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Beaverton Cache Machine


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Excellent. One I don't have to plan, and can just show up for icon_biggrin.gif


OK, now where's Beaverton? ... (checks map) ...


Cool. That's closer than I thought. For some reason, I figured it was down by Eugene.


I can't even see the page yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll be there.



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Cache page is up! Before planning any large scale pilgrimages to the Portland area though, you should know that there are ONLY a total of 30 caches involved in this event. We’ll be adding a bit of PDX fare to this Washington pastime.


"And then Trogdor smote the Kerrek, and all was laid to burnination."


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Originally posted by Team JOYSON:

Originally posted by Sparrowhawk:

I HOPE that the Contact cache is involved in this!!! icon_smile.gif



Sorry, but Contact is in Hillsboro icon_wink.gif


_"And then Trogdor smote the Kerrek, and all was laid to burnination."_



Well kinda... But it is for sure not in Beaverton. And rarely are caches of it ratings/caliber involved in a CM... So don't get your hopes up for The Plays The Thing either folks icon_wink.gif



* Remember... Only you can pervert forest faeries... *






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I am really tempted to fly down there for this one.


Would need to get the day off work and hitch a ride with someone.





I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

N61.12.041 W149.43.734

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Define "Beaverton"

If you go on the 'to be included' boundry of 185h & Baseline, you will find the 'location' of Clone of My Own Cache.


That one is not really in the middle of the intersecton [;-)]


Kiwimoster has 'located' this in Beaverton, but the physical cache may not be within the city of Beaverton.


Has someone all the co-ordinates of all the good coffee shops - not just the Starbucks?

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Originally posted by Boojum:

I'm really thinking about hitting this one!

The timing is just about right.

Will there be a list of the caches planned soon?


No planned list, No travel route, No PDF files big_smile.gif just show up & see what happens.


Disclaimer: No caches were harmed during the planning of this event. If you are the owner of a cache within Beaverton city limits, and are concerned about the well being of your cache, feel free to contact us via the site, and we will make fun of you... I mean, we will address any concerns that you may have.


"And then Trogdor smote the Kerrek, and all was laid to burnination."



[This message was edited by Team JOYSON on October 03, 2003 at 11:36 AM.]

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I am trying to get the day off. I can fly down for this if I do. Would need a ride from the airport to the event and back again afterward. Would be willing to pay gas money if someone is headed by and would be willing to help.



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

N61.12.041 W149.43.734

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Not wanting to give anything away here, but I am concerned about people getting mad at me for possibly giving the wrong impression. Although we will be hunting Beaverton caches as a group, this is not a true "Cache Machine". I'd hate for people to travel hundreds of miles, incurring signifficant expenses, only to be disappointed when they find out it wasn't what they thought. If your goal is to have fun with fellow cachers, and log another find, or 2, or 20... then come on down!


"And then Trogdor smote the Kerrek, and all was laid to burnination."


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I don't think I'm harboring any wrong impressions here. It starts at 2:00 p.m. and is a spoof of the Bremerton Cache Machine (and probably subsequent Cache Machines). It's obviously not going to be an all-day event, nor do I expect it to be a 'follow this route and get cache 1, then cache 2...' type of event.


It is, however, an excuse to go to Beaverton, where I've never been before. And it might get me an opportunity to visit the site of GC1, now GCGV0P (roughly a 45 minute drive from beautiful downtown Beaverton).


I'm looking forward to it.



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And I get great deals on air travel. No need to worry about expenses here. Fractal also pointed out that I can take the MAX straight into Beaverton from the airport.


Now all I need is the day off......


This is an excuse for me to get outside (that is Alaska slang for the lower 48) and get a taste of caching in other areas.



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

N61.12.041 W149.43.734

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Forecast keeps going from Sunny to chance of showers. Dress accordingly, we'll still be there!


And just to let you know, some of the harder puzzle caches (ie: PI, Prime, Isn't it obvious) are not included as part of the BCM, but are considered "optional" for those that have already solved the puzzles. Just in case anyone was getting excited about NOT having to complete the puzzles... sorry. tongue.gif


We're looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

"And then Trogdor smote the Kerrek, and all was laid to burnination."


[This message was edited by Team JOYSON on October 18, 2003 at 08:12 AM.]

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Well, for those of you wanting to see how a cache machine works, this was sort of not it. But what it was, was a great, fun time for all involved. A microcosim of PDX caching. Many caches to do (or redo as was the case for many of the participants), puzzles to solve, great group get togethers, and meeting new and old friends, and having a great time. I admit I had some misgivings about this event but let me say it was very good. Jason, you did a fantastic job of putting this together and we had a great time doing it. To those who missed it, I think a fun time was had by all. This is a great way to meet new friends and put faces with screen names, talk geocaching, lie about your exploits, and tell other tall tales. In other words lots of fun. Thanks to all involved in putting this on and to all the participants we really enjoyed all of you. Special thanks again to Team Joyson for the fun time, you guys ROCK!


I've gone to look for myself, if I should return before I get back, please keep me here.

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Thank you so much to everyone that showed up yesterday. It was great getting to meet many of the locals, and pleanty of people that traveled in from Washington and California. We couldn't have hoped for a better turn out.


With so many variables (puzzle pieces, final caches, weather, time frames, and dinner reservations), I was concerned that if even one thing went wrong that it would throw off the entire afternoon, but you guys executed it flawlessly... well almost.


Bazzle, as much as we'd love to take credit for the events that led to you falling behind at the end, our involvement in it was minimal/non-exhistant.


Thank you so much to PDXMarathonman, Fractal, Sparky, and Miraren for volunteering to help. I had this grand vision that I could pull everything off by myself, but I'm realizing now how naïve that would have been. It truely couldn't have gone as smoothly as it did without you guys.


We'll look forward to seeing all of you again soon.


"And then Trogdor smote the Kerrek, and all was laid to burnination."


[This message was edited by Team JOYSON on October 20, 2003 at 09:31 AM.]

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Originally posted by familyO'foxes:

So how many caches did you find on the cache machine?


I didn't get a running total from everyone, but here's the details of what happened.


We created a puzzle before hand which we dubbed "The Cube". This 3" wood cube was made up of 27 1"x1"x1" cubes which, when assembled, had different images from the Geocaching.com logo and encripted coordinates painted on the sides.


There were a total of 41 caches from the Beaverton area that were available. Of those we had hidden puzzle pieces in 26 "mandatory" caches, with the remaining caches being

optional. We gave them the 27th (center) piece of the puzzle at the beginning so everyone knew what they were looking for. It was also the only piece that was painted the same as the entire puzzle.


They were given roughly 2.5 hours to complete all 26+ caches, so they decided to split in to 3 or 4 teams (I lost track), and tackle different areas of Beaverton. I think each team wound up with around 8-10 finds after everything was said and done.


Meanwhile Fractal, Sparky, Miraren and I ran around and logged a few finds of our own. Eventually winding up at the final cache location in Greenway Park (where the coordinates from the puzzle led). At this final location we placed a traveling cache and a pumpkin that I had carved for the event.


Hidden inside the pumpkin were instructions to join up at Red Robin for food and fun, with the first to arrive receiving one of Geonap's highly coveted coins.


The coin went to Phildonnia from Sacramento,

The Puzzle went to Kiwimonster,

The Spike and Spoon went to Fractal,

The Royal Red Robin Burger went to my belly,

and the Pumpkin proudly sits upon our doorstep.


Great fun was had by all (except Bazzle who was apparently duped into going after a cache which had been removed due to some suspicious kids).


"And then Trogdor smote the Kerrek, and all was laid to burnination."


[This message was edited by Team JOYSON on October 20, 2003 at 11:07 AM.]

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I know you had no part in it Jason, it was just one of those turns of events, and for the record Wheelsman and GR&GG were with me on that ill fated hunt. We were laughing about it as we returned to the meeting place icon_smile.gif. Not too worry I still thoroughly enjoyed the event. The comments in my log were tongue in cheek icon_razz.gif



* Remember... Only you can pervert forest faeries... *





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Originally posted by Team JOYSON:

sweet pictures Kiwi! I'm glad you got some shots of everyone putting the Cube together. Did anyone get some pictures of the Pumpkin & some of the hunts?


What you see is all I have. When I am on the hunt, I am focused on the task - I don't usually think to take pictures. I only took that one picture of the unconstructed cube because we had to wait for everyone. icon_smile.gif

The pictures of the faces came about because we wanted a backup of what the cube had looked like in case we had screwed up the interpretation. People were leaving, so we had to do it fast - still nearly left Grandpa and Bazzle in the dust without the coordinates. icon_wink.gif

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Thanks again for a fun event. Personally, I'm glad it wasn't a "real" CM because I would have been too tired! I took some photos of the final cube and the pumpkin, but they are on a borrowed digital camera. When the pictures come in, I'll post them under my log on the BCM page. BTW, in case you didn't recognize me from my avatar, that's the other half of Phildonnia.

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Thanks Team JOYSON for a well done event cache. Hope the steaks weren't too well done. Yech.


I finally got my Medallion #1 cache fixed up.

I changed the location, and changed the puzzle format. Hope it makes more sense now. Thanks to Bazzle and GR&GG for the feedback on my previous puzzle.

The cache is ENABLED now, so go get it!


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