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Absent Leaders and Unresponsive Officers


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Some years ago we acted that way:


"It's rare but it can happen that an entire group loses interest in the publication of new waymark listings. While Groundspeak prefers to allow the community to resolve such things themselves there are times where it is simply not possible. Here are some suggested steps that can be taken.


If you have an interest in helping with the publication of new listings then the best first step is to try to contact the Leader and ask them to invite you to be another Officer. You can do that through their Waymarking profile directly from the Group page. You can also try their Geocaching profile if they seem more active on that site. Whether you want to help or ultimately adopt the Group to become the Leader, this is best first approach. Make sure to save a copy of your attempts to contact the Leader. Hopefully they will appreciate your offer and things can progress from there in a way that is mutually beneficial.


What if nothing happens after a week or two? At that point it is best to contact me directly to move things along. What I will need is a copy of your attempt to contact the Leader and a link to the Group in question. That allows me to see what is going on with the Leader and other Officers, clean up any pending submissions, and start the process of transferring the Group to you if appropriate.


So I've become the Leader, now what? With your new role comes some new responsibilities. Some are fun and others not as much. Likely there is already a need to add new Officers and maybe remove some too. You can Open Enrollment and/or post in these forums that you are looking for some new bodies. Add carefully since you will want people that share an interest in the Category content. The Category itself might need some updating. Who better than you and the new Group? Be sure to open up the communication with the Group by enabling the Officers to email each other and the Group. Set a plan and expectations for how the updated Group will function. Remember, it is a Group and not just one person running the show. This is a community and it communicates. 


Everything is updated and ready to go. Awesome! Brag about it in the forums. There may be people that have given up on the category because of how it was being run before. Just like a restaurant, advertizing that your Category is Under New Management might be all it takes to attract some new submissions.


So remember, if there is a Category out there that you are interest in helping you should first make an offer to the current Leader. If a few weeks pass and the Category is still stagnant then email me at through my profile page with the Group name and/or link and your account name. While you wait, go make some new listings for the Category to show your love!" Checkmark




Escalate the review process


If the listing has received no action or remains in vote for a longer than seven days you can contact Wayfrog to escalate the review process. Include the unique WM CODE found near the top of your Waymark listing page in your message.


Wayfrog will review your listing as appropriate to the specific category guidelines." Submit a new Waymark


-> If you have waiting waymarks in a category and you are not interested in helping as an officer, your waymark will wait as long as another waymarker will start the process or you sent the WM Code to me. In addition to that I can make a clean up all two month.

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 In addition to that I can make a clean up all two month.

Can you explain what this means, please? 
Thank you for reminding us of the process. I thought previously we were to wait two weeks from waymark submission date before contacting you. One week is even better.
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4 hours ago, Max and 99 said:

 In addition to that I can make a clean up all two month.

Can you explain what this means, please? 
Thank you for reminding us of the process. I thought previously we were to wait two weeks from waymark submission date before contacting you. One week is even better.


There could be categories with new submissions combined with no interest in a new leadership or officer duties. Checking all categories every two month avoids waiting times beyond good and evil. 

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I was wondering how to handle a submission that I made to the Pyramids group a month ago which has still not been approved.  It appears that the officers for this group are not very active.  I had emailed the only officer who has logged in during the 2018 year but received no response.  My submission number is WMYTPY.  Any recommendations?

Thank you.

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14 hours ago, Janila said:

I was wondering how to handle a submission that I made to the Pyramids group a month ago which has still not been approved.  It appears that the officers for this group are not very active.  I had emailed the only officer who has logged in during the 2018 year but received no response.  My submission number is WMYTPY.  Any recommendations?

Thank you.


I ask to be an officer of this category following the Wayfrog process.

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I have no interest in joining the Pyramid group but I was added as an officer. A mistake, or am I being punished for complaining too much?

I have no knowledge of this category and would be useless as a reviewer! I did get to help out with a vote already. So I guess I'm not completely useless.

Edited by Max and 99
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I messaged the Officer in Where's in a Name on July 21, 2018 and did not get a response. I would like to be added as an officer.

Currently there are only two officers to manage the category.


My message from July 21: Max and 99 says,
Hi there wilsonjw. I would love to be promoted to an officer in the "Where's in a name?" category! It's one of my favorites! Sincerely, Max and 99


Category Managers:


Wheres In A Name Category Officers Sept. 3 2018.png

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What do you think about this problem of comprehension compared to a non validation of waymark, and threats when one brings all the proofs of its validity.

In this group there is a leader (not operational since June 2017) and two officers, apparently only one valid or voting waymarks (only one answer in the votes).

What can I do to have my good faith admitted?

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Funny how all of this works. I have been posting in several new categories and have several that are approaching the two week mark with no action. But tonight I submitted one in a new category for me and it was approved in just a few minutes. Guess they just happened to be "at work" when it hit their queue.

Edited by The Snowdog
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I sometimes wait to have a waymark approved in a category where I could approve. When I see that the category needs something I assume it is my waymark. I eventually checked and it was someone else. I suppose if I approved my own waymark I wouldn't have this problem.

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10 hours ago, Max and 99 said:

3 weeks waiting on review: Where's in a Name?  

It doesn't feel right reviewing the waymark myself  since I did most of the work. 


My suggestion might go over like a lead balloon for some, but frankly, if someone doesn't have a solution, I'm not interested in hearing about it.  I'm the de facto category leader in one category where I'm a "big contributor", and while I clear everybody else's submissions, I wait on the de jure category leader (with whom I correspond offline) to clear mine.  Besides no responses from the other officers, problem for me is that I think our fearless leader is getting ready to ride off into the sunset, as her visits are fewer and fewer anymore.  I'm OK with that, and we're going to do some work to transfer things to me so I can get some new people in, but in the meantime, things are going slowly and the best I can do is wait for wayfrog to clear my stuff.  I do appreciate that he does that, but that's really not right.  It's a problem with the system, and it's just dumping stuff onto someone who might like to enjoy the hobby rather than having it turn into a job.  What I've toyed with doing just a few times, though, is this:


Find someone reputable who'd be happy to take an unofficial field promotion to help you review your waymark.  Everything's done in e-mail, of course, and when that person tells you that, hey, it looks good, go ahead and approve it yourself, and add a note in your Long Description that so-and-so was kind enough to help you out while the other category officers were MIA.

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36 minutes ago, QuarrellaDeVil said:


Find someone reputable who'd be happy to take an unofficial field promotion to help you review your waymark.  Everything's done in e-mail, of course, and when that person tells you that, hey, it looks good, go ahead and approve it yourself, and add a note in your Long Description that so-and-so was kind enough to help you out while the other category officers were MIA.


Have you tried your idea yet?  You can probably get volunteers here to help out with unofficial reviews. 


I thank that relying on wayfrog is slightly less wrong than self-reviewing.    However, how far into the future will wayfrog be available to us?

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Great idea! I'll post a screen shot here and let you guys review it for me! Just need a minute.

I REALLY hate bothering wayfrog and agree that we shouldn't have to!  I think posting our own waymark here for a review by others on the forum is brilliant!




Edited by Max and 99
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2 hours ago, Max and 99 said:

Great idea! I'll post a screen shot here and let you guys review it for me! Just need a minute.

I REALLY hate bothering wayfrog and agree that we shouldn't have to!  I think posting our own waymark here for a review by others on the forum is brilliant!




Nice catch for a waymark. I'll have to see about getting over there and checking it out.

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I actually want to complement officers in several groups - I have been adding a crapton (that's an official Waymarking unit of measure) of new waymarks from my recent travels.  Almost everyone is giving responses within 48 hours of posting.  Nice job, y'all!   

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1 hour ago, BK-Hunters said:


Then there's the equally descriptive  number which has been brought to my attention by the Frosty Alliums guy. If not yet official, it should become so.  







What the #$^*%# happened here?!?!?! Where did these images come from, and how, and why?!?!?!



eleventy-seven is also an equally descriptive, and equally valid unit of Waymarking!  LOL  :)  Now, can I PLEASE be done with these Gonzales, Texas pictures????  I keep finding waymark categories....


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I have a couple here waiting a month or more for approval:


Johnny's Restaurant - Fort MacLeod, Alberta in Googie Architecture - Submitted Sept 13 2018



Pymatuning State Park Campground - Andover, Ohio  in Campgrounds - Submitted Oct 10 2018




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On 11/6/2018 at 9:52 AM, PISA-caching said:

Looking at the data of the three officers in the Utah Historical Markers category, I doubt that they will return one day. But of course every category is different and the question is: Is there anybody willing to take over that category?


Since I've got a Utahn sitting right behind me, I'd be happy to take over the Utah Historical Markers category if there is a need.  And thanks to WF for clearing the ones in that category that were pending.

Edited by QuarrellaDeVil
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Sorry to bother you again but I have the following submissions waiting 2-4 weeks for review:

Little Bay de Noc campground - Rapid River, MI in Campgrounds  Submitted November 19

CEYLON GAP SWIM - Ceylon, Saskatchewan in Public Swimming Pools Submitted November 21

Faith Life Church - Branson, MO in Megachurches Submitted November 21

Always Rd Bridge - 1933 - Grassie, ON in Bridge Date Stones and Plaques Submitted December 1

Thank-you again for your time and Merry Christmas and happy holidays

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If you have an interest in helping with the publication of new listings then the best first step is to try to contact the Leader and ask them to invite you to be another officer. You can do that through their Waymarking profile directly from the group page. You can also try their Geocaching profile if they seem more active on that site. This is the best first approach. Make sure to save a copy of your attempts to contact the leader. Hopefully they will appreciate your offer and things can progress from there in a way that is mutually beneficial.


If you hear nothing after a week or two it is best to contact me directly to move things along. What I will need is a copy of your attempt to promote you.

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Just to let everyone know - I have been slower than normal approving my categories since the first part of January.  My mother was involved in a pretty significant car accident that caused some very serious injuries.  She was just released from the hospital last week so I should be able to start to get back into the rhythm of getting things approved in a more timely manner.  Thanks for everyone's patience while I had to let real life interfere with my passion!

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Greetings Wayfrog, 


The matter I emailed you about has not been resolved as of yet. Is it still pending review?


I do not want to discuss it on the forum as it just draws more attention to it: which I want to avoid.


Regards, Barb of BK-Hunters

Edited by BK-Hunters
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On 4/2/2019 at 3:52 PM, BK-Hunters said:

Greetings Wayfrog, 


The matter I emailed you about has not been resolved as of yet. Is it still pending review?


I do not want to discuss it on the forum as it just draws more attention to it: which I want to avoid.


Regards, Barb of BK-Hunters


Give us some more days, it's still in progress. :omnomnom:

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2 hours ago, BK-Hunters said:


Wayfrog -- and if you could look at Engineering Landmarks category. My Skydance Bridge Waymark Code: WMZX7V has been awaiting group vote for well over a month. And the 3 officers that run the group all logged in between Apr 7 and 9.

Edited by vulture1957
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