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<script>function utmx_section(){}function utmx(){}(function(){var k='3682814-19',d=document,l=d.location,c=d.cookie; if(l.search.indexOf('utm_expid='+k)>0)return; function f(n){if(c){var i=c.indexOf(n+'=');if(i>-1){var j=c.indexOf(';',i);return escape(c.substring(i+n.length+1,j<0?c.length:j))}}}var x=f('__utmx'),xx=f('__utmxx'),h=l.hash;d.write('<sc'+'ript src=" '+'http'+(l.protocol=='https:'?'s://ssl':'://www')+'.google-analytics.com/ga_exp.js?'+'utmxkey='+k+'&utmx='+(x?x:'')+'&utmxx='+(xx?xx:'')+'&utmxtime='+new Date().valueOf()+(h?'&utmxhash='+escape(h.substr(1)):'')+'" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"><\/sc'+'ript>')})();</script><script>utmx('url','A/B');</script><meta name="og:type" content="article" property="og:type" /><meta name="fb:app_id" content="251051881589204" property="fb:app_id" /><meta name="og:description" content="Solve&#32;the&#32;mystery&#32;and&#32;then&#32;use&#32;a&#32;smartphone&#32;or&#32;GPS&#32;device&#32;to&#32;navigate&#32;to&#32;the&#32;solution&#32;coordinates.&#32;Look&#32;for&#32;a&#32;regular&#32;hidden&#32;container.&#32;When&#32;you&#32;find&#32;it,&#32;write&#32;your&#32;name&#32;and&#32;date&#32;in&#32;the&#32;logbook.&#32;If&#32;you&#32;take&#32;something&#32;from&#32;the&#32;container,&#32;leave&#32;something&#32;in&#32;exchange.&#32;The&#32;terrain&#32;is&#32;2&#32;and&#32;difficulty&#32;is&#32;5&#32;(out&#32;of&#32;5)." property="og:description" /><meta name="og:title" content="Electoral&#32;Challenge" property="og:title" /><meta name="og:image" content="https://www.geocaching.com/images/facebook/wpttypes/8.png" property="og:image" /><meta name="description" content="Electoral Challenge (GC720BM) was created by FreeSpirit115 on 03/12/2017. It&#39;s a Regular size geocache, with difficulty of 5, terrain of 2. It&#39;s located in New Mexico, United States.My fellow Americans (and tourists), four score and seven weeks ago, the ban on challenge caches was lifted.&#160; This YUGE challenge will fundamentally change your perspective on caching.&#160; And it is the best challenge ever!&#160; Believe me, it&#39;s fantastic." /><link rel="canonical" href="https://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=52b13fa7-ad1a-4989-97a0-6378f90e2b68" /></head>
<body background="https://image.ibb.co/dKkWOv/Background2.jpg" class="CacheDetailsPage">
    <form method="post" action="/geocache/GC720BM_electoral-challenge" id="aspnetForm">

Page: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC720BM_electoral-challenge?guid=52b13fa7-ad1a-4989-97a0-6378f90e2b68

AntiMalware warning:

Website Blocked




On checking whois for the website, all of the records for ibb.com are obfuscated. It is hosted in Panama.


Thanks for your time.

jim mcnamara (Tealeaf)

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I don't see the code you're seeing. I don't see the Background2.jpg image either.

I do run Noscript, Ghostery, Adblock and Disconnect but none of them list ibb.co.

<div class="UserSuppliedContent">
            <span id="ctl00_ContentBody_LongDescription"><p>The cache IS at the posted coordinates but don't misunderestimate this challenge.&nbsp; In order to log this, you must add up the electoral votes of all U.S. states&nbsp;in which you have found a cache (in accordance with the 2016 election)&nbsp;and they must total at least 270.&nbsp; All it takes is one cache in a state in order to count that state's electoral votes but there is no way around it -- this requires a lot of travelling (hence the difficulty level).</p>
<p><img alt="Electoral college map" src="https://image.ibb.co/b66o3v/Electoral_Map.png" style="float: left; width: 670px; height: inherit;" exify_intitialized="true" class="Pointer"></p>
<p>As far as requiring you to post proof that you meet the challenge requirements, I'm not gonna do it.&nbsp; I will check the statistics on your profile, though, and logs will be deleted if the challenge is not met.&nbsp;</p>
<p>To those who don't currently meet the challenge requirements, I feel your pain...but also envy you, as you now have&nbsp;a great excuse to tour this great nation (as though you needed one) and make geocaching great again!</p>
<p>Please use the challenge checker at the following link to verify that you meet the requirements for this cache: http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC720BM/27515</p></span>


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