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oregone is not a Hungarian!


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I was recently cruising about caches pages, more specifically Hungarian caches. I noticed the they all log finds in a very simular way. The following is an example. In fact it is a bit extraodinary for Hungarian cache logs, because almost all of them just say: ''OK'' -Mukla. Page after cache page reads, OK..OK..OK.


December 8, 2002 by pokers (6 found)



October 5, 2002 by im (50 found)



March 15, 2002 by freddy.ws (freddy.ws) (199 found)




Now lets us compare one (only one should surfice) found cache log by that guy south of the border, Oregone. Ah, see! Proof of what I've always suspected. HE is NOT Hungarian!


February 23 by oregone (694 found)

I've always thought that i'd be a pretty good dad. With the exception of the hangover hours (9am-1pm), i've pretty much got the mentality of an 11-year-old: Video games and puzzles are totally my cup of tea, and to this day i can't stop giggling if someone says the word 'vagina.' Sometimes i'm even a pretty good 5-year-old because i genuinely enjoy doing something called 'the kitten dance.' I always think i'd be a pretty good dad until i actually have to be around children.

Give me six hours with a few children, however, and i'm completely sick of them. I have only so much energy for piggy back rides and dollar store kites before i become completely unenamored with the whole concept of procreation. My bones get too sore for doing the kitten dance, and there's only so much fun that anyone over 8 can get out of the blues clues CDROM. Yeah, i'm a great dad once every three weeks between the hours of 5pm and 9pm. after that, i grow a rediculous amount of respect for the people that have to deal with them for the rest of the time.

It's almost heart-wrenchingly hug-inducing when four children between the ages of 3 and 11 tell you that they think you're cool and that they wish you'd come over every weekend. half of me wants to agree with them, and the other half of me wants to tell them that the only reason they think i'm so cool is because i haven't totally lost my mind because i've only had to deal with them for half a day or so. the half of me that just agrees with them always wins, of course.

which leads me to the conclusion that i should indeed get married and have a few kids, then divorce her like nobody's business. I would be the perfect weekend dad. The kids would get 48 hours of doing whatever they wanted to: That would be including--but not limited to--drinking framboise, accepting one-dollar bills as tips when bringing me another beer, and helping me throw empty whiskey bottles at passing motorists. Throwing empty whiskey bottles at passing motorists is one of my favorite pastimes, so it's no surprise that i'd want to pass that on to my children.

But most especially, i'd teach them how to drive: Somewhere deep in my subconcious, i see a fortyish me with my nine-year-old daughter sitting behind the wheel of a '67 Cadillac convertible telling her that (A) red lights mean full speed ahead, and (;) the wicked flee, pursued or not. She'll take the wheel and i'll take the pedals, my lovely weekend-daughter's hair flapping in the afternoon sun like a banner in the wind as if to say, 'screw 4th grade, i'm living!'



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