. Go figure. Thanks for listening.


I also have big problems with calibrating the 66

calibrating a 60csx or 62 was very easy.


i already thought it might be a hardware issue ot the 66er series.


turning the unit quickly and not slow had more success.


or the will be an sw update in a few months or years



also with calibration , nord was not exactly north


I'm out again today and as suspected my 66s is working flawlessly, lol. I'm doing a couple of things differently and changed a setting. I'll monitor it's performance. Sorry about the first post, I'm usually more patient.

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