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Should Video Logs Be Available for the Digital Log?

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This would be interesting for popular cachers out there such as The Geocaching Vlogger, and the Geocache Doc. It would enable the log to show the cacher talking about the cache and recording the way up to it, but it wouldn't spoil the cache's location. 

1 hour ago, TheTypingTeen said:

This would be interesting for popular cachers out there such as The Geocaching Vlogger, and the Geocache Doc. It would enable the log to show the cacher talking about the cache and recording the way up to it, but it wouldn't spoil the cache's location. 

As the cache owner, I would not be interested in getting video logs on my caches. However, I do think they would be fun to keep for your own interest.


Ditto. At best, just as you can post a photo with a log, the system could 'recognize' a standard video url and provide a thumbnail. But that's as far as I'd take it if at all. Definitely not a replacement for a standard text log. Many of us are geocaching vloggers now and I don't know anyone who'd actually create video logs for thepupose of cache listings. It's all about making bite-sized 'episodes' of experiences and fun for the general public.  And spoiler would be a HUGE concern (by watchers, and extra effort by loggers to avoid them; ultimately, you'd be videoing a spoken word text log in a location not resembling the hide the vast majority of the time)

So yeah, at best, show a thumbnail link (like photos) if there's a video url in the text (even that's problematic), but definitely not a replacement for text logs.

On ‎4‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 8:11 PM, TheTypingTeen said:

This would be interesting for popular cachers out there such as The Geocaching Vlogger, and the Geocache Doc. It would enable the log to show the cacher talking about the cache and recording the way up to it, but it wouldn't spoil the cache's location. 

"Popular cachers"?  Says who?  We don't enjoy nature with the thought our actions are interesting to anyone but us.  :) 

For us, nothing is more boring than watching another walk to a cache (okay, watching paint/spackle dry maybe).  It doesn't matter to us whether humor's inserted, or a group dresses like furries,  it's boring. 

Some reason, a video of  "well, here we are searching for a lamp post skirt in wallyworldland..."  doesn't sound fun (to me).
The ending, "What the...  Here comes the police again!" might be.

Oh yeah, and the spoilers and stuff...



  • Upvote 1

Speaking as an unpopular cacher :lol:, I'd give this a "no, and if it was to be implemented it would be the end of caching for me" vote.

Reasons :

a) Spoilers, obviously as everyone else has said . Telling folk not to spoil locations/containers in videos would simply not work, plenty of folk wouldn't read the guidelines or wouldn't care. So every CO would be obliged to watch all the vid.s their caches got, and then have the facility to remove them.

b ) Just imagine all those huge identical pointless copy/paste logs ( "My 3 thousand and thirty first day of continuous caching ! (insert about 30 random smileys here) and after meeting cachers X and Y and a hearty breakfast of .... drone drone ") transformed into long identical copy pasted vid.s the same for every cache they found that day. Bleurgh .

c) Just imagine all those tiny pointless "TFTC" logs transformed into brief vid.s of self obsessed folk gurning at the camera .

d) The Groundspeak servers couldn't cope with extra logs due to a promotion the last two weekends, if you expected to upload videos to the GS system too the hamsters would all suffer immediate heart attacks. A major upgrade would be needed, so who's gonna pay ? Will there be special high subscription vlog-prime membership rates for those who want to upload ? This is a site run for profit after all.

e) How many "popular cachers" are running a YouTube channel in the hope of making money from it I wonder ... If there were links to YT rather than GS hosted vid,s I can't imagine Groundspeak would be sanguine about providing free publicity for YT, free clicks through to YT, and free advertising revenue to YT. So who's gonna pay ? Special high subscription vlog-prime membership rates fo4 those who want to link ?

f) I've watched a handful of videos in the past, back when I was starting out, and even then found them uniformly tedious.

g) Good logs give COs and cachers information about a cache, you can read a log in the field to check on when the thing was last found, and if it seemed to be hidden as per the hint , if the co-ords seemed way out etc etc. Impossible to watch a video on a GPS, or where your 'phone gets no signal.

Caching is to do, not to watch. Finding a cache is all about the cache and the location, not the ego or self publicity of the finder.

  • Upvote 2

Interestingly, all of those things are possible and exist right now - but just by linking to the video in the log text, rather then adding the video as a native property of a log. So the issue really is if it were to become a native option of the logging process; if that were to happen, then they would likely become all the more prolific :)

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