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Asking for advice about lost coin that's been logged


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I bought one of those "Cacher's Dog" geocoins few years ago and unfortunately also lost it pretty soon in nearby forest while I was hiking and geocaching with my friends and our dogs. Basically the length of the hike was around 10 km (6.2 miles) which is big reason why I didn't see any reason to actually try to find it but I had few ads around my country's geo sites, just in case I'd lost it around a cache and that someone finds it. Even wrote it on the logs of the founds I made it on that trip. Area really was rough to hike and I couldn't even imagine it would be found anymore, as most of the time my dog was running free and playing with my friend's dog off the path. (Which is probably a big reason why I lost it in the first place...) Even if it would have dropped off to the path or near a cache, there would be enough underbrush to hide it. Those are really tiny coins after all, even if they have the glowing dark effect. It would be really hard to find it from  that area.


I ended up buying just a basic dog tag and engraved the geo code into that. It's hanging on my dog's "geocaching collar" which I put on him only when we are caching. The rest of the time it is in my apartment and no-one really can't see the code. As it is just a very "basic tag" it doesn't say anything about geocaching. All it has engraved onto it is my dog's name and the code, so even if someone would see it, they wouldn't know what the code means or where to use it.


Still, I got (a year ago) rather interesting message to my email for that coin being logged and I honestly was rather surprised. I still honestly think it's unlikely that anyone has actually found it from the forest we were in. However I can't find any explanation for the log and it's been haunting me for sometime now. I'm really unsure, should I just delete it?


On the top of that, it's logged for seen completely in different country, or at least he didn't log it in my native language. So I assume, he isn't originally from Finland.


I've send him several messages but he doesn't answer at all. Because if it's been found, I would definitely like to have it back. It's still mine.


I've threatened to take his logging down also as I still believe it's not found unless he can offer me a proof of it and I'm more than sure he have not seen my dog's new tag at that time it's logged. As I wasn't even home and he basically would have to break into my apartment and that's not likely because, well, I have a big a** german shepherd dog guarding my property. I haven't even done much caching in the past year and so and that means I have not had the geocoin with me, so basically zero possibilities for it to be actually seen and I would remember if someone would have asked to look at my dog's tag.


So yeah, I don't really know how to handle this situation as I don't know where he have been able to get the code for logging it, it's very unlikely to find the geocoin I've lost off path in to the woods and he definitely hasn't seen my dog's new tag. Especially when he is probably living in other country. If it is a fake log (I still don't get it where he could have been able to get the code), I'd like to remove it. If it's genuine, I'd like to know where he has seen it and get it actually back. But he doesn't answer to my messages. I don't know what to do. Halp?

Btw, this is the coin I'm talking about: https://coord.info/TB6WPDN



Edited by Niehku
spell checking
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You cannot control another person's actions, so you cannot force her to answer your query.


If it were me, I would delete the fake discover log. It's very improbable that she found your coin, when she said "thank you for showing me" in her log. And she's got a LOT of trackables discovered - she is probably one of those who collects as many trackable "discovers" as possible and randomly guessed at your code.


She probably won't even miss it if you delete it.

Edited by TriciaG
Looks more like a "she" than a "he"
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