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Deciding which cache to hit?

Guest logscaler

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Guest logscaler

Okay boys and girls.

How do YOU decide which cache to go after?

Suppose you have a limited time, say a two day weekend and there are several new

caches within your searching radius.

What criteria do you use to decide which cache?s to go after?

A) Closest to your home?

;) Proximity to other known caches?

C) Proximity to other new caches?

D) Cache owner?

E) Difficulty ratings?

F) In town?

G) Out of town?

H) Hiking?

I) Drive by?

J) Other

I was just wondering what the ?normal? pattern is going to be.

(As if anybody in this group could be considered ?Normal?!!)

Thanks for your time.



Remember, character is what you do when no one is watching. TTFN, logscaler

Guest oregone

beyond. no matter where he puts it, i will try to look for it. i don't know what it takes to become a pro like he is, but i look up to him all the same. When his come up, i go for those first. on the other hand (to be totally honest), i can wait a few days if i don't recognize the name of who has placed the new cache.

E) Never a factor, unless it's a 4 or above.

F) See A.

G) Out of town is for the weekends.

H) The more hiking the better, but that depends on A, F, and G.

I) Fine if it's a Tuesday afternoon, but i feel kinda gyped (sp) if i drove all the way to eugene or kelso for it.

J) Other. They're all other, aren't they?


My humble opinion, as always. And i hope to get to your neck of the woods, logscaler, as soon as the weather permits my little honda to go over santiam (and sometimes mckenzie) without chains.


Well Logscaler,

I wanted to start by saying thanks for the great Caches. My first cache was "Take a Hike" and then "Valley Overlook". and then of course my latest "Cache Creek Cache". I have enjoyed all of them. I have since hidden my own. I would say they are very easy compared to yours. I have tried to place them in an easy to get to attitude, Mainly to get more people interested and hooked. Then they can proceed to yours which are harder.


I guess now that I have a couple of finds notched on my hiking stick, My method of choosing would be:


A) Closest to your home

We (my son and I) have found the few local Caches. We plan on hiding more to get people interested. I do not mind the traveling. It gives a person a opportunity to see the sites and history of an area.


D) Cache owner

E) Difficulty ratings

This gives me and my son the motivation and drive to try to be the first to a Cache.


H) Hiking

I started this as a way of physical therapy for knee surgery. It has helped me get better faster. and spend time with my 10 year old son.


I plan on staying with this sport and promoting is as much as I can. I would like to see a Idaho GeoCacher's Association or some form of a Club, Event Cache or something to that sort. I will see what happens.


Thanks Again Logscaler for you involvement and contribution to this sport.


See Ya,




Depends on if it is a solo trip or family. If it is solo I prefer to go for 1 or 2 caches that involves beautiful scenery and a decent hike, normally 3+ terrains and difficulties and not very close to other caches(i.e Ape Caves or any of the gorge caches). If the family is going then we hit the 1-2 difficulties/terrain and try to get ones close to one another so we get 4-5 of these done(ie my Springwater caches).


I'll always go for a cache that involves hiking, but usually there's not time for anything involved, or we're too lazy to get a decent start. So we, that being Chad and I, usually will go after some interesting-looking close ones.


I all depends on whether we get ready to go before 11am or not. And whether we've planned ahead or not.


And sometimes we just bag some close ones because they're close.


Always on the weekends unless it's a rare exception. Sometimes we'll drive pretty far - 50-100 miles, but again, that takes planning and we usually haven't planned ahead. Only occasionally do I happen to really read the cache's description. That bad habit - not reading the description - has made for a few "interesting" cache hunts. Once again, it has more to do with being lazy than anything else.


"Strictly hand-held is the style I go." --Beastie Boys


All of the above on any given day. Depends on my mood, time available, whether I'm at home or on a trip, whether I'm going solo or with a friend, the weather, etc...




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