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forum use?


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hello :D


ive been browsing the forum and a lot of the posts are very old. Some questions even unanswered.....

Do people use the forums? or am i just not browsing correctly.


many thanks,



Hi, You can mark the forum as read, all black dots the disappear. Then topics with new posting's are highlighted and have a black dot in front of them. You can then see at a glance all new postings, if you then click on the black dot the topic opens at the first unread posting.


Regards Bernard.

16 hours ago, nene1989 said:

ive been browsing the forum and a lot of the posts are very old. Some questions even unanswered.....

Do people use the forums? or am i just not browsing correctly.


Examples ?

Sometimes the same question is asked so frequently that after a while,  few stop responding. 

The numerous  "Send to GPS" questions are a good example. 

 - A simple search would produce too many threads to read through, on a function that even had a replacement created for it.     ;)

Some questions are incredibly basic,  something that should have been discovered when joining (watching the videos, geocaching 101, the help center...).

 - Some will post on the active threads before going back to those not really looking to help themselves, but want an answer now.


While we've noticed the main forums used often,  the "country specific" ones, like most local group websites these days,  had folks veer to faceboook.   :) 

When less than 10% of cachers even lurking the forums, questions like "anybody caching in (your town, state, country here...) ?" might simply go missed (no one active in the forums from that area).

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