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Sold Trackable and Its Previous Logs


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I legitimately discovered a trackable and logged it. 3 years later, the original owner sold it on eBay (according to the new owner), and the new owner has deleted all the legitimate logs and even locked it saying this trackable is very special for him, his friends and their friendship. I'm no longer an active player and don't really care much about my stats, but I wonder if that is commonly accepted, as I feel that the new owner abused his power.

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10 minutes ago, TriciaG said:

There are no rules against it. The trackable is the property of its owner and can basically do whatever he/she wants to do with it.


Thanks. Yes, the Help Center article talks only about logs they can delete:


Trackable owners can delete logs believed to be fake or inappropriate.

It doesn't say anything about things they can not delete.

I'm curious more about commonly accepted practice here.

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1 hour ago, kanchan said:

I legitimately discovered a trackable and logged it. 3 years later, the original owner sold it on eBay (according to the new owner), and the new owner has deleted all the legitimate logs and even locked it saying this trackable is very special for him, his friends and their friendship. I'm no longer an active player and don't really care much about my stats, but I wonder if that is commonly accepted, as I feel that the new owner abused his power.


I'm with you.  I looked last week when someone mentioned stats to see what they were talking about.  Been a while for me.   :)

The new owner can do what they'd like.   It's now theirs.


I feel however, that if the "new" owner purchased it knowing it has been activated, they should have realized that logs are associated with it.

 - Some people use those logs for challenges and such and their reasons for logging could have been considered.


IIRC there used to be a "If you adopt a trackable and wish to delete logs afterwards, consider what those actions may have on other members" or similar in the Help Center.  Can't find it anymore.  It was similar to wording on cache adoptions...

Sadly these days, many don't give two figs about another's "feelings", and this behavior seems to be the norm.

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Thanks for the feedback so far.


6 minutes ago, cerberus1 said:

if the "new" owner purchased it knowing it has been activated, they should have realized that logs are associated with it.


Yes. This is what he said:


I tried so very hard to find one that was virgin with no luck.

So I think he was aware of it.

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You could always try to appeal the log deletion to Groundspeak, and see what they say about it.  If you do, it'd be nice to see the follow up here, since this question pops up from time to time.


I once picked up a coin I ended up having to adopt, and I must have "cleared out the history," because if it's the coin I'm thinking, there are no logs prior to my first one.  I think there were only a couple.  I wouldn't do it now.

Edited by hzoi
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I sent them an inquiry to ask if anything can be done in this situation. They said they can't unless I have links to my logs, so I sent them the links anyway (for 4 distinct trackables - he deleted 3 more). Surprisingly, all my logs were restored. I'm sure that the new owner (or Groundspeak) will delete them again soon anyway, and that is fine with me -- I'm no longer active in the game anyway, but I thought it's worth sharing here.

Edited by kanchan
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1 hour ago, kanchan said:

All 4 logs were deleted again by the new owner. (Again, I'm just fine with what Groundspeak thinks is right.)


I had the impression that if TPTB made such a decision, the logs would be locked, not deleteable.  I know you must delete false logs, I didn't know that you may on a whim delete factual logs (and this also applies to caches now, I guess?).  If TPTB insist that a Trackable has an Owner who maintains property control, that's almost a breakthrough.  No more unilaterally "Marking My TB Missing" unless I directly approve as the owner.  That kind of thing.


But it's fascinating that when I suggest that one should consider not even activating a Trackable that may one day be sold, by default they activate it anyway, then require help with the repercussions of activating it.  In this case, they simply go tick off a whole lotta people.  I hope it was worth it. B)


And the buyer would have preferred one that was never activated.


Edited by kunarion
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Summary (not the actual wording but pretty much same.)

Me: ..... My logs are legit. Anything can be done?
GC: Unfortunately not, unless you have link.
Me: Links sent.
GC: Logs restored.
Me: Thanks, but I'm not seeing them.
GC: It was because the TB is locked. Check again now.
Me: Thanks, I see it now. Btw, can the owner delete them?
GC: No. The logs are locked.
(logs deleted again by the owner)
Me: Well, they were all deleted again actually.
GC: Sorry, after further attempts, we can't lock logs when the TB is locked.
Me: No worries, thanks for the update.

Edited by kanchan
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