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T minus 10 and counting


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We just logged our 90th find this weekend, and we're hoping to add some quality to our next 10 counting down (or up) to our 100th find. We decided to kick off our countdown with Tree Hugger II. Some candidates from our list of local not-yet-founds are... Council Crest, Hammerhead, Low-Medium-High, E2 (if it's up in time), PGE, and Watershed Moment.


We're hoping that you guys can help us round off our list. We've already cached out most of the Tigard/Beaverton area, but we'd love to hear about your favorites, or any other must-finds from the Portland/Metro area. Thanks to all of you that've helped make this sport/game/hobby so much fun.


"There are no stupid questions, but there a LOT of inquisitive idiots."


Some fine choices.

L-M-H is temporarily on hiatus, but can probably still be hunted icon_eek.gificon_wink.gif


I liked the county corner cache when Joedohn had it. I am sure Charlie TrailDuster's is just as nice. I found it on the same day as my 100th (it was also my wedding anniversary!).


Easy to get to the trailhead - just pull off to the very wide shoulder along HWY26.


I'm sitting at 91, trying to make some quality picks. I'd certainly like #100 to be special! I highly recommend Demonhead Flats as well.


Heading out to (hopefully) pick up Oregone's

Instrumental CD.


I'm sitting at 91, trying to make some quality picks. I'd certainly like #100 to be special!


PGE was a lot of fun. I think you might have a problem completing Hammerhead without some help as one of the waypoints is no more. I highly recommend Demonhead Flats as well.


Just ran out at lunch to get the CD for (instrumental version). That's bound to be interesting as well.


Funny, I guess the original post DID go through even though I got a database error.....oh well.


I have only 4 left till 100.

Sheesh, all you youn'uns don caught up with me.


On my 100th find, I was hoping for a parade with fireworks, dancing bears and jugglers tossing flaming kittens. I suppose that would be difficult in the woods, but I can just dream a little..


What do you call 2,000 pounds of Chinese Soup? Won Ton.


I'm at 76. Two of them are virtual, the rest are real. Doesn't look like I'm going to make it to 100 by my one-year anniversary on february 5th. icon_frown.gif


Lack of daylight after work has really killed my winter caching season.


But we found it last weekend. icon_razz.gif The trails had us going every which way trying to find the right way to the cache though. It was well worth the hunt though by the time we found the right spot.


"There are no stupid questions, but there a LOT of inquisitive idiots."


And we would be glad to help you on the one spot that you just can't get to on that cache anymore.


Besides all the other suggestions here, some others to consider, Urban Cache - Plagerized, Fridtjof's Cache, Broadway Logbook, Blownads, The ESP Cache, Silicon Forest, and also XYZ/NGS are all good in no particular order.


Good luck to both of you, you two are a great team and unlike ours your name shows who the chief is icon_wink.gif.


Looking forward to seeing you guys around, have fun.


In case of power failure stand close, I glow in the dark.


We'd echo the suggestions that were made (and may see you at some of these locations in the next couple of weekends!).... icon_wink.gif We'd add Map to the Stars' Homes and Crouching Puzzle, Hidden Cache to your list. Happy hunting!


I am sitting at 87 myself and building a list of the 13 to get me to 100. Also planning to release my new signature item for cache #100. One of these I plan is Hammerhead, what is this about a place you just can't get to anymore?? I have been meaning to do this one for a while and would be sorely disappointed to find out it is not doable...


Also, I second HideGregHide's comment about Demonhead Flats, I completely enjoyed this one and it should be at the top of any countdown list. and Pipeline is another that looks cool and is gor sure on my countdown list.


Life is as much a journey of discovery, as it is a discovery of the journey...




Ahhh...THAT place you just can't get to... Quite a shame indeed. I had not yet plotted the waypoints for the cache so I did not realize that. But you are correct, I am sure I can find the answer another way... icon_wink.gif


Life is as much a journey of discovery, as it is a discovery of the journey...




It sounds like a bunch of people are hoping to complete Hammerhead... Perhaps "A whirlwind tour of McMenamins pubs/schools/strip malls" group cache is in order? Just thought I'd toss it out there & see what comes of it. We've had this on our to do list for about 6 months now, and I'm afraid it might be just the motivation we need to get it done.


"There are no stupid questions, but there a LOT of inquisitive idiots."


That would be a blast. I know that wannatagalong and I would be up for a group run at this one sometime...


Life is as much a journey of discovery, as it is a discovery of the journey...




PDXMarathonman, Soup, HideGregHide... I don't see any of your names on the list. What do you say? It might be a good excuse to drag some of our more delinquent caching friends... One Fish, Two Fish ... back into the game.


"There are no stupid questions, but there a LOT of inquisitive idiots."


What ever happened to all the weekly (or bi-weekly?) Golden Spike events? It seems like after a few BIG events, people are hesitant to have a Golden Spike gathering unless its an epic. The last it has been heard from it is in the hands of Dr. I. If he waits until the cache he has been hinting at, it won't be back in circulation until spring!


you'll do this while I'm in Texas Feb 2 to the 9th. Sounds like a blast. Just did tree hugger 2 as my 151st as you may have seen the pic. Oh well, my Saturdays are filled with 7th and 3rd grade girls basketball games anyway. And if you chose a weekday it would be Wednesday which I can't do either. Have fun everyone.



And I do mean everyone, practicing and non-practicing alike.


Well this seems like a popular idea. See what happens when you throw a bone out to this pack of cache dogs...icon_biggrin.gif


How about we look a couple weeks out, say 2/15? That would give some time to check (and clear) schedules. I plotted the stops last night and there is a quite a bit of driving involved. So this could be an all day thing, or we could devise a plan to gather some of the info seperately and then all meet up at point 8 or 9 for the final assult.


What do you folks think?


Life is as much a journey of discovery, as it is a discovery of the journey...



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