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Garmin inreach coordinates

Loren :)

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I have my Garmin inreach set to degrees minutes

The last coordinates has four digits rather than the three digits used in geocaching.

Example, geocaching GPS

N37 00.222 W104 12.123

Example, inreach

N37 00.2220 W104 12.1230

Would the inreach coordinates get me to the same place as the GPS coordinates?


In other words to enter a GPS coordinates into the inreach do I enter a zero in the last digit?

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I've never seen an inreach, but it sounds like it's the same as other ex-Delorme products such as my PN-60: my PN-60 allows input with four decimal places of accuracy, so, yes, when I enter coordinates from geocaching.com that have the normal 3 decimal places of accuracy, I have to set the fourth digit to zero. (Not that it makes a big difference: the fourth decimal place only represents a few feet.)

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I did a test with the inreach explorer. I compared the inreach against my old Magellan Marine.

I had a waypoint set to the Northeast corner of the barn for testing purposes some years ago.


I set the inreach to the same coordinates as the Megellan setting the fourth, last, digit of both the North and West to zero. As said by both dprovan and StefandD the results were the same for both units. Each unit took me to the Northeast corner of the barn.


Thanks guys for confirming the correct way to set up the inreach explorer for geocaching type coordinates.

Edited by Loren :)
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