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Wednesday Night Ghost Fright!


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So, it looks like your old pal soup has the Goldmember!.


This meeting will be centered around Portands Shanghai Tunnels.

What does that mean? GPS and Ghosts! How cool is that? (its VERY cool Mr. Soup!)


Here are the gory details: I need at least 15 people to attend. Cost is $11 per person. It is worth the money. Flashlights are provided. Once I get a decent headcount, I will then work out the payment info with everyone(on a later post).


I am still trying to contact the tour operators on a specific date. Right now, I can say it can be any day.


Email me at soup_r_man@hotmail.com and let me know if you can attend. How many others you might bring, and if Wednesday is a good day for you.


And dont forget to bring enough snacks for Scooby, since he is possessed!


"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright


I've always wanted to check out those tunnels. While I'd like to attend, it's difficult for me to commit until I know when it will be (kids). Put me down as a strong maybe.


btw, after reading some of the stuff on the 'Scooby is possessed' site, I don't know whether I should laugh because it's a joke site, or cry because there are actually people who believe that stuff!


I especially enjoyed reading the general rules section.




That is the best time I was able to get for a tour of the tunnels. This gives you ample time to check and/or change your schedule. It is a blast, and well worth the $11 bucks.


If your interested, I need to know ASAP. I will have to figure out the payment info (I gotta pay them a week in advance). I trust "most" of you...


PLease post here if you are planning on joining us for this treat.


The responses I have so far...


Bodoni and Jenny

Slinger91 (hopefully)



and maybe 6 of my coworkers.


And as an added bonus, I will place a virtual cache in the underground. Find a ghost, log a find!


Lets hear from y'all. -C


"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright


You know I'm up for it! Put me down as a yes...

I might bring a friend, so add a 'maybe' to your total... But I'll be there for sure.





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


Sorry to miss this one, y'all.

If you happen to walk into the shanghai tunnel annex (aka Magic Garden), then have a pint of PBR for me and give Viva Las Vegas an extra few singles.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Jenny will not be able to make it, but Bodoni will. I'm also inviting a workmate or two, but will post again if I get confirmation(s). Thanks for the organizational expertise soup!


that's the day before my first day of summer school. summer school starts at 8am and it's organic chemistry, so showing up reeking of gin ranting about ghosts may not be the best form. so put me down as a MAYBE unless you move it to a week later.


kisses, lauren


If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!


Originally posted by LaurenCat:

...reeking of gin ranting about ghosts...


Awww.. C'mon Lauren! I'm sure it's not the first time you've been out having fun on a school night icon_smile.gif




Originally posted by LaurenCat:

...reeking of gin ranting about ghosts...


Awww.. C'mon Lauren! I'm sure it's not the first time you've been out having fun on a school night icon_smile.gif




Looks like some folks (TJ, Oregone, Lauren, and possibly others) are having trouble with this date.


The date is not set in stone (since I havent recieved a callback from the tour organizer).


Is there a date that would be better for everyone? I would like as many GC's to attend as possible.


How about you post what dates you CAN go. That might be easier


"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright


Ok, looks like as long as I have the event after 7pm or so, then most people can make it. When I return from my little holiday, I will call the Tunnel Tourguide dude. I dont understand why he has not called me back... too many bong hits


Anyway, have a fantastic 4th everyone!! Dont set yourself (or anyone you like) ablaze.


Those "snake" type fireworks are AWESOME baby! icon_rolleyes.gif


Ok, looks like as long as I have the event after 7pm or so, then most people can make it. When I return from my little holiday, I will call the Tunnel Tourguide dude. I dont understand why he has not called me back... too many bong hits


Anyway, have a fantastic 4th everyone!! Dont set yourself (or anyone you like) ablaze.


Those "snake" type fireworks are AWESOME baby! icon_rolleyes.gif


As long as it's after the 19th of this month, i'll probablly be able to make it. Time of day doesn't really matter, but presumably it would be spookier to do it later, right?


If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!


Soup and all,

This is dasein here. This is my/our first post here ever. My personal computer geek "Mr. dasein" is already snoozin' (has to go to work tomorrow, and I don't...ha ha), so I hope I am doing this correctly. We'd sure love to hookup at local cachers' Wednesday night get-togethers. Per previous post in same thread, so far it sounds like PDX Shanghai Tunnels July 17, 7:30pm? That would be good with us. Pretty much any day (ever), 7pm or later would be great. We have no kids (on purpose), just 4 great pets, so as long as we know a couple days ahead of time, we're there. Our good friend Shmoe, who we introduced to geocaching a couple weekends ago, will also be quite interested, I'm sure. So that would be 3 of us, possibly a 4th. Looking forward to hearing more.

laurak (1/2 of dasein)


Well, postpones it anyway. They (tourguide) finally left a cryptic (fractal?) message on my answering machine stating that the 17th would not work due to some rug or quilt show (sounded like rug).


Honestly, that is what they said. icon_razz.gif


Anyhow, they mentioned the 24th of July would be better, at 8pm. Its a Wednesday. I havent cemented the deal, since I cant contact them tonite (the supernatural needs an early bed time).


I know DenaliNW, TJ, and Oregone will not be able to come icon_frown.gif Howz about the rest?


Oh, and do you want have an interim GoldenSpike meeting? Maybe at the "White Eagle"? They have ghosts there too. icon_wink.gif


"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright


Well, postpones it anyway. They (tourguide) finally left a cryptic (fractal?) message on my answering machine stating that the 17th would not work due to some rug or quilt show (sounded like rug).


Honestly, that is what they said. icon_razz.gif


Anyhow, they mentioned the 24th of July would be better, at 8pm. Its a Wednesday. I havent cemented the deal, since I cant contact them tonite (the supernatural needs an early bed time).


I know DenaliNW, TJ, and Oregone will not be able to come icon_frown.gif Howz about the rest?


Oh, and do you want have an interim GoldenSpike meeting? Maybe at the "White Eagle"? They have ghosts there too. icon_wink.gif


"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright


soup- the 24th is good, i think. (i may have a final the next day, but am not sure) also, i beleive that oregone might be able to make that day.


i'm up for an interim thing, too. how about tomorrow, y'all???? i'm soooo bored.


If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!


Just put me down for "me only."

Also, I think that TJ doesn't work on that particular Wednesday, but I'm not 100% sure...


And yeah.. I'm up for something tomorrow night. I wanna go bowling again! But somplace that is air conditioned!




Well, Joseph says he is up for checking out the ghosts and other spookey stuff in the tunnels,(he has a big flashlight to scare them back icon_eek.gif) and I have him that week,(July 24) so put us down for a go!

Bob and Joseph


Well, Joseph says he is up for checking out the ghosts and other spookey stuff in the tunnels,(he has a big flashlight to scare them back icon_eek.gif) and I have him that week,(July 24) so put us down for a go!

Bob and Joseph


There is only me to deal with for the tunnels icon_wink.gif


I would also like to do something this wednesday. I stick around town. The bowling thing does sound nice, but anything is good. (Well... almost anything)


There is only me to deal with for the tunnels icon_wink.gif


I would also like to do something this wednesday. I stick around town. The bowling thing does sound nice, but anything is good. (Well... almost anything)


tomorrow, then? where? how about at absolutely? i like that place a lot. bowling is also very good.


hey mysister- give me a call. i've looked everywhere for your number, to no avail.


If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!



Count dasein in (both of us) for July 24th Shanghai Tunnels. Been trying to get ahold of Shmoe to see if he's free to come too. Will let you know ASAP.


We'd sure love to get together with the group tomorrow too, but this is such a super busy week. Who knows, we could wind up meeting you afterall.


Until whenever icon_rolleyes.gif,


(I just put the little rolly-eye guy above 'cause I thought he was cute!)



Count dasein in (both of us) for July 24th Shanghai Tunnels. Been trying to get ahold of Shmoe to see if he's free to come too. Will let you know ASAP.


We'd sure love to get together with the group tomorrow too, but this is such a super busy week. Who knows, we could wind up meeting you afterall.


Until whenever icon_rolleyes.gif,


(I just put the little rolly-eye guy above 'cause I thought he was cute!)


The 24th will work for me, but that will reduce my count to just one. Tomorrow will not work though. I'm taking my Sis and Bro-in-law to see Frogz. If some of you meet at Absolutely again you might want to call the Hollywood Bowl and see if they have A/C. It's only a couple of blocks away and right at the Hollywood MAX stop. I hope you have fun! I'd like to bowl again . . . in a COOLER place!


Originally posted by Bodoni:

...Tomorrow will not work though. I'm taking my Sis and Bro-in-law to see Frogz...


Are there still ticket available for tomorrow nights show (well it's 3am so tonight's show)? Maybe we should all do that?


Has anyone else noticed that the whole Geocaching thing has kind of dropped into the background and it's just kind of a social thing now? icon_wink.gif Not that I mind... Geeting to know all of you is like finding the greatest cache ever icon_biggrin.gif heheheh


Oh.. And LaurenCat.. I left a note for you. Did you get it? icon_wink.gif




Originally posted by Bodoni:

...Tomorrow will not work though. I'm taking my Sis and Bro-in-law to see Frogz...


Are there still ticket available for tomorrow nights show (well it's 3am so tonight's show)? Maybe we should all do that?


Has anyone else noticed that the whole Geocaching thing has kind of dropped into the background and it's just kind of a social thing now? icon_wink.gif Not that I mind... Geeting to know all of you is like finding the greatest cache ever icon_biggrin.gif heheheh


Oh.. And LaurenCat.. I left a note for you. Did you get it? icon_wink.gif




Originally posted by fractal:


Oh.. And LaurenCat.. I left a note for you. Did you get it? icon_wink.gif




yeah, i got your note. too bad you didn't have a digital camera! icon_wink.gif


so hopefully some of us will meet tonight for a beer and perhaps bowling?


If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!


Originally posted by fractal:


Oh.. And LaurenCat.. I left a note for you. Did you get it? icon_wink.gif




yeah, i got your note. too bad you didn't have a digital camera! icon_wink.gif


so hopefully some of us will meet tonight for a beer and perhaps bowling?


If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!


Well.. Pick a place and I'll be there...

Unless people want to come out to Hillsboro this time icon_wink.gif We have a great bowling ally with a really good bar.




Well.. Pick a place and I'll be there...

Unless people want to come out to Hillsboro this time icon_wink.gif We have a great bowling ally with a really good bar.




Well, those herb-heads hiding in the underground tunnels are STILL not home! icon_mad.gif I am going to continue to bug them.. constantly. For now, just figure we WILL meet for the Shanghai Tunnels on 7/24 at 8pm. I will give the important details in a couple days.


As for tonite: I dont think I can join y'all. I got band practice for a show this weekend.

I run the lights.. >switch on, switch off<


Interested? I could hid a cache there.. Hmmm..

It will be July 13th, 2002 Saturday at the Mt. Tabor Theatre. Band is named Logos Eye. Always lots of fun. And I got a LASER!!!! LOOK OUT.


Well, those herb-heads hiding in the underground tunnels are STILL not home! icon_mad.gif I am going to continue to bug them.. constantly. For now, just figure we WILL meet for the Shanghai Tunnels on 7/24 at 8pm. I will give the important details in a couple days.


As for tonite: I dont think I can join y'all. I got band practice for a show this weekend.

I run the lights.. >switch on, switch off<


Interested? I could hid a cache there.. Hmmm..

It will be July 13th, 2002 Saturday at the Mt. Tabor Theatre. Band is named Logos Eye. Always lots of fun. And I got a LASER!!!! LOOK OUT.


Originally posted by soup:

...And I got a LASER!!!! LOOK OUT.

For some reason, I think that should be the new tagline under your picture icon_smile.gif


Tungsten just called and said that he would like to meet up at the Rock Creek Tavern at 8pm. Actually, he said he'll be there even if anyone else is or not. Sounds like that's where I'm gunna be...


Come and join us!




Originally posted by soup:

...And I got a LASER!!!! LOOK OUT.

For some reason, I think that should be the new tagline under your picture icon_smile.gif


Tungsten just called and said that he would like to meet up at the Rock Creek Tavern at 8pm. Actually, he said he'll be there even if anyone else is or not. Sounds like that's where I'm gunna be...


Come and join us!




mysister and i will be there. i like rock creek tavern even if they don't serve pbr. if anyone else is coming, i don't have the coordinates, but rock creek is at 10000 Old Cornelius Pass in hillsboro (ah, the magic of the internet)...see you all later.... icon_smile.gif


If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!


mysister and i will be there. i like rock creek tavern even if they don't serve pbr. if anyone else is coming, i don't have the coordinates, but rock creek is at 10000 Old Cornelius Pass in hillsboro (ah, the magic of the internet)...see you all later.... icon_smile.gif


If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!


..and they finally answered the phone! Whoo Hoo! Ok I have CEMENTED the date and time for ghost tunnel action. Here it is.


July 24 at 8pm. Meet at HOBO's Restaurant 1-1/2 hour before. I will need everyone to sign a waiver (something about spooky things). The cost is 11 dollars. Unfourtunatly they need the $$ about a week before.


If you guys could write me at my email addy, we can work something out. soup_r_man@hotmail.com


I cant wait for this one. It will be fun. AND I will put a virtual cache down there. Heh heh.


BTW.. I raced to the Rock Creek Tavern last night. I was there at 10:40 and I must have just missed y'all. Darn! -C

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