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Welcome to Portland Webpage


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Earlier today I was reflecting on a past discussion about creating a Welcome to Porland cache for geocaching visitors to check out in their exploration of our area. The welcome cache would have local cache hunting suggestions, addresses and phone numbers to good pubs or restaurants, maps of the area, etc. If I recall the earlier discussion there were questions about maintenance and where you could hide such a cache without it being stolen. A local business was proposed, but then you got into commercialization issues.


Anyway, after reading Wanderlust's request, on favorite local caches, and also reading another thread in the Discussion section where someone again suggested a way to rate caches, I came across Chicago's attempt to help visitors or newbies find their way around. Essentially, when we or others are asking for suggestions to a local areas caches, we are looking for favorites of that community. Why not do something similar here? Instead of a Welcome to Portland cache, why not have a Welcome to Portland Webpage? We could include links to caches, rated under different categories (multi, micro, family friendly), as well as divide them up by location (Downtown, East, West, Gorge). We could also include links to some of the local McMenamins or other Wednesday/Tuesday night hangouts.


I have a very rudimentary grasp of HTML, and could probably throw something together, but I know there are others out there with way more knowledge than I. I figure you would want to include a place where the local community could make votes and suggestions, but ultimately we could refer people to such a page.


What do you all think, and how might you break down locations and categories?

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Like maybe a cross between this and this.


Lots of Top 5 or 10 lists, like (ie):

Best of Beav/Hills.

Best Urbans.

Longest hikes.

Best Puzzles.

Most unique.


And lots of suggested itineraries, like:

Portland-Estacada loop.

Lacamas to Hagg lake tour.

Ridgefield to Salem.

40-mile loop.

Public transportation a-go-go.

etc. etc.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed

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If we could coordinate, I can easily spare some space for free on my site at www.dreamcircle.com. No obnoxious popups or ads or anything like that to put up with on dreamcircle.


I'd have to get together with whatever "website content committee" gets formed, but yeah, it could easily be done and I won't charge. It would be there as something I donate for everyone else until an official site with it's own domain gets born (and I know how to get a domain for CHEAP!)


Anyway... the address of the PDX-geocache site on my domain would be something like www.dreamcircle.com/pdxcache or something like that... dreamcircle dotcom forward-slash whatever.


Reply via geo@dreamcircle.com

The falcospav address is a spamtrap.







"Defenestrate XP!"

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Originally posted by igor71:

If you haven't figured out something already, I would be willing to help support this effort.



I was hoping you'd chime in on this one, igor71. My experience in computers ends with the 1991 versions of gwbasic and pascal. You, however...


This is a big, nasty, impossible project. My suggestion is to start simple and work from there. All i ask is that we don't have one of those topographic map backgrounds. No offense to WSGA, but those things are giving me myopia or something.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed

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Originally posted by oregone:

All i ask is that we don't have one of those topographic map backgrounds. No offense to WSGA, but those things are giving me myopia or something.



I have to agree with you on that one. I'd like it better if it was toned down a bit.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??



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Igor and falcospav thanks for the offer of help. I'll email you. If anyone has any other suggestions as to content I'd love to hear it. If you have any suggestions as to how caches are rated or chosen that would be cool too. I haven't done many bad caches here in Portland, but I don't want this to be a place where people are trashed. I'd rather it be a place where a majority of local people say these are good representative caches of our area. I liked Oregone's idea too about putting together itineraries. I would suggest dividing the caches by category and area. Categories that make sense to me are: Family Friendly, Unique Local Destination, Slightly Twisted (All of Fractal's caches would go here), In and Out, & Lungburners. I'm not sure of the best way to divide up the area, but Westside and Eastside come to mind, make Vancouver northside, and Oregon City south, southside. Maybe one other area to designate gorge/Mt. Hood caches. We could then vote or rate caches by area and category.

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Me and my 26K modem (faster than a speeding.. slug or something) LOVE that kind of web item.

And make them talk to us, like my Elvis clock does.. (tick, tick, run around nekkid, tick, tick).


Really, lets put event stuff in there also. The Wednesday night spike thing, or any local event like Champoeg or that Broken Arrow thing? Dates and info like that. I know its covered in the general forums, but maby a local place for pictures of these events. icon_smile.gif


What do you call 2,000 pounds of Chinese Soup? Won Ton.

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Is anyone working on the next Spike thing? It's been what... a week and a half, and there hasn't been any new announcements icon_frown.gif Who got the Spike after CSI? Does it have something to do with the Broken Arrow conspiracy? Inquiring minds want to know.


"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again..." Mt. 13:44

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