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Cache Health Score

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The CHS is only visible to the Admins and Reviewers at this time.  Personally, I would find it useful to have it visible on my Listings, but I can understand the concern regarding "gaming" the system to try and influence it.

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Yeah the only time it's really relevant to know is if it's below the threshold, and that notification is already in place. Not a public notification - no 'shaming', no imminent consequence - just a private nudge. Knowing the exact 'value' of the CHS is pretty much unnecessary detail for us as cache owners (as nice as it would be to know). Even if a listing is bordering above the threshold, it's still in good standing, so no worries. Just maintain your caches when they *need maintaining.

* when the system thinks they need maintaining

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Some helpful info on how the health score works is here.    

An algorithm is used, and you get an email from HQ if your cache seems to have issues.  Too many DNFs, NMs, an NA, or unfound caches for a certain length of time .    D/T ratings are factored in as well. 

To be able to "see" how your standing is in ratings might make some people attempt to "rig" it, just to keep their score up.  We see some hit OM just to clear that red wrench now.  Better to simply maintain your hides as needed.  :)




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14 minutes ago, cerberus1 said:

To be able to "see" how your standing is in ratings might make some people attempt to "rig" it, just to keep their score up.  We see some hit OM just to clear that red wrench now.

And, that's when the human factor begins - if a reviewer finds out you've been cheating the system (ie, posting OM without doing OM when OM is actually needed), you will be earning much more scrutiny in the future.  It's not worth risking getting caught skimping on responsibilities.  And yes, occasionally a reviewer may suggest resetting the score by posting an OM - but that's only because the reviewer may understand that no OM is actually needed in such a case; it's a rare circumstance tho. Reviewers are [generally] very smart, observant people - don't fear them, talk to them :laughing:

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