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Testing new forums.. and posting a challenge to the locals for this evening!


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Just checking out the posting features of the new forums.. Looks cool icon_cool.gif so far...


So.. on to the challenge... Tonight around 5:30ish, I will be at the following location:


N45 31.266

W122 41.016


I challenge all the local Geocachers to come and try to beat my score on Ms. Pac-Man icon_wink.gif


The winner can have my other ticket for tonights Blazer game... The seat is right next to me, and in the 300 level, so it's not like it's a real prize icon_wink.gif





N 45° 30ish

W 122° 58ish


Darn. I'll be in school at that time. And Ms. Pac Man and I have a long history together, not to mention 'Sheed.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


oh no! i love basketball games! and i am currently stuck at school. well, i probably wouldn't have one the ms. pac man challenge anyway, but i'm still very sad.a




I haven't played a Pac Man game for 15 years, so I've no doubt you'd whup my butt. I'm on baby duty this evening and I doubt the wife would appreciate me taking them out, then leaving them unattended whilst I play. Be sure and post the results of the contest icon_smile.gif




I don't always check the forums, but this one I was too late. But I couldn't have gotten away from the family anyway.

Gosh, I seem to remember there were some secrets to success with Ms Pacman, but that knowledge is gone forever!


Final score:

fractal - 1

everyone who didn't show up - 0


Didn't see any Geocachers... Guess I could have given more notice... There were some other folks trying to beat my score... but they failed icon_biggrin.gif


I was actually thinking about how I could get away with having that spot listed as a virtual cache called "Top Score". Go there and get top score on any game to claim it as a find.

Think I could get away with doing that?


Oh.. and Blazers won.. it was a pretty high energy 4th quarter...





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


Originally posted by pdxmarathonman:

I hope you invited the best of the _losers _to the game!


I would have, but there were no Geocachers in site icon_frown.gif

Like I said.. It was real short notice...


And... Much to my surprise, my Top Score cache got approved!...with an admin note icon_wink.gif





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


Originally posted by fractal:

5:30ish, I will be at the following location:

N45 31.266

W122 41.016


Classic games eh? Twin Cobra? Red Baron? Battle Zone?. Of course, I will probably tank as I dont play some games very well. I even stink at pool, and I own my own table. icon_mad.gif


I may take your challenge....


Ok... a little more warning this time icon_wink.gif


Wednesday, March 13th, 5:30pm @ the Top Score Cache.

No prize this time, but at least you can log it as a find...if you can get top score icon_wink.gif





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


Bodoni showed up.. Nice to meet him after exchanging many emails icon_smile.gif


So when are you not in school, oregone? I'll meet ya down there sometime...





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


[This message was edited by fractal on March 14, 2002 at 01:05 PM.]


Luckily, my last day of school was yesterday. But now it's finals week and that means my paper on John Elliot Ford's 'Tis Pity She's a Whore is due soon. Love the title, hate the play. Stupid Jacobeans.


But i am heading down to Top Score tonight for a few rounds of Dig Dug and more that a few rounds of IPA at the LowBrow Lounge. With most of the ex-girlfriends out of town on spring break, i'm a free boy.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Originally posted by soup:

So fractal, going to have another TopScore Gathering? I will try to make the next one. -C

Yeah... maybe on Wednesday in the evening... Sound good?





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


Originally posted by fractal:

Yeah... maybe on Wednesday in the evening... Sound good?


It sounds good, but I dont get off work until 7:20pm. I work Inhell hours. During your last Top Score meeting, I got totally wet/muddy from scouting a new cache site, and didnt want to look like some waste-oid to everyone. I have got to learn to wear something besides a tee-shirt and jeans. Plus, I gotta start decrypting "Contact" again. Watched the movie, and I will put the clues together soon.



Originally posted by soup:

Originally posted by fractal:

Yeah... maybe on Wednesday in the evening... Sound good?


It sounds good, but I dont get off work until 7:20pm. I work Inhell hours.




Ok.. how about in the evening on Wednesday... 8ish? I'll just be a block down having margaritas while I wait icon_biggrin.gif





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish



Ok.. how about in the evening on Wednesday... 8ish? I'll just be a block down having margaritas while I wait


Ha! You might use these margaritas to give you super gaming powers. I know I always play a "little" better after a drink. At least I think I do icon_razz.gif 8ish sounds great! Save a 'rita for me.



Originally posted by LaurenCat:

fractal, how do you feel about southern californians? i may be there.




I have nothing against anyone there.. as long as you bring a few quarters icon_wink.gif


Hope to see ya this evening!





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


Originally posted by oregone:

Are you guys up to finding Technician's new "After Dark" cache tonight after 'ritas and video games?



Well.. I'm taking MAX into downtown from Hillsboro tonight... If the MAX goes straight to the cache, then yeah! icon_wink.gif Unless people are offering rides to the cache and back icon_wink.gif




Oh.. and I just put a new cache out:




N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


Originally posted by oregone:

Are you guys up to finding Technician's new "After Dark" cache tonight after 'ritas and video games?


Is this location muddy?? That will determine the vehicle I bring I will go for it! Fractal, I can give you a ride as you and I live in the same area (Aloha, Hillsburrito.. no difference)


It will be fun to kick all yer butts on pacman!!



2 straight weeks of rain make me think that boots are a good idea, but i don't think we'll need 4x4s or anything. Just flashlights and maybe a lantern. See you all at ground kontrol.


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Oh.. and I just put a new cache out:



Fractal, I just drove past that park today (close to my work), and I was SERIOUSLY thinking of placing a cache there. It was in my mind all day about where to place one, since I scouted the park a few months ago.


Then out of the blue, you post the ESP cache there. Spooky. You are reading my mind.


I am familiar with 5 of the 6 spots there. I have an idea where it might be.. Didnt know you placed one there earlier. Weird.


Originally posted by soup:



Yeah.. I'm weird like that icon_wink.gif


See ya tonight!





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


I'm sure I wasn't the first to hide a cache in a tree... But it does kind of bug me that they used the same name!






N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


i'm there, as long as everyone that hasn't found "beaver creek canyon" shows up as well for a post-margarita cache. bring your flashlights!


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Originally posted by fractal:

Originally posted by LaurenCat:

fractal, how do you feel about southern californians? i may be there.




I have nothing against anyone there.. as long as you bring a few quarters icon_wink.gif


Hope to see ya this evening!





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


We allready know how he feels about Northern Californian's? icon_smile.gif Very nice time....


"My gps say's it RIGHT HERE".


1240 plus miles and only 8 caches?


Oregone.. Where were ya? Tungsten and I met up @ Top Score and did Beaver Creek Canyon... Lots of driving around, and lots of thorns.. but fun icon_smile.gif






N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


Sorry I missed you guys. I had what i like to call "female trouble." But i'll definitely make it to the next one.


And check out my new cache. I'm on AOL today so i can't hotlink, but it's GC4643.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Hmmmm.. female troubles... good luck icon_biggrin.gif


I'm gunna continue this thread on to a new one since my Palm can't load it up any more because of it's size...






N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish

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