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The Search: a geocaching adventure

Guest parkman

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Guest parkman

bragging rights.


We think you are going to love this!!!!!


Be a part of the first ever geocaching benefit event! The Search proceeds will go for grants to Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks.


It's a full day of entertainment with food, fun, transportation, and event wear all included in the registration cost.


Let me know what you think!

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Guest dan_edwards_1966

Dang I was just out in the Northwest visiting family. I don't have that much vacation time left now, so I guess I will just have to hope a event comes closer to home.



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Guest maps-r-us

Have to agree with Matt and Laura - too expensive! The idea seems fun and we would love to come to a similar event but for two people w/o kids it would cost over $500 once you add in the additional transportation and lodging costs. We would need more than a months lead time to work that into the entertainment budget!


Hope it is successful, though, and we can plan on the follow-up event in a year!

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Guest DenaliNW

Don't know if you noticed - but the price has gone down, and the date has changed. I am certainly more interested now, just not to sure about the date - the baby arrival in April might put a major crimp in my activities icon_biggrin.gif

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Guest DenaliNW

Don't know if you noticed - but the price has gone down, and the date has changed. I am certainly more interested now, just not to sure about the date - the baby arrival in April might put a major crimp in my activities icon_biggrin.gif

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Guest MattandLaura

Come to think of it..I'll be in Federal Way the week of 4-29. I could stay up there Sat. Come home Sunday in time to goto Kentucky. Who's all interested

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Now that the price has come down to the affordable range, I think that Team Misguided (Myself,Wander Lost & Lost One) will be signing up. I couln't see spending $150.- for a 5 year old to be bored half an hour after we started.


Lost? I'm not lost. At least I don't think I'm lost, well............OK, maybe just a little.

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Misguided One -


I received lots of feedback on the price being too high... Since its the first of its kind on the West Coast, we weren't sure how to price the experience. However, I am certain that at $25 everyone can participate who is interested. I look forward to seeing you on the 4th of May.





Originally posted by Misguided One:

Now that the price has come down to the affordable range, I think that Team Misguided (Myself,Wander Lost & Lost One) will be signing up. I couln't see spending $150.- for a 5 year old to be bored half an hour after we started.


Lost? I'm not lost. At least I don't think I'm lost, well............OK, maybe just a little.

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