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Earwigo built: Tasks - Android Fail Garmin Complete


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I've been working on my third Wherigo, first one with multiple tasks,  using the Earwigo builder and ran across something strange in the testing phase. Everything worked great in the emulator, so I made a cartridge for testing on both a Garmin Oregon 450 and the Android WhereYouGo. Downloaded the appropriate software for each device but came up with different results for the same actions.

Doing the exact same thing with both devices, the Android had 3 tasks that failed while the Garmin had all 7 tasks complete. And the Android gave the messages associated with the Tasks being completed. I've tried recoding the tasks and managed to get one of the failed tasks on the Android to complete, one to stay pending even after the coordinates to the cache are give but one task continues to fail.

I'll keep playing around with it but am hoping for some advice on what else to try. My next try is to mark the task as Incorrect State when it's given, Correct when it's finished, and Complete when it's Correct instead of just Complete when it's finished. I thought it strange that it works all the way through on one device but not another. And I'm wondering how the iPhone will run it.

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Updating the post since I can't seem to delete it. I got all 7 tasks to complete on the Android by switching the Task Properties Correct State around on the other 2 tasks. Still seems strange that making the same choices on both devices, the Android would fail 3 tasks when the Garmin completed them all.

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