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Wherigo help


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Hey guys,


i have a Wherigo cache that I have spent a while on, (it's my first) and I have been using Urwigo to build/code it. I do not know if it is my coding, computer or builder that is casuing my problem, but it will not let me run, test, or download the file as a .gwc. I was hoping some of you Wherigo experts out there could help a fellow geocacher, and take my project under their wing. Can you guys, fix it, test it, and attach it to a response in a .gwc format file so I can post it. I have my unfinished project in a .ink file (that's the only file type i can do, so reach out to me and i can hopefully sed it to you in some way.


I would really appreciate it and I would gladly give whoever helped me credit in the finished project's page.

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Could you please include the media you're using?  For now, I'm experimenting by using audio and image files from my computer.  If you were hoping someone would be able to produce a GWC or GWZ for you, it's not possible without those files unless you don't mind having the wrong photos shown and odd sounds playing.


What error message does Urwigo give you?  I need to make sure I'm seeing the same thing you are.  The error message I get with your cartridge is "Value cannot be null.  Parameter name: key".  This at least tells me something that should have been set isn't being set.  I'll see if I can come up with what that is while I'm waiting for your media files.

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Okay, so there are two problems.


Start off by downloading this: http://rangerfox.com/temp/Swirls_land.zip


The first problem is there's something odd with the way you're telling Urwigo to play audio.  In the time I had, I couldn't come up with a good way to tell you how to remove the audio-playing action, so I edited the Urwigo file itself, which is why I had to give you a link to download.  Anyway, I removed the command to play the audio.  You can add it back if you'd like and see if that error happens.  If so, we'll work it out.


The second problem involves your naming of commands.  In your goofy farmer character, you have two commands named "Command".  That's not good to have duplicates, they shouldn't be named something generic, and the names should be short (you got one out of three).  Go into the first one and you'll see you set the identifier to "Player enters Swirls land".  Identifiers should not have spaces as they're used directly in the code.  Move that text to the "Name" section and leave the identifier empty.  Please shorten that name because it'll appear as a button without wrapping.  On some player apps, people usually see only the first dozen or so characters.  And you might want to do something about your second command's name as well.


Anyway, I managed to get Urwigo building the GWC and GWZ.  I did not check over your cartridge to see what else you were doing, so I don't know if what you think you're doing will work out in the end.  But if you do run into issues or need further help, please ask in the forum.  Just be sure to include all your media next time.

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