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Who Are The Lurkers? Introduce Yourself.

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Well...I'm more a newbie than a lurker, but I haven't begun to post yet. :lol: I am a father of four (who are all excited about my new hobby.) Once I get some experience, I will be joining in on a lot of discussions!!


I lurk on this forum as I do on several others (Relating to Pocket PC's, motorcycle racing, GPS etc). I will contribute when I feel that I something of value to add or a question that I need answering.


I would rather work this way than post for postings sake.


Iain Sheard (Sheards)

Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.


Another  good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can.


I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in.


There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. :(


Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself.

Hey everyone. Actually I am in the posts alot but rarley reply. Going to change that. Me and my wife are both new to caching, but absolutley love it. We are both military, so geocaching puts right at home (Land Navigation and such). Just wanted to say hi and thanks for having us.


Happy Hunting, Team Geo Joes


Pattycat saying hi,


I am not a lurker nor a stalker of any sort. When I have a question that no one I've asked can answer then I come here to ask it. I sure don't like to read all the crap/bad stuff here and boy there sure is some "stuff". Fighting angry stuff?


Wow. I thought this was a fun thing to do. Why do people get so angry at so little? Granted I don't read everything so I don't know at all why some are angry but....sorry it's just the way I feel. Isn't life supposed to be fun? Isn't that why Geocaching was invented???? :(


Well, at least I have fun geocaching and when I've posted a question I've gotten a decent response back and that's fun too.


And thanks to all that have responded by the way.


I'm just getting started. I bought my receiver a few weeks ago, but I had to spend the past few weeks taking care of my mother after major surgery, so I haven't gotten out yet. This weekend for sure!! I live in northern Colorado, right at the foot of the Rockies, and a lot of the caches around here are up in the mountains. I can't wait to get started.


I'll try to do a LOT of reading here so I won't make ignorant posts (don't you just hate newbies who do that?). I have a mentor on this forum, though, a very experienced (and very sexy) cacher, so I'll bug him instead of you folks if I have dumb questions. B)


This is a great forum. Thanks!


I would consider myself more of a newbie to the forums. I actually just looked at them tonight for the first time.


Forums are mostly alike though. There is usually flame wars going on in all of them.


I, too, consider myself more of a noob than a lurker -- only caching for a couple months now. To date, most of my posts have been regarding questions I've had, and I'm lurking mostly to pick up information. There are a lot of funny people here, though, so lately with 60 finds under my belt now, I'm reading more for entertainment than for info.


I'm sure at some point, I'll have something to say that I think someone would want to hear, but not so much so far...




I'm a noob to this. What got me interested in GPS and geocaching was a galvanized steel rod hammered in the ground at the corner of my property in NW Arkansas (Between Busch and Beaver). I spent years looking for that frigging thing. Finally found it this spring. Now I need to project a line about 0.5 miles due east and find the next IR(or maybe a USACE survey marker on the fee take line). U. Arkansas's geostor was immensely helpful, and I recommend any Arkansas people to check it out GeoStor. Their DOQ Color IRs are just to die for! Wonderfully accurate too! I bought a Garmin 60c from getsfeetwet based on recommendations found here.


I lurk.. occasionally post.. I've been into the sport for 2 yrs now. My brother-in-law intoduced me to it one weekend in northern vermont. I in-turn intoduced it to my cousin who lives in Ohio, who was visiting a different weekend at the same place in vermont. (Parents own property in Northern Vermont) I'm from NH, love this sport. It takes me places I'd never go on my own. You learn more about an area by searching for a small container than if you simply hiked to it and went 'oOoO...AhHhHh..' then went on your merry way. Although my geosense is a tad rusty.. I try to go every other day. Be safe in the woods, Happy Geocaching.

Xavier961 :D


I used to be a major poster, back in the 'good ol days'. Now, I am a lurker.


One day, we will be allowed to be funny and silly again, and I shall reap my rewards... till then, I shall lurk.


i found geocaching through wheresgoerge... and for a while i would just go out and "play" with my gps.. just looking up locations and going out, just to see the areas.. i would read through the boards and site, but because of a heavy work/travel schedule i just never really placed a cache or left anything in one.. in fact i never signed up until this weekend, and then i found one across the street from my mothers house, and couldnt get to it because of locked gates...


now im going to be in brasil for a while, and im thinking of leaving some down there....


Hi Dee Ho!


Stooper and B. here. As you can see here, we're new. We have been caching since way back when in Tewnty "ot" Four when we heard about this here new fangled type 'o hunting fer goods ye see. Well, we just had to give it a whirl. Now yous people went an' got us hooked. I like it, I like it a lot.


I ain't got much more to say, so I ain't gonna say it. :lol:


See you when I see you.



New guy here, Just thought I would say howdy, Im here in Salt Lake City,Ut. Im married have 2 kids girl and a boy and 2 hound dogs.

Only been Geocaching for about a month, Ive had friends that have been doing it for a while, I put out my own cache already, had a few people there some happy about it some soso.

Like I said just an intro. :lol:

Have fun




Well, I see that not too many regulars reply here. Don't know if you read them or not. My name's Tom (obviously). I was introduced to geocaching just a couple of weeks ago by a friend who knew I had a GPSr. I've been excited about it ever since. I've mostly just been lurking and learning these last couple of days so as not to upset any of the regulars. I know on some boards newbies are looked down upon, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Anyways, it'll be great getting to know some of you along the way, and happy caching to all!!

Well, I see that not too many regulars reply here. Don't know if you read them or not. My name's Tom (obviously). I was introduced to geocaching just a couple of weeks ago by a friend who knew I had a GPSr. I've been excited about it ever since. I've mostly just been lurking and learning these last couple of days so as not to upset any of the regulars. I know on some boards newbies are looked down upon, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Anyways, it'll be great getting to know some of you along the way, and happy caching to all!!

Hi and welcome.


The 'regulars' are not really supposed to post here. I am kind of a regular tho and this is one thread that I always check out. I think quite a few others read it often too.

Well, I see that not too many regulars reply here.  Don't know if you read them or not.  My name's Tom (obviously).  I was introduced to geocaching just a couple of weeks ago by a friend who knew I had a GPSr.  I've been excited about it ever since.  I've mostly just been lurking and learning these last couple of days so as not to upset any of the regulars.  I know on some boards newbies are looked down upon, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.  Anyways, it'll be great getting to know some of you along the way, and happy caching to all!!

Hi and welcome.


The 'regulars' are not really supposed to post here. I am kind of a regular tho and this is one thread that I always check out. I think quite a few others read it often too.

thanks for the welcome, and thanks for the clarification!! :huh:


Hello fellow Geocachers! We are finally in a good "groove" with our Geocaching adventures and plan to spend more time around the boards, so hopefully will do more posting and less lurking.

We started Geocaching last December, waited for the big thaw and then picked it up again this past April. :blink: We are officially HOOKED!!

Oh, and the "We" would be Robert, Danya, Melanie and Alexa (along with an assorted group of friends we take along with us) out here in the Midwest.


Danya of Team Dow :lol:

<_< I was a lurker for a few weeks as I am fairly new to caching. until this evening I had not posted anything. When I did I was quite surprised as to the mean spirited words of fellow cachers. I responded to thank the poster and as I was appalled at the anger from another . I most likely will not enter again, I will be here though appreciating all I can learn from others, but since it is so mean spirited and nasty I would rather lurk, but will remain in the shadows observing and learning new things. I love this new hobby and have faith that most other cachers are not as angry as I see in these threads.


Gotta be a lurker since this is my first post. Also a newby since when I tried to leave a message on another topic... took me 10 to figure out how to log in. Enjoying everything so far. Gotta think of a quote though...


Life is like an ice cream cone. You have to learn to lick it. (Charlie Brown)



1 find

1 unable to find


I am working on it!


I've yet to do any geocaching. I have a friend who is into it and it sounds like it would meld perfectly with two of my passions -- hiking and nature photography. I'm just reading posts right now to get up to speed on the sport and to help me make a final decision on which GPSr to buy.


I've had two Magellans that turned out to be lemons. An ST Pro that kept shutting itself off after a few days of ownership and a Mer Gold that died instantly after I installed it's first set of batteries. Do I give them a third chance or just switch to Garmin? Needless to say, I'm without a GPSr at the moment. In fact, I'm still trying to decide if I even need mapping capability.


So until I make my final decision, I'll just lurk 'n learn.




Evil Chicken and his brood here (Mother Hen & the Three Chicks). We are fairly new to geocaching (started in March) and we're hooked!! We've had several adventures on the trails already (caching with kids, esp. girls always makes it interesting)! Post a little, lurk a lot!


Special "shout out" to chstress53 - we met at Dirty_Bird's hi-tech Easter egg hunt back in April!


This thread is asking for perspectives on the "forum experience." Mine is a little different from that of a lurker, but I appreciate the chance to share it.


I've been geocaching since '01, but only started reading the forums early this month. Instead of lurking for a while, to get the lay of the land, I hauled off and immediately started a topic that was of interest to me (the now-defunct Muggle thread).


I got some pretty thoughtful, even philosophical, responses, dealing with the history of language, social momentum, the etymology of the word. Cool stuff.


I also got name-called, insulted, and belittled, not just on the thread but also in at least one other topic. Now, please don't think I'm whining about it; I think it probably comes with the territory of starting a topic, especially when you take a strong stance in introducing the topic, as I did (read my initial post). Lively discussion has to allow for the negative as well as the positive, and the thread ended up with plenty of both.


I do feel, however, that a line gets crossed when negative comments target the person, rather than the topic. I can see how people who have legitimate questions or comments might shy away from participating, for fear of getting attacked.


I suppose that some people could have read my posts as insulting or personal, and if so, then I deserved what I got. But I've also read plenty of innocent, if ignorant, posts from others that provoked very harsh and/or condescending replies.


It doesn't make sense (it's in fact contradictory) to suggest any kind of censoring of these kinds of comments. I'm all for free speech. On the other hand, I encourage all of us on the forums to condemn these attacks when we read them. They cheapen discourse, and foster an environment hostile to the free exchange of ideas and opinions.


I will continue to read and post, because I find there is a lot to be learned from the geocaching community, worthwhile despite the turbulence of a few negative folks.


Thanks to GC staff and community for the fun pastime and interesting discussions.



I do feel, however, that a line gets crossed when negative comments target the person, rather than the topic. I can see how people who have legitimate questions or comments might shy away from participating, for fear of getting attacked.


I suppose that some people could have read my posts as insulting or personal, and if so, then I deserved what I got. But I've also read plenty of innocent, if ignorant, posts from others that provoked very harsh and/or condescending replies.

Excellent point, especially in a hobby forum. I've noticed a few posts that I felt crossed the line in my short stay here. I can understand this type of "hostility" in a political message board, but not in one geared for a hobby. It makes no sense. But thankfully, these posts are in the minority and I'll continue to ignore them.




Introducing myself.


Hi, I am in the UK and am brand new to caching and the board.


I aint even got my findyerwayaround thingy yet, but I will get one as soon as money allows, this caching sounds fun :blink:


Going to lurk and learn for a while.

Posted (edited)

Hi everyone....not really new (did a few caches with another hobby but never recorded them) but just getting the bug again (thanks kascinoh). This is one thing my hubby doesn't mind doing with me ... so its great for me and my son. Located in Ohio, just outside of Cincinnati. Hope to someday make it to one of the events in my area...once I figure this all out :blink:


...now back to lurking :ph34r:

Edited by ameliapezgirl

Hey, 1st post (but it's not about the numbers, right? :blink: )

I've been caching for 2 months now and reading the boards for the past week or so. Getting pretty wrapped up in all of this - currently brainstorming for a signature item, possible cache locations and travelbug items.


I would like to Hi, David here, new to geocaching. My son and I do it. Have found 7. We are making a cache and are going to hide it soon. Great fun. :D


Total newbie here. I've been following the forums for a long time. Kind of forgot about it for a year or so. Last week I went looking for a cache with a friend, he had just purchased a MeriGold we failed to find the cache but now I'm hooked. I'm just waiting for my Geko 201 from Wallyworld. :D


Well, I lurk here around once a week but rarely make any posts. If I post at all it's usually to answer a question, never to submit my opinion. It seems as soon as you do you will get flamed by the locals. You watch, I just broke my own rule.


I am not a lurker, nor am I a poster. I used to read the forums and post replys about 2 years ago. Then I started noticing that given enough time (a couple months or so) the same stuff got said again. I figured I had better places to invest my time. I just opened the forums yesterday for the first time in quite awhile to get an update on the Jeep TB thing.

We lurk, in so doing we are sponging in all the useful information and skimming off the flotsom that any good spring develops. We feel we have no need to add to the turbulance that seems to inevitably "stir the waters". It's not that we are afraid to post, it's just we don't need to post. Thanks

I feel the same way. If I think I have someting interresting to add to a conversation, I do so. Otherwise I just poke around and skim through the forums looking for topics of intrest.




Well, this is my first time on the Geocache forums and everyone seems pretty kind to me. I'm really interested in CiTo and such.

Thought I might as well say hi and introduce myself any how,

My name is Haley and i am the leader of The Barry Goldwater High School Geocaching BandGeeks.

The Band Geeks are a group of friends (mostly band geeks a few non) that all share the common interest of hiking. since we know the mountains well enough already i introduced them to geocaching. they love it and we do it now. so that's that story. all in all there are anywhere from 2-12 people in our group at any given time.

we have not cached in quite a while though. now that schools out that might change. nice to meet you all anyhow!


As a result of the Jeep Contest and release of the travel bugs Mack and I are once again involved in GeoCaching. We have been lurkers in the past but will be more active, both in the field and here on the boards.



;) Until recently I have been a lurker. Ihave only braved recently the posting thing. I too do not like any of the Hostility and anger. I use the lurking to learn and I would prefer to only post if I do not wish to be insulted.. So I do not post as often as I would like. I have just joined a local site that talks about this hobby and I have high hopes that there are not as many insults and sarcasim as I have seen here. If that is true I will spend more time there.

Hi All,

I am (or at least was) a lurker. I found my 11th today so I decided to finally post. Also I came up with a tag line for my posts so I wouldn't look too much like a new guy. I bought my GPS in the late 80's, a Garmin 38 to find Maidenhead Grid Squares (for Ham Radio stuff) and it is verrrrrry sloooooow to update as I walk but seems to find coords OK.


Thanks for all the help and advice I get from the posts.




Clint in Western Kentucky...

:bad: Hi everyone.. im a newbie to geocaching, heard about it on www.wheresgeorge.com.. for now i am a lurker .. as someone said.. to get the feel. I also agree with.. short postings r needed. not books. I'm enjoying this game very well.

hey all, my name is The Rocket Surgen. I'm 14, and am new to geocaching. Me and my mom have been getting into it latly, and have been doing lots in the last couple of weeks. I will try not to be a lurker, but i can't promise any thing :bad:

ttyl peeps




I've been lurking for a week or so. I was only going to buy a GPSr because I'm a geek, and it was a toy I did't have yet. B)


I was checking out the Garmin site, which led me to geocaching.com, and here. I think it took lewss than a minute to go from "what the heck is geocaching anyway?" to "Way cool. I want to do that!"


The amount of information available here is amazing. It made my decision on which unit to get (Garmin GPSMAP 60CS) very easy. Thanks everyone!


My GPSr arrived yesterday evening (I was outside at 11PM walking in small circles calibrating the compass!), so I haven't had time to locate any caches yet, but as there are a few within walking/cycling distance of home, it won't be long!


I'm currently living in Marina Del Rey, CA, but I'm from the UK. I'm just over here helping our clients install some software, so I have a couple of months to find some caches over here before heading back to the UK. If I can find any travel bugs that want to go to Dundee, Scotland, I'll happily take them with me! :lol:

My GPSr arrived yesterday evening (I was outside at 11PM walking in small circles calibrating the compass!),


Kinda spooky... I was doing the exact same thing. My neighbors must have thought I had been "hitting the bottle" or something.




I was a lurker until Internet Explorer decided it didn't like the Groundspeak Forums. So I downloaded Mozilla Firefox and now I am back in action, or lurking I guess :huh: .

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