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Getting excited


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Laura, hope it goes well and you both come out healthy at the other end of the ride. Is this your first? illDRIVE and I are just now getting ready to start TRYING, so I am interested in hearing how you do, and how the whole experience was. illDRIVE won't admit this, but he is under the strict orders that when and if I go into labor.. my stress reliever WILL BE his family jewels. I mean, we may as well share the experience! icon_eek.gif

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Laura, hope it goes well and you both come out healthy at the other end of the ride. Is this your first? illDRIVE and I are just now getting ready to start TRYING, so I am interested in hearing how you do, and how the whole experience was. illDRIVE won't admit this, but he is under the strict orders that when and if I go into labor.. my stress reliever WILL BE his family jewels. I mean, we may as well share the experience! icon_eek.gif

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