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Absent Leaders and Unresponsive Officers


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8 minutes ago, BK-Hunters said:


Well this is perplexing. I assume you did not get a response from any of the officers/leader. 

I do recall this happening to us, and one of the officers responded with "There are no pending votes".

Do not recall how this was rectified. The only thing that you could do is try to edit the waymark. Normally, as you know, you can not edit while it is in vote.  However if the vote is not pending, as was our case, you maybe able to release it by an edit. Other than that I am clueless. :huh: 

Can't edit. Main 3 officers are: silverquill, QuesterMark and NorStar. NorStar was on yesterday. No reply from any of them.

5 hours ago, PISA-caching said:

Have you tried contacting them via their profile on geocaching.com?

OK, I tried sending a note to each from Geocaching.com. I thought that was the same system that Waymarking uses.

Posted (edited)
On 4/15/2019 at 7:57 AM, BK-Hunters said:

Wayfrog, re: the matter I emailed you about


Wayfrog, I found another one with the exact same comments in a different category.  Coincidentally it is the same inactive leader in both categories.


Do you have the ability to promote us to officer as I previously requested?

Edited by BK-Hunters
22 hours ago, vulture1957 said:

OK, I tried sending a note to each from Geocaching.com. I thought that was the same system that Waymarking uses.

I guess that is what was needed. It finally got approved.

Funny thing is, it had a note about what was said in the voting. The original reviewer sent it to vote because "he wasn't sure if getting an award made it a landmark."  And what does it say in the category rules? "It must have received an award from these certain entities." Good reviewing when the reviewers can't even read and understand the category write-up.  <smh>


Wayfrog, what is the process of replacing a leader?


If a leader is voted to demote 100% is required, who will be promoted to leader? Is it from the officer pool only? Or can a new leader be promote from the non-officer pool?  Is a vote from just the officers, if all agree will this demote the leader, or does the leader have a vote?


I am not sure about the new leader, I think it is one of the existing officers, maybe the one who started the demote or just the next in the hierarchy (each one has a unique number).

BUT - this is important - to demote a leader you need 100% of the officers, the leader not included. Other than to demote an officer, this is not the quote of the participants, you really need ALL officers to vote. So it is important to get rid of the inactive officers first, else their non-votes would count against you.


I realize I am preaching to the choir, but why, in at least a few of the categories I have checked, is there maybe one active officer, maybe two if Andreas has squeezed himself in there?  I am of the opinion if you are a leader of a category, please at least log into the site more often than once every two years...  Okay, I'm off my soapbox and I'll return you to your regularly scheduled Waymarking!

Posted (edited)

Thank you wayfrog for reviewing my post.


I wonder how many waymarks are denied in such a busy day.

Edited by elyob
On 6/15/2019 at 4:56 PM, elyob said:

I wonder how many waymarks are denied in such a busy day.


Yeah, I wonder too?????


These waymarks didn't just all happen at once. They accumulated over time.

So another interesting piece of data is: how long was the oldest waymark in queue, waiting for approval on this wayfrog sweep.

I think BK-Hunters is probably not far from collecting this tidbit of information as well. I found the above study very clever indeed.

On the average, many waymarks were probably waiting for about half of that interval of longest time for approval.


The good things is that 94% of all categories were able to address all of their submissions with a reasonable amount of activity.

This still doesn't say that all those 94% are operating on a timely basis.


The one statistic I've always wanted to calculate would be an average or median elapsed time from submission time to approval time for waymarks in every category!  Seeing that ordered list every month might make it easier to see what categories need help.


If a category's approval time exceeds three days, the feeling I get in our community is that new or more officers are needed in that group.

How that happens has been an interesting series of discussions.


If some set of these 71 categories continue to show up on the list of those needing broad-brushed approvals, then clearly some group renovation or revolution needs to happen. I think we would find them on the high end times of my imagined list too.


<dream> I'm tired of scraping through HTML. if only there were some Waymarking APIs.</dream>



18 minutes ago, pmaupin said:

Can not we immediately put new volunteer officers in these categories?


Sure, join the group and contact the leader to be promoted to officer. 

If this is unsuccessful, contact one of the more current officers and request they promote you to officer. If successful, it will take a full three days and the officer has to vote yea. 


Not too sure what can be done if all fails. If I recall correctly wayfrog is not able to promote officers.

wayfrog, please verify this for us.

49 minutes ago, BK-Hunters said:


Sure, join the group and contact the leader to be promoted to officer. 

If this is unsuccessful, contact one of the more current officers and request they promote you to officer. If successful, it will take a full three days and the officer has to vote yea. 


Not too sure what can be done if all fails. If I recall correctly wayfrog is not able to promote officers.

wayfrog, please verify this for us.


That's true. I can't promote directly. But if all fails just let me know and I will talk with Groundspeak to get the new officer promoted.


Oh... I've been away from WM submission this year and perhaps it was just bad luck and coincidences but from the four WM's I submitted one week ago, 3 are still awaiting approval. Following categories:

Giant Board Games (two officers logged in the last days but nothing happened)

Factory Tours (Lumbricus seems to be the only active officer, logged in but no approval so far)

WWII Prisoner of War Camps (Two officers logged in recently, nothing happened though)


It's just annoying, but I guess we all know that.


Starbucks Stores is under control (and you two in particular should know that :lol:):  Look very carefully and you'll see that the only ones that wayfrog needed to approve were mine.  I AM in contact with the group leader, and am trying to let her get out to enjoy life and I'll take over, but it doesn't help me that I have non-responsive officers in the group.  I do have some thoughts about how to handle things, believe me, but as they say at the Vatican, "Around here, we think in terms of centuries."  It's going to be a little while.


So sorry for any misunderstanding. Actually I do not pay any attention who is posting them, just the categories wayfrog is approving. 


The only reason I even post this information is to hopefully shed some light on this on going concern. 


Especially the ones that are on four consecutive lists.  I have compiled information since late 2017. 


We always appreciate Wayfrog, and the time he devotes to approving in these categories. 



20 hours ago, QuarrellaDeVil said:

Starbucks Stores is under control (and you two in particular should know that :lol:):  Look very carefully and you'll see that the only ones that wayfrog needed to approve were mine.  I AM in contact with the group leader, and am trying to let her get out to enjoy life and I'll take over, but it doesn't help me that I have non-responsive officers in the group.  I do have some thoughts about how to handle things, believe me, but as they say at the Vatican, "Around here, we think in terms of centuries."  It's going to be a little while. 

  Hello I am available for this category, if you need, no problems , Philippe

Posted (edited)

First, thanks to BK-Hunters for taking the time to monitor this, because it is an important topic. Frustrating that Groundspeak is not more willing to reassign leadership of abandoned categories to those willing to take charge.


Second, I don't think that KFC restaurants should be on the list.  I make sure that I have an active officer list to share the load of approving and I have checked our activity and don't see any approved by Wayfrog. 

Edited by RakeInTheCache

In one category where I am only the active officer I decided to ask the leader this week-end whether he wouldn't want to hand over the reigns.  I sent a message via his Waymarking and via his geocaching profile.  His widowed wife informed me from his geocaching account that he had passed away.  I forwarded the information to wayfrog and am waiting for a reply.  It seems this would not be a complicated decision to reassign leadership in this category. How long do you think I should wait before trying to contact wayfrog again?


On another subject, this time the Hot Springs category I did the same but have not heard back from the leader.  I've kept my copy of the e-mails i sent.  How long do you think I should wait before bringing this up with Wayfrog?


Thanks for any advice.

1 hour ago, RakeInTheCache said:

In one category where I am only the active officer I decided to ask the leader this week-end whether he wouldn't want to hand over the reigns.  I sent a message via his Waymarking and via his geocaching profile.  His widowed wife informed me from his geocaching account that he had passed away.  I forwarded the information to wayfrog and am waiting for a reply.  It seems this would not be a complicated decision to reassign leadership in this category. How long do you think I should wait before trying to contact wayfrog again?...


You are the leader, so this is already done.


I have another waymark pending in the Octagon Buildings category.  I decided to check out the group and curiously, the group missions statement indicates that the category is currently up for adoption.  So I joined the category and am willing to take over leadership.


description/mission statement:
This group manages the Octagon Buildings category, and is currently available for adoption. Join the category to take over management, or visit the Waymarking Forums for more information.


6 hours ago, RakeInTheCache said:

I have another waymark pending in the Octagon Buildings category.  I decided to check out the group and curiously, the group missions statement indicates that the category is currently up for adoption.  So I joined the category and am willing to take over leadership.


description/mission statement:
This group manages the Octagon Buildings category, and is currently available for adoption. Join the category to take over management, or visit the Waymarking Forums for more information.



This is an old text from the beginning. If you want to manage this  category please get in contact with silverquill.

Posted (edited)

I need an eyeball to look at Bridge stones and plaques - I've got the Cameron Suspension Bridge - WM119JQ - that has been sitting for a month.  Thanks! 

Edited by iconions
On 9/25/2019 at 7:58 PM, RakeInTheCache said:

On another subject, this time the Hot Springs category I did the same but have not heard back from the leader.  I've kept my copy of the e-mails i sent.  How long do you think I should wait before bringing this up with Wayfrog?


Thanks for any advice.


I never received a reply to my messages to Team Min Dawg regarding the Hot Springs group.  I see he is no longer a premium member.  I sent off another message again.  Looking for some help to get this category back in action.

On 12/23/2019 at 8:52 PM, RakeInTheCache said:


I never received a reply to my messages to Team Min Dawg regarding the Hot Springs group.  I see he is no longer a premium member.  I sent off another message again.  Looking for some help to get this category back in action.


Solved without wayfrogs help.  :santa:

  • Upvote 1

The leader of a group says she was never the leader and doesn't waymark anymore. The only other active officer will not respond to any messages and wayfrog has to approve my submissions. I would love to be the leader and clarify some confusion in the description. First step?


Are you a member of the group? If so, maybe you can ask the leader to promote you to officer. Then the leader could resign and I think designate you as the new leader. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Posted (edited)

My Roadside has been waiting 9 days, which isn't long at all! But I'll have a knot in my stomach until Walter White's tombstone is reviewed and I know I didn't do all that work and someone beat me to it. ?

The others can wait! 

Edit: I retract that last statement. I also don't want to lose the first fairy door waymark in Oklahoma! 

Edited by Max and 99
2 minutes ago, vulture1957 said:

I'll have to go over and visit your door, and find one for me!


Well if they accept one waymark per door, you're in for a treat! It is amazing! If I come across another one I'll let you know so you can waymark it.


Could someone with access to the Unusual Signs category go to the group and release my vote? I didn't mean to cause a problem. I based my waymark on a similar one locally, but apparently it has caused doubt among the officers. I'm sorry!


Can you please release the waymark?


Thank you!

On 12/25/2019 at 5:54 PM, RakeInTheCache said:

Interesting strategy! Now on to Octagonal Buildings. I have reached out to Silver Quill a couple of times without a reply.  Any advice?


I realize I'm coming into this a month late, but check with Marine Biologist, as she'd mentioned to me once that she knew how to get in touch with Silver Quill.


I also saw a reference to Team Min Dawg in another comment:  We'd worked together in the Starbucks category, but appearances from her dwindled, and she finally stopped responding to my texts.  I have a feeling that she's off enjoying possible retirement, and I got in touch with wayfrog awhile back about the Starbucks category, which is now in my hands.  "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

1 hour ago, Alfouine said:

I have one in municipal flags waiting since May 2019, i think you are impatient :laughing:

My record is 960 days. I don't really care about a single submission waiting, if it is not something that is special to me.

51 minutes ago, fi67 said:

My record is 960 days. I don't really care about a single submission waiting, if it is not something that is special to me.

Imagine the waymark is declined, will you submit it again with new arguments ?

1 hour ago, Alfouine said:

Imagine the waymark is declined, will you submit it again with new arguments ?


It depends on the reason. If it's a mere formality, like missing variables or something similar, no problem. Additional pictures, especially with special requirements are a problem after such a long time.


But usually waymarks do not go to vote for formalities, more often they are borderline cases, where not all officers agree if a waymarks does really fit a category. And once this is decided, a precedent has been set and the case is clear. (in theory at least, it does not work at all like this in reality, because almost all voters will never come back to check the results.)

  • Upvote 1
Just now, Max and 99 said:

My palindrome waymark was important to me! Thank you wayfrog for approving it on palindrome day!

Oh, oh, thanks so much for the reminder, now I have to go out (heavy rain and dark) to find a cache. 

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Bernd das Brot Team said:

As one of the officers in Municipal flags, please let me know which waymarks you are referring to as there is nothing coming up on my list of waymarks to be approved.

 I've just sent a message for you with the waymark.

If you can not see it, it's a bug.... and i could wait...

Edited by Alfouine
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