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Poll: Olympia Cache Machine date


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When should it be?


If "either December 20 or December 27 work; January 3 doesn't", list it in the comments below. I can only give five choices.


If any of these three dates work for you, don't vote icon_cool.gif


If none of these work for you, well, icon_frown.gif See you in March.



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Well... I didn't vote, since the date doesn't really matter to me because I work on Saturdays. So I'll have to miss half or more of it anyways. I'm not exactly sure how these things work, hour wise, but I'm usually done with work by 2:30-3 ish. And I can't wait to do this. I'm very excited for an Olympia Event, because I'm 15 minutes south. Sunnydae & Co

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Originally posted by cacherunner:

big_smile.gif Can't wait, can't wait! And it will be much closer to home! We'll decorate the cachecruiser, and be there with lights on!! icon_cool.gif

PS: I voted for the 20th! icon_smile.gif

http://members.fortunecity.com/bbsmilies/compass.gif Real cachers don't smell like Fleecy.


[This message was edited by cacherunner on October 03, 2003 at 06:59 AM.]

Yeah, let's make the Cache Cruiser like Las Vegas...cool!

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I think that any of these dates work for me, although participating on the 20th depends on whether I've finished grading final projects and turned in semester grades. It will be a bit of a crunch, but a cache machine might motivate me to finish things. icon_smile.gif


My husband, BlankJeff, won't know until the date approaches. He has lots of deadlines at work in December. I'm hoping to bring him along this time!



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Don't care really! Just hurry up and get here, whatever date it is! CACHE ON!!! FIND THEM ALL!


The Cachecruiser: Perhaps a poll should be taken here. Do we:


A) Decorate it here in Victoria

:D Make it A Babaloo event, and everybody has a go at it?


It will be sporting a 400 watt inverter, as it it did at Spokane, which can power quite a few Xmas lights, et al.


About candy, we will again be bringing a few cases of chocolate bars, as we presume that this is now tradition. I will expect input by Dec. 15 on what kinds of bars to smuggle.


EGH!, we hope you will be travelling with us again, as well as our Imperious leader, GrandpaRocks.


I can't wait. Travis, I vote for this Sunday October 5. Why wait?


icon_geocachingwa.gif How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a piece of tupperware?

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Originally posted by SuperGenius:

Originally posted by marinerBC:

I can't wait. Travis, I vote for this Sunday October 5. Why wait?


http://www.geocachingwa.org/icon_geocachingwa.gif How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a piece of tupperware?


MBC this actually made me chuckle out loud.

I vote to decorate the geomobile the night of Club Babaloo!





Horizontals where it's at!

Hey that sounds good, Pepper! A group decorating the awesome Cache Cruiser!

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icon_smile.gif Well, with any luck,(ie Jan 3rd) I'll be able to make this one! It's funny that hubby and I were driving right through the area about 2 weeks ago on our Pacific Coast highway tour. Hoping to find a caching buddy or two willing to share my car. I'm up for smuggling chocolate too. The big 'ol chocolate smear all around my lips might give me away at the border though. Ahh, but I've got connections. icon_wink.gif Oh, wait, that's for coming back into Canada....


"You are cleared for geocaching."

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Originally posted by marinerBC:

Don't care really! Just hurry up and get here, whatever date it is! CACHE ON!!! FIND THEM ALL!


I can't wait. Travis, I vote for this Sunday October 5. Why wait?


http://www.geocachingwa.org/icon_geocachingwa.gif How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a piece of tupperware?


I agree, bring it on. October 5 sounds great to me! Why wait for Dec/Jan?!? icon_biggrin.gificon_rolleyes.gif

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Originally posted by marinerBC:

The Cachecruiser: Perhaps a poll should be taken here. Do we:


A) Decorate it here in Victoria

:D Make it A Babaloo event, and everybody has a go at it?


It will be sporting a 400 watt inverter, as it it did at Spokane, which can power quite a few Xmas lights, et al.


I think you should definitely make it a Babaloo event! icon_smile.gif



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What's wrong with a Sunday?


As an almost-atheist, Sundays would be fine for me. But I know of multiple cachers who have church-related events on Sundays that they'd do instead.


Secondly, for those who have to travel long distances, it's often possible to arrive Friday night, hotel for two nights, and drive home Sunday (that's what I did in Yakima). Moving it to Sunday would require Monday-to-Friday workers to take a Monday off.



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Originally posted by GroundClutter:

icon_smile.gif I'm up for smuggling chocolate too. The big 'ol chocolate smear all around my lips might give me away at the border though.

"You are cleared for geocaching."


You are welcome to steal my idea if you like. Feel free, and thanks. I won't bother.



How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a piece of tupperware?

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Originally posted by travisl:

What's wrong with a Sunday?


As an almost-atheist, Sundays would be fine for me. But I know of multiple cachers who have church-related events on Sundays that they'd do instead.


Secondly, for those who have to travel long distances, it's often possible to arrive Friday night, hotel for two nights, and drive home Sunday (that's what I did in Yakima). Moving it to Sunday would require Monday-to-Friday workers to take a Monday off.




Ok, gotcha travisl. Thanks!! I'm fairly new to this and have never done an event before. They sound fun. icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by marinerBC:

Originally posted by GroundClutter:

icon_smile.gif I'm up for smuggling chocolate too. The big 'ol chocolate smear all around my lips might give me away at the border though.

"You are cleared for geocaching."


You are welcome to steal my idea if you like. Feel free, and thanks. I won't bother.



EEEK! Mariner, I wasn't trying to steal your idea! I was agreeing with it! I love chocolate!!(see my profile) I was just trying to portray that with me, it wouldn't have a chance. I'd have it all eaten by the border. You should know I wouldn't do anything to undercut you.



"You are cleared for geocaching."

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Originally posted by GroundClutter:

I'm up for smuggling chocolate too. The big 'ol chocolate smear all around my lips might give me away at the border though. Ahh, but I've got connections. icon_wink.gif Oh, wait, that's for coming back into Canada....



Sorry GC, I did not mean to upset you.


Seriously, you are welcome to play chocolate Claus. Be informed that the 4 cases of bars that you will require are avavilable at lowest cost at the Real Canadian Wholesale Stores. This trip was going to be: one case Caramilk bars, one case Crunchie, On case assorted Rowntree Bars, and One case assorted Nestle Bars. I will be happy to chip in if you like, as I may be unable to attend the OCM.



How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a piece of tupperware?

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December 20: 8 votes

December 27: 6 votes

January 3: 16 votes


January 3 it is. Mark your calendars.


Here's a bogus route with old bad data, to whet your appetitite:



The cache page is GCH14F, once it gets approved. I'll fire off a new forum topic for it.



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Originally posted by SuperGenius:

MBC and CR what's this you might not be able to attend the OCM stuff!

That's unacceptable.





Horizontals where it's at!


Pepper it just depends on the work situation. December was very favourable for us, January is not so good. ( Income tax season begins here, and I have clients that want it complete by the 5th.)


This does not mean I am ruling it out, however. It will take having other people here adjust THEIR schedules. That could be difficult, as most people I work for (clients) are VERY inflexible. I will begin working on them now, so that they are softened up.


We will try our best, however. Never give up hope.



How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a piece of tupperware?

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