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Wherigo foundation wiki gone?


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Hi, I used to consult the Wherigo foundation Wiki whenever I needed some documentation on the Wherigo classes and objects around. It's here: http://wiki.wherigofoundation.com/

But, since a few weeks, it seems to be broken. The most valuable resource was in the 'View all pages' section, but that's just a dead link now. Is anyone aware if it will be back up and running anytime soon? Or is there anyone else who has some interesting documentation links around?

Thanks, SWIPEE

BTW: I did find this site with interesting info (in German) http://www.das-Wherigo-handbuch.de

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This is going to take a while.  I have all the wiki pages, but the wiki just won't connect to the database anymore.  I've tried several times to set up a new wiki site so I can restore the pages, but the wiki setup script keeps erroring when adding some of the database tables.  I've put in three hours tonight, so I'm going to get some supper and defer working on this until tomorrow or Saturday.

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No worries Ranger Fox... Enjoy your diner (although it probably already ended by now :))... I was just wondering if it would ever come back online (or if the same information is available elsewhere). My last cartridge was published last week, and I don't have immediate plans to start a new one ...

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure you are sitting on a wealth of information regarding Wherigo building, so anything you can share is much appreciated.

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Okay, so I spent I don't know how many hours converting the cached wiki pages back into the Mediawiki format.  Ugh.  It's late/early at night/morning.

I have everything working on my local NAS.  For reasons of privacy, I would not like to include that link here.

I've tried a ton of permutations to get Azure to construct the database and have failed each time.  It fails for a variety of reasons, my favorites being error code 1 and that my root/admin account doesn't have access to create a schema in an empty database.  All I really need is an empty SQL Server database for Mediawiki somewhere and I think I'll be able to bypass the setup process.

So my local NAS uses MariaDB.  I attempted to create a SQL Server integration project to import the data, but it errors because it says it can't convert some of the column data types (I was following some instructions I found online).  I'll keep trying after attending an event tomorrow.  Well, I guess that's later today, since it's almost 3AM.

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