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GC103 gone!


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Several days ago, GC103 High Tension in the Bog was archived. This was one of the oldest caches in Europe and it appears to have been archived purely because the CO didn't understand the proximity rules when he came to move the cache to a new location. Whomever was monitoring the 'Lackey' account at the time seems happy to have archived it rather than offer assistance. Is there any way to have it reinstated if a local CO was willing to take it on? It's a crying shame that such an old cache has disappeared because of a lack of understanding.

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Hmmmm, of course its sad to see such an oldie pass. But isn´t that what oldies do from time to time?

In didn´t check back to the cache listing or logs, but as you say the CO had to move the cache, for what ever reason. So It wouldn´t have been the same cache anymore anyway.

So why to keep the cache under life support, just to bute force it´s continued existace under all circumstaces?


I feel think, things have to be alowed to go, when it´s about time.


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On 11/7/2018 at 9:31 PM, longwhatton34 said:

Whomever was monitoring the 'Lackey' account at the time seems happy to have archived it rather than offer assistance.


That does not seem to be the case, if you look through the logs past the most recent ones.


Apparently the cache owner moved the cache within 100 meters of another listing.  When the local reviewer noticed, they disabled the cache and asked the owner to move it.




Efter du har flyttet cachen er der opstået et problem
Problemet er at cachen er placeret under 90 meter fra en anden cache: Langstrupstien #3 http://coord.info/ 139CV
Reglerne siger, at der skal være mindst 161 meter mellem cacher og fysiske wp. Du kan se reglerne her: http://www.geocaching.com/about/guidelines.aspx#cachesaturation
Jeg har derfor disablet cachen. Når du har flyttet din cache til et sted, hvor der er mindst 161 meter til alle andre cacher, husk at der også kan være andre end den nævnte cache indenfor 161 meter, men den nævnte er den nærmeste, og har opdateret koordinaterne, kan denne caches enables igen.
Det gør du ved at lave en log af typen "Enable listing"

Jeg vil bede dig om at flytte cachen så den overholder retningslinjerne inden for 4 uger, ellers vil den blive arkiveret. Efter arkiveringen vil den ikke kunne findes frem fra arkivet igen.


Toa Takanuva
Frivillig Geocaching.com reviewer for Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland
Kontaktinformation: danskereviewere@gmail.com

Følg de danske reviewere på Facebook
Hvis du skriver om en bestemt cache, skal GC kode og cachenavn fremgå som det første i beskeden, gerne med et link!

Denne log, og andre logninger af typen "Reviewer note" og "Note to reviewer", bliver automatisk slettet når cachen publiceres.


The reviewer then granted an extension to the standard 30 day deadline to fix the issue.



Som anført af CO i en note nederst i cachebeskrivelsen, er fristen for at finde en løsning på nærhedskonflikten udsat i håb om, at det kan forlænge cachens levetid.

As mentioned by the CO in a note last in the cache description, the reviewers have granted a respite to the announced archiving in an attempt to prolong the life of this cache.


When the CO refused to move the cache, it got archived.

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