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Totaly confused.


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I have been trying , every which way but loose, to connect my gps to Garmin Express but have been un successful. It tells me that my GPS in connected but when I go to transfer files from my laptop to my GPS it does not function. I really don`t know what I`m doing wrong. This started a few months ago. Can anyone HELP. 


Edited by abred
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Have you checked to make sure you are using the latest version of Garmin Express?  You should be on Version  If you aren't familiar with how to find the version, open Garmin Express, click the gear on the top right, then click About.  If it's not the latest, click Check for Updates to Expess and install the latest version.  Then see if that fixes your transfer problem.

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44 minutes ago, icezebra11 said:

Have you checked to make sure you are using the latest version of Garmin Express?  You should be on Version  If you aren't familiar with how to find the version, open Garmin Express, click the gear on the top right, then click About.  If it's not the latest, click Check for Updates to Expess and install the latest version.  Then see if that fixes your transfer problem.

I do have

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29 minutes ago, dprovan said:

Many Garmins present a thumb drive disk to the PC when connected, and you can copy files to that without Garmin Express. Is that what you're looking for?

I`m sorry but I am not familiar with what you are talking about.

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My guess is that you have too many waypoints or too many GPS files on the GPS.  Mount the GPS as a drive on the computer and go to the Garmin/GPX directory.  See how many files are there.  If you are on a MAC, check the trash as it leaves the trash on the GPS.


How many waypoints/favorites are on it?

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14 hours ago, abred said:

I`m sorry but I am not familiar with what you are talking about.


OK, I'm not a computer nerd, so I can maybe phrase things in the way I understand it (if I can , anyone can ...)

This process looks complicated and long, because I'm working through each step, assuming nothing - it really isn't.


It is usually possible to set a GPS to show as a USB device when it is plugged into a windows machine by a USB port.

I know this works for a Garmin etrex, but I am not familiar with your specific device, so you might not be able to use exactly this instruction. On the etrex  here are the steps::

This only needs doing once - go to 'System ', then 'USB mode' then select 'mass storage' NOT 'Garmin.'

When the GPS  connects to the computer, it now shows up as a USB device, and getting some caches into it should be straightforward. But it will not use  Garmin express any more . If you want to use that, you'll need  to switch ' USB mode' back to 'Garmin' again.

  • You are a premium member, so make a pocket query, download it and double click it so it 'unzips'  ( limit the number of caches to start off with so you don't risk overloading the memory of the GPS) or simply pick a few caches and at each cache page, click 'download GPX'
  • Now, connect the GPS to the PC with a usb cable.  You should get a pop-up telling you a new device has been detected (if not, check on 'my computer' where you should see it listed)
  • Double click on the GPS name  to open it, then double click on the folder that says 'Garmin' The folder should contain lots of things to not mess with , but one folder labelled 'GPX'
  • Double click on that GPX folder,  and see what is in there, you are looking for files with .gpx at the end. Don't mess with any existing folders in there, just those .gpx files
  • If you find any .gpx files already there,  delete them ,it seems  they aren't working for you anyway.
  • Now drag and drop those new gpx files you got from your PQ, or from a few cache pages into the GPX folder.  Close the screen using the 'x'  at the top right.

Finally, eject the usb device (don't just yank out the cable, use the 'safely remove hardware' dialogue) , detach the canble, switch on the GPS and it should spend a few moments booting up then have the caches you loaded ready to view.


Years ago when I got my first GPS I tried using Garmin express, and just didn't  get on with it it. Instead I used easy GPS to handle gpx.  files on my computer for a while (which is free but not terribly good, I still have it installed for very occasional use) t, but then I shifted to GSAK which does everything I want. GSAK is a fantastic application, but has a very steep learning curve and requires some time to get to grips with so may not suit you.




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