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Download Error - Can't download Wherigo cartriges


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I have been trying for 6 months to get this feature to work.  I have an android phone have downloaded the WhereYouGo app.   I double checked the credentials and file location.  a friend suggested I try to download from cgeo, but I get the exact same screen/error.  When I click on any cartridge, a screen pops up with "Download Cartridge" on the top.  A button on the bottom for "Download"  I tap on Download and another pop up appears with first "Connecting" then "Logging In"  then Downloading - then "Download Error".   Same thing every time, and with cgeo.   I have friends that download the same cartridge with no problems on their phones.   Any suggestions????

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My husband seems to have the same issue.  We have the same phone, a Google Pixel.  We both have the WhereYouGo and Geeoh apps.  I can download and play the cartidges.  He gets "download error" (nothing more specific than that).  Our settings and download locations are the same,  we are both on our home wifi, yet mine download without a hitch and his won't.  We can't figure out why,

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Two different options to try to see if you might clear up any problems.  Option 1 might not provide much help because I'm not sure there's been an update in a bit but it's worth checking out.


1.  Look to see if it needs to be updated.  If so, update and try again.  Make sure to go to the settings and verify your login credentials are still entered.


2.  Uninstall and then install it again.

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Same cannot login hence cannot download issue here as well.

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but stil no go. Entering user name/email address & password, tap green sign in button, but nothing happens, and if go back, get pop up error Groundspeak Auth Error Error logging in. Cancel Retry Message, and just continues to fail. Useless app. I will stick with my Garmin Oregon 450.

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34 minutes ago, jdkieup said:

I also have been having download error problems. It worked fine for years and the past couple of months-nothing. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Checked password. SAD


Geooh GO for Android is currently the only geocaching app that can download cartridges from a cache description.

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11 hours ago, Team Gatch said:

I get the download error with both the Groundspeak app and the Geooh Go app.  HELP!!!  I love to do whereigos and now they won't download.  And yes, I uninstalled and reinstalled and still have the error.



Contacting support would be much more effective in getting help than asking strangers here.

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Hello all. I also have the whereyougo app and have an Android Samsung S10. I am also having the same problem downloading the wherigos into my phone. I have found a work around but takes a little extra work. I download the cartridge from my home computer and place the file on my desktop. I then plug in my phone to the computer and open up the phone's files until I find the whereyougo app. Then simply drag and paste the file from your desktop into the whereyougo file on your phone. Then the cartridge will appear in your whereyougo app when you press start. I know this takes a little more effort, but there's really no other choice unless you use an older GPS that supports wherigos. After you do it a few times you can do it in a matter of seconds. 


Hope this helps! 

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10 hours ago, DRJDSmith said:

... but there's really no other choice unless you use an older GPS that supports wherigos.


Or use Geooh.. that's a choice! I have not encountered a download error on any cartridge in a cache description. No one has shown a screenshot of it not working so not sure what they are trying to do if they think it doesn't work.

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I do a similar work around to the one 2 above but all on my phone for wheteyougo on android..

I click on the link in the cache description but select open in browser.

Then hit the download button. It might ask you to sign in, just keep selecting browser if asked.

Then select download cartridge and choose pocket pc device and download.

The file will now be in your dowloaded files.

If you look in your settings in whereyougo, it will show the file storage location.  Just move or copy the down loaded file into that location and you should then be able to see it whereyougo ( for us, it was  .... internal storage/ android / data / menion.android.wheryougo /files )

Edited by TiedyeSmileys
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6 hours ago, kittywitches said:

This is absolutely driving me nuts, not helped by being a bit of a Luddite.. I can't find where files are on whereyougo and cgeo seems to be determined to open everything whether I like it or not aaaarrrgghh


See the new forum message on Geooh downloads to know how to remove the frustration with c:geo and whereyougo opening everything automatically. At one time you told Android to always use them.



Edited by SpiritGuide
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On 2/17/2020 at 9:15 AM, SpiritGuide said:


See the new forum message on Geooh downloads to know how to remove the frustration with c:geo and whereyougo opening everything automatically. At one time you told Android to always use them.


I appreciate your willingness to sing the Geooh GO tune BUT I get the very same results using Geooh GO that I got using Whereyougo. It really would be nice if your solution was the magic solution, but it didn't work for me. :-(

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7 hours ago, JustFindingOurWay said:

I appreciate your willingness to sing the Geooh GO tune BUT I get the very same results using Geooh GO that I got using Whereyougo. It really would be nice if your solution was the magic solution, but it didn't work for me. :-(


It works... are you sure WhereYouGo is not jumping in to do the download? If you told Android to always use that app for Wherigo.com links, then Geooh is not getting a chance to download.


Attach a screenshot showing it's Geooh and not WhereYouGo getting the download error.


Also, review the post below to fix your phone to allow Geooh to download instead of WhereYouGo...



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I just had the same download issue with Whereyougo. The problem is that the selected map the setting in whereyougo does not exist exist on your phone or writing rights are not missing.

I created a new map on my phone (connect phone to computer and use file explorer) and change the settings in Whereyougo to this map. This works for me.

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On 2/14/2020 at 8:08 AM, TiedyeSmileys said:

I do a similar work around to the one 2 above but all on my phone for wheteyougo on android..

I click on the link in the cache description but select open in browser.

Then hit the download button. It might ask you to sign in, just keep selecting browser if asked.

Then select download cartridge and choose pocket pc device and download.

The file will now be in your dowloaded files.

If you look in your settings in whereyougo, it will show the file storage location.  Just move or copy the down loaded file into that location and you should then be able to see it whereyougo ( for us, it was  .... internal storage/ android / data / menion.android.wheryougo /files )

I have been having the same problem but your solution helped. Thank you! 

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This may be "too little, too late", but I've had the same, and other, problems.  Through a conversation with Lars from WhereYouGo support, and some experimenting, I figured out that the following steps work for my Samsung Galaxy S22+ SmartPhone:

  • In "Settings -> Apps -> WhereYouGo -> Set as default", turn off "Open supported links" so that the WhereYouGo app doesn't try to download Wherigo cartridges.  Instead, this will allow the web browser to download Wherigo cartridges.
  • Via a geocaching page on your SmartPhone browser, download the cartridge for the "Pocket PC Device".  This will put the cartridge into a default folder, probably "Internal storage -> Download".
  • The WhereYouGo app won't play cartridges from anywhere other than its default directory:  Internal storage -> Android -> data -> menion.android.whereyougo -> files
  • Connect the SmartPhone to a desktop computer with a cable.
  • Use File Explorer to manually move (have to cut and paste, since dragging the files doesn't seem to work) the Wherigo cartridge from "Internal storage -> Download" to "Internal storage -> Android -> data -> menion.android.whereyougo -> files"
  • Make sure the WhereYouGo app uses its default storage location by going to "Settings -> Global -> Wherigo folder" and selecting "Default".
  • Then, the Wherigo cartridges will show up when you select "Start" from the WhereYouGo main menu.

I hope this helps you all!

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10 hours ago, foon said:

This may be "too little, too late", but I've had the same, and other, problems.  Through a conversation with Lars from WhereYouGo support, and some experimenting, I figured out that the following steps work for my Samsung Galaxy S22+ SmartPhone:

  • In "Settings -> Apps -> WhereYouGo -> Set as default", turn off "Open supported links" so that the WhereYouGo app doesn't try to download Wherigo cartridges.  Instead, this will allow the web browser to download Wherigo cartridges.
  • Via a geocaching page on your SmartPhone browser, download the cartridge for the "Pocket PC Device".  This will put the cartridge into a default folder, probably "Internal storage -> Download".
  • The WhereYouGo app won't play cartridges from anywhere other than its default directory:  Internal storage -> Android -> data -> menion.android.whereyougo -> files
  • Connect the SmartPhone to a desktop computer with a cable.
  • Use File Explorer to manually move (have to cut and paste, since dragging the files doesn't seem to work) the Wherigo cartridge from "Internal storage -> Download" to "Internal storage -> Android -> data -> menion.android.whereyougo -> files"
  • Make sure the WhereYouGo app uses its default storage location by going to "Settings -> Global -> Wherigo folder" and selecting "Default".
  • Then, the Wherigo cartridges will show up when you select "Start" from the WhereYouGo main menu.

I hope this helps you all!


Or in Geooh GO...

  • Click "Download Cartridge"


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I have been trying for hours this afternoon to download several cartridges from the same series from the same creator. Whereyougo correctly downloaded only two of them out of four that I tried today. It said it downloaded the others but didn't open them within the app. Doesn't seem to be any way to get them to come up because they don't show up on the list. So I paid the money to download Geooh. Tried to download the cartridges in there. It says I can't download because I don't have permission for that directory or something. I can't figure out how to get it to use the directory that whereyougo uses so that I can see the same list of the ones I've already downloaded.


Screencaps attached showing where WhereYouGo has saved the cartridge files and of the Geooh error





Edited by frumiousb
Added Geooh screencap
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Android does not allow apps access to other apps' storage area. It's a Google restriction, not a Geooh one. And the broken WhereYouGo can only see cartridges in its internal storage, not elsewhere. So you are in a catch-22 situation. Move the cartridges outside of WhereYouGo if you want to use Geooh... otherwise stay with WhereYouGo. 

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