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Wall Street Journal


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Originally posted by pdxmarathonman:


Pretty fun to read. Although the author mentioned some guy named Ben Higgins rather than the Oregone who _claimed_ to take her around caching icon_wink.gif


Did I really? Was I drunk? As far as I know, I've never taken a reporter geocaching. I did meet the Wall Street Journal reporter, but she didn't want anything to do with my hungover self and my bevy of potential explosis-girlfriends. I'll have to go look for that article, though.


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Originally posted by pdxmarathonman:


Pretty fun to read. Although the author mentioned some guy named Ben Higgins rather than the Oregone who _claimed_ to take her around caching icon_wink.gif


Did I really? Was I drunk? As far as I know, I've never taken a reporter geocaching. I did meet the Wall Street Journal reporter, but she didn't want anything to do with my hungover self and my bevy of potential explosis-girlfriends. I'll have to go look for that article, though.


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That story is one of the funniest geocaching articles i've ever read. Knowing explosis, i can totally picture everything she described in my head. How fitting that it was all on the day of the Girlfriends get-together.


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No offense to the subject of the story (Mister explosis) but I thought that the article was pretty sucky. Luckily none of my friends reads that rag.


Brain of a dog? Roll in manure? What the #@^%?


I'm glad to hear that our Main Man is only 24, but as has been pointed out, there ARE kids out there geocaching.


I wonder what happened to Andrea Peterson, who was originally doing the story for WSJ?



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